The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 19 Five-Star God Curse

Chapter 19 Seven Stars Curse
The old tutor's voice was somewhat hypnotic. Xian Wu pinched his thighs to keep himself awake and wrote down what he didn't understand on paper.

"The soul power range of a bronze one-star demon spiritual master is from one hundred to 190 nine, the soul power range of a bronze two-star demon spiritual master is from two hundred to 290 nine... The soul power range of a bronze five-star demon spiritual master is from five hundred to nine hundred 99.”

"Have you noticed? The soul power required to advance from a bronze five-star level to a silver one-star level is five times as much as the soul power required for a small star level promotion."

"As a rule, we call demon spiritual masters with soul power over [-] peak bronze peak demon spiritual masters."

"The same goes for other major levels. A demon spiritual master whose soul power exceeds six times the soul power of one star is called a peak demon spiritual master."

"The strength gap between peak-level demon spiritual masters is very large. Although they are both peak demon spiritual masters, if they really fight, they will probably be killed instantly."


The old instructor gave a long lecture on a lot of basic knowledge, and it was only after class that he remembered to teach the students how to cultivate their soul power.

"I'm sorry, I'm getting old and I'm a little confused." The old teacher scratched his head and began to copy the mantras on the blackboard.

The sun rises in the east, and there is great light.The spirit guards me, and the gate of celebration is established.Lucun Gonghui, not Yun Binggang.Take control of the economy, and take photos of Da Kuang...

According to the old teacher, this is the basic soul power cultivation method of Shenglan College - the seven-star magic spell.

Under the resentful gaze of the Monster Class teacher, the old instructor smiled awkwardly and asked the students to figure it out on their own first.

Tomorrow afternoon, he will formally explain to everyone the specific method of practicing the Seven Star Divine Curse.

Xian Wu touched his nose and cursed: This old man is really good. He talked nonsense for a whole class without saying anything useful.

After sending away the naive old instructor, the instructor of the monster class coughed lightly: "Quiet, let's start class now."

During the class, the instructor explained in detail a bronze-level monster called the "horned sheep", including the horned sheep's habits, attack methods, and valuable parts of the horned sheep.

"You must pay special attention to the madness of the horned sheep. Once you find that the horned sheep's eyes turn red, leave immediately and don't be too eager to fight, otherwise your life will be in danger."

"After a Bronze-star horned sheep goes berserk, its strength is comparable to a Bronze-star two-star monster, which is very dangerous."

"However, don't worry. The horned sheep's madness lasts for a very short time, and as long as it survives the period of madness, the horned sheep will fall into a weak state. By then, even if you have not reached the bronze warrior level, Can kill it."

"Although the horned sheep have this weakness, the instructor still does not recommend that you go to the trial site to provoke them now."

"First of all, horned sheep are gregarious monsters, and secondly, you can't run as fast as horned sheep. If you are not careful, you will be gored and seriously injured."

"It doesn't matter if you get injured, but it's not good if you delay your studies. Don't forget, the bottom three will be expelled from school."

"Okay, that's it for today's lesson. Remember what the instructor said, if you don't seek death, you won't die."


The next two history lessons and geography lessons are relatively boring, and they all talk about some dark age knowledge.

In the Dark Ages, mankind was attacked by countless monsters, major empires were destroyed one after another, and mankind was almost wiped out.

Today, only a few human strongholds survive.

The monsters are getting stronger and stronger, and the human race is getting weaker and weaker. If there is no great man born to lead the human race to counterattack the monster beasts, the demise of the human race will be a matter of time.

The sun sets in the west and the glow gradually dims.

The day's study life is finally over.

After a sumptuous dinner, Xian Wu and Zhu Junxiang came to the bathhouse.

As usual, there were no people in the bathhouse, and there was no hot water in the boiler.

He used the devil's left hand to heat two large buckets of hot water, and the two jumped into the water with a "pop".

"Brother, you are awesome. You became the class representative on the first day. We will have to rely on you in the future." Zhu Junxiang complimented. If he changes his name to Zhu Junwu, will the class representative be his? What's up?

What makes him even more envious is that his eldest brother can stand face to face with the goddess Ning'er.

You must know that as time goes by, feelings will develop.Alas, I should change my words from now on. Instead of calling her goddess Ning'er, I should call her sister-in-law!
Zhu Junxiang was a little disappointed when Xian Wu refused to talk to him.

My big brother is good at everything, but he has a weird personality.

Zhu Junxiang rubbed his back and vaguely heard a small muttering coming from the side.

"The sun rises in the east...the great light...the spiritual gods guard me...the celebration of the gate is established..."

Zhu Junxiang understood. No wonder he ignored him. It turned out that his eldest brother was concentrating on reciting the Seven Stars Mantra.

The eldest brother is the eldest brother. He doesn't forget to study even when taking a shower. He deserves to be the class representative.

He didn't go back to the dormitory at noon, so he probably found a secluded place to practice by himself, right?

The path to the mountain of learning is hard work, and he must learn from his elder brother.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, Xian Wu and Zhu Junxiang walked out of the bathhouse together.

The man who burned the boiler watched the two people leave with a confused look on his face.

Today's young people are in good health and can only take a cold bath for half a day.


Without staying too long in the dormitory, Xian Wu put on his student badge and prepared to go to the trial site.

The students spend most of the day in class and have little time to hunt in the trial area, so the trial area is also open at night.

"Xian Wu, what are you doing so late at night? Don't tell me you're going on a date?" Zhang Ming lay on the bed, covered with a quilt, leaning on his chin and staring with his big eyes.

"A date? That's right!" Xian Wu nodded, "A female student from the next class asked me to go to the night market, so I won't accompany you."

After saying that, Xian Wu gently closed the door.

real or fake?Zhang Ming blinked Kazilan's big eyes.

After verifying the student's card with the guard, Xian Wu walked into the trial area carrying a flare.

The bright moon shines brightly.

The jungle is darker at night than during the day.

Xian Wu plucked up the courage and explored the depths of the trial area with the help of the looming moonlight.

Suddenly, the nearby bushes shook.

Xian Wu immediately guarded his body with his left hand vigilantly, and at the same time raised the stick in his right hand that was used to scare off grass and scare snakes.

Several senior students waded through the bushes and walked over. They looked at Xian Wu, who had nothing to offer, and left disappointed.

Xian Wu breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move deeper into the jungle, trying to find a place where he could practice quietly.

Along the way, he met several groups of people.

There are so many people in the jungle.

Xian Wu left the jungle and came to a stone forest with jagged rocks and a maze-like interior.

And there seems to be no roar of monsters here, it is very quiet and secretive.

Continuing to walk deeper into the pile of rocks, Xian Wu found a bonfire, but it had been extinguished for a long time.

Xian Wu picked up the dry firewood that someone had placed nearby, piled it into the bonfire, gathered some dry grass as kindling, and took out the firewood to light the bonfire.

This should be an abandoned campsite belonging to a certain student, but it is now owned by him.

(End of this chapter)

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