Chapter 216 Soul Fusion
"One sword strike will make your peach blossoms blossom!" After receiving Ye Yan's reply, Xian Wu did not hesitate and struck with the Thunder God's Meteor Sword.

Looking at the unscathed Long Sha, Xian Wu Linxian was stunned. Was the Thunder God's Meteor Sword too rubbish, or was the dragon's blood treasure body too hard?

Ye Hong was accustomed to this. For more than a month, their Snow Dragon Guards used various weapons and tried various methods, but they could not break through the dragon evil defense.He could understand that Xian Wu would fail, but Xian Wu himself did not understand.

"Boy, the Thunder God's Meteor Sword cannot be used as an ordinary sword. It needs to be infused with soul power." Patriarch Ye Yan reminded.

After receiving instructions from Patriarch Ye Yan, Xian Wu injected his soul power into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword. In an instant, the sword thundered loudly and lightning flashed.

Stroking the blade of the sword, Xian Wu realized something and thought to himself: "This sword is a converter that can convert soul power into thunder and lightning."

The meteor god's thunder sword itself has average physical attack power, but the power it transforms into thunder and lightning is extremely powerful.

As more soul power is injected into it, the lightning of the Thunder God's Thunder Sword becomes more and more dazzling and its power becomes stronger and stronger.

Xian Wu wanted to try the limit of the Thunder Sword of the Meteorite God, but found that there was no upper limit to its power, how much soul power was infused, and how much power it produced.Infuse all the soul power stored in the soul sea and the nightmare demon pot, and the power of the Thunder Sword of the Meteorite God can reach the spirit god level.

The beating thunder light from the sword made Ye Yan, Ye Mo and Long Sha feel the breath of death.

If they were struck by this sword, they had no doubt that their souls would be destroyed.

"Stop, stop Xian Wu! Keep a line as a human being so that we can meet again in the future. No!" Long Sha gave in decisively and begged for mercy again and again.


Xian Wu swung the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, and the blade didn't even touch Long Sha. The thunder surrounding him destroyed Long Sha's treasure.

"Ah!!!" Long Sha screamed like a slaughtering pig. Because the pain was too severe and unbearable, he passed out directly.

"What a strong dragon's blood body, the wound healed in the blink of an eye." Ye Yan stroked his beard in amazement.

By the way, does this kid really have a way to fuse his soul with the dragon blood treasure body?

Seeing Xian Wu helping Long Sha pull up his pants, Ye Mo relaxed his hands with relief.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Ye Ziyun, who had regained her sight, stared at her big watery eyes and asked curiously.

Her uncles looked embarrassed and remained silent.Ye Zong scolded: "Children, don't ask too much about adults' matters!"

Ye Ziyun was so frightened that her delicate body trembled and she hurriedly hid behind her grandfather Ye Mo.Ye Mo glared at Ye Zong fiercely.

Ye Zong touched his nose, changed the topic, and urged: "Xiao Wu'er, hurry up and get that soulless body, everyone is waiting to see."

"Wait a moment!" Xian Wu silently operated the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art" to withdraw the soul power poured into the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God.

Just a simple castration of the dragon demon consumed millions of his soul power. This dragon-blood treasure body is really worth it.

Putting the Meteor God's Thunder Sword into the space ring, Xian Wu placed his palm on Long Sha's forehead and silently said: "Soul disintegration!"

In an instant, Long Sha disappeared from the spot, and the iron chains that bound him quickly rebounded in all directions, banging against the thick stone wall.

Ye Mo quickly summoned the ice and snow dragon and lion demon spirit to possess him, while protecting Ye Ziyun behind him, he looked around cautiously.

"Boy, where did you take that death row prisoner named Long Sha?" Ye Yan turned around a few times but found nothing.

Xian Wu smiled and said nothing. Before Ye Zong and others could react, Xian Wu pinched the magic formula with his hand and transformed the dragon evil.

"I have made Longsha into a soulless body. Come and take a look." Xian Wu clapped his hands and turned around.

"Has it been made into a soulless body?"

"When or how it was made, I didn't see anything."

"Xiao Wu'er, are you fooling us?"

The elders of the Fengxue Family were talking a lot. Ye Mo walked over with Ye Ziyun, followed closely by Ye Zong.Half squatting on the ground, Ye Mo opened Long Sha's eyelids and checked. The pupils were not dilated and the eyes were moving. Long Sha was not dead.

Ye Mo felt worried and felt his pulse again. Long Sha's pulse was very strong, like beating a drum, and his body was very healthy and strong.

"Is this the soulless body you made? Why doesn't it look like there has been any change?" Ye Zong kicked the Dragon Blood Treasure Body twice.

Ye Zong felt that Long Sha just fainted from pain and would wake up soon, so he grabbed the iron chain and prepared to tie him up.

Xian Wu raised his hand to stop Ye Zong and explained: "Father, there is really no need to lock up anymore, Long Sha has turned into a vegetative state."

After making the soulless body, the next step is to fuse Ye Yan into it. Now to lock it, it's basically like pulling up your pants and taking a shit.

"Xian Wu, how do you prove that he has become a vegetable?" Ye Ziyun questioned, pointing to Long Sha lying on the ground.

The scene just now was too incredible. The dragon suddenly disappeared and then suddenly reappeared.None of them saw the specific steps and operations. Xian Wu said that he had made Long Sha into a soulless body, which was really unacceptable.

"Everyone be quiet." Ye Mo suddenly spoke, he stood up slowly, and then said: "I don't know whether Long Sha's soul has disappeared or not, but I just used a secret method to detect it, and the demon spirit in Long Sha's soul sea is gone. gone."

"Xiao Wu'er, did the soulless body you made also eliminate the demon spirits in it?" Ye Mo looked at Xian Wu and asked.

The demon spirit is gone?This result surprised Xian Wu, he had only done experiments with hens before, never with humans.

Since the demon spirit has also disappeared, it proves that "soul disintegration" can completely decompose all the souls in the target's body, leaving only the body.

"Yes, that's right!" Xian Wu nodded.

Patriarch Ye Yan got impatient and said anxiously: "How long do you want to study this? Xian Wu and I have a life-long relationship. I believe what he said. Let me get in."

Since the person involved requested it, Ye Mo and Ye Zong couldn't say anything more.

"Everyone, get out of the way. I'm going to use the guidance technique to assist Senior Ye Yan in merging." Xian Wu asked everyone to step back two meters away.

Everyone watched Xian Wu's work without blinking, and were full of expectations for Xian Wu's "art of borrowing corpses to bring back souls."

Xian Wu laid Long Sha flat, face up, and then asked Patriarch Ye Yan to lie flat and float above Long Sha, parallel to it.

"Senior Ye Yan, please bear with me for a moment." Xian Wu pinched the magic formula with his hand, and his soul power came out of his body, completely covering Ye Yan.

The hands of everyone watching were sweating. They had never seen such a strange scene in their lives.

Xian Wu controlled Ye Yan's soul to slowly descend, from feet to head, melting into the dragon's blood body one by one.

After Ye Yan was completely immersed in the dragon blood treasure body, Xian Wu released his soul power.

"Did you succeed, Xian Wu?" Ye Ziyun asked nervously.

"Not sure, it should be successful, right?" Xian Wu was not very confident.

After hearing this, everyone quickly gathered around.

After waiting for about half an hour, Patriarch Ye Yan still didn't wake up. Ye Zong asked anxiously: "Xiao Wu'er, how long does it take for the soul to merge with the body?"

"I don't know, it could be an hour or two, or a year and a half. After all, this is my first time to do this kind of experiment." Xian Wu replied.

First time experimenting?After hearing Xian Wu's words, everyone looked at him angrily.Isn't it too daring to test the ancestor of the Glory City for the first time?
Ye Mo said coldly: "Xiao Wu'er, you are too hasty. It's okay that Patriarch Ye Yan wakes up, but if he doesn't wake up, you have done a great sin. Ye Zong, temporarily remove Xian Wu from his position as Young City Lord and punish him to the Valley of Unfeeling Abstinence for three years to see the effects."

"Yes!" Ye Zong grabbed Xian Wu's arm and walked out.

"No, I don't want to be abstinent, I don't want to go to the Heartless Valley!" Xian Wu shook off Ye Zong's restraints.

"You little bastard, you want to rebel!" Ye Zong glared.

(End of this chapter)

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