Chapter 27
"Stop, don't come over here. If you come over again, I'll take off my pants! The reputation of being a crazy person who takes off pants is not in vain!" Xiao Ning'er was aggressive, and it seemed that she couldn't be subdued without some hard moves. Xian Wu grabbed the waistband of his pants and made a gesture. Desire.

If she were a man like Huyan Lanruo, not only would her trick be useless, but it would also follow her wishes.

But Xiao Ning'er is not Huyan Lanruo.

She is a young girl who has just started to have a love affair. She is thin-skinned, so naturally she will not say something like "Take off your clothes if you want to".

Of course, the above is just Xian Wu's personal guess. He is not sure what kind of person Xiao Ning'er is.

The result was just as Xian Wu expected.

Xiao Ning'er stopped, she didn't want some unsightly things to stain her eyes.

Moreover, Xian Wu could do such an obscene thing as taking off his pants. After all, he had already taken them off in front of him the day before yesterday.

"Stop! If you dare to take it off, I will kill you with the Qingfeng Sword!" Xiao Ning'er dragged the big sword and threatened fiercely.

Xian Wu is simply the most despicable, shameless, and nasty bastard in the world!
It's a pity that I used to regard him as a competitor, but now it seems that he is not worthy!
"You don't have to cut me down with a big sword if you don't let me go." Xian Wu curled his lips, wondering why every girl he met looked like a psychopath. He was really speechless.

"Be good, be obedient, and put down the big sword." Xian Wu pulled down his pants and followed the temptation: "If you don't want to live in my shadow for the rest of your life, then do as I say."

"Go away and don't appear in front of me again, otherwise I will really not be able to help but chop you to death."

Although Xiao Ning'er was itching with hatred, there was nothing she could do about it. When meeting a villain like Xian Wu, she felt as helpless as a fist hitting cotton.

It was such a failure that I would be manipulated by a shameless man.

"Really? Then I'm leaving!" Xian Wu decisively ran away.

"Wait!" Xiao Ning'er thought of something.

"What are you doing? You want to regret it! No way!" Xian Wu kept walking.

"Stop! Give back my Qingyue dagger!" Xiao Ning'er wanted to chase, but she was afraid that Xian Wu would shamelessly take off her pants.

Just like that, Xian Wu disappeared in a flash.

It was still impossible to return it. Xiao Ning'er's dagger had been broken down into iron atoms and carbon atoms by him.

The iron atoms are probably still lying on the ground, but the carbon atoms have mostly turned into carbon dioxide and merged into the air.

Arriving at his camp, Xian Wu bent over, held his knees, and gasped for air.

The amount of sweat he is sweating now is equivalent to practicing the "Six-Character Jue" fifty or sixty times.

Putting the dry firewood he picked up before leaving this morning into the stone bonfire, Xian Wu took out the firewood and ignited it while pricking up his ears and listening carefully to what was going on around him, fearing that Xiao Ning'er would come back to settle the score with him.

"Hey, the little girl can still be spicy, so I like spicy food." Xian Wu remembered whether he could eat or not, and began to think about his body again.

After saying that "there is no woman in my heart, I will draw my sword to the God of Nature", but in less than a day, I forgot about it?
After drying the sweat from his wet body, Xian Wu sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice the "Seven Stars Divine Curse".

"The sun rises in the east, with great light..."

The thoughts in his heart were mobilized with the mantra, and an invisible vortex seemed to be born on the top of Xian Wu's head.

Wisps of moonlight essence fell from the sky, submerged into the vortex, followed the Baihui point, and poured into the soul sea.

Although the essence of moonlight is sunlight, the absorption effect and cultivation effect of moonlight essence are completely different from those of sunlight essence.

Under the influence of the "Seven Star God Curse", the moonlight essence as tiny as stardust is transformed into soul power bit by bit.

The feeling of cultivating soul power is like pouring cold water on your body. Instead of pouring the whole basin of cold water down, it is like a spray that spreads all over your body. It is ice-cold and refreshing.

Xian Wu thought that this might be the special effect of moonlight essence, because he felt warm when practicing during the day.

Without the primary soul crystal, he didn't know how much his soul power had improved, so he could only immerse himself in hard work.

"Seven Star God Curse" is the most basic method of cultivating soul power in the words of a high EQ, but in the words of a low EQ, it is a crappy method of cultivating the soul power, and the effect of the cultivation will naturally not be much better.

A few hours later.Xian Wu slowly opened his eyes, preparing to go to the toilet and come back to continue practicing.

"It's strange, even though I stopped practicing, my whole body is still cold." Xian Wu scratched his head, thinking it might be the effect of inertia, so he didn't care.

But when he finished peeing and went back to the campfire to warm up for a long time, his body showed no signs of warming up. Instead, it became even colder, as if a ghost had possessed him.

"What's going on? Why is it so cold?" Xian Wu shrank his neck and tightened his clothes, but it was of no use.

Xian Wu tried his best to add firewood to the bonfire, and the flames jumped over a foot high.

Under such a strong flame, the body temperature did not rise at all.

There must be something wrong with the "Seven Star Divine Curse". Xian Wu guessed in his heart, but he didn't know what the specific problem was.

Probably there was a deviation in the understanding of the following sentences, which caused the practice to go into an obsessive state.

Although he did not practice the "Seven Star Divine Curse", the cold feeling caused by the practice became more and more intense.

The cold air was like ice loaches, burrowing into the seams of his clothes.

No, I can't sit still and wait for death. I have to ask the teacher on duty at the college for help.

The bonfire was hurriedly extinguished with damp soil, and Xian Wuhuo started to run in a hurry.

Xiao Ning'er was concentrating on cultivating her soul power when she suddenly heard a burst of rapid footsteps.

No need to think about it, it must be that shameless guy Xian Wu.

What does he want to do?Being frivolous about yourself?

Xiao Ning'er carefully took out the Qingfeng sword and held it tightly in her hand. Although she didn't want to cause trouble, she was not someone to be bullied.

Xian Wu's figure appeared from the darkness.

"You..." Before Xiao Ning'er finished speaking, Xian Wu left in a hurry, ignoring her.

Watching Xian Wu leave, Xiao Ning'er was surprised to find that Xian Wu's hair turned silver white.

If it weren't for that obscene running action, she couldn't believe it was Xian Wu.

What's up with him?
Running out of the trial area with sparks and lightning, Xian Wu went straight to the office area of ​​the college, where there were instructors on duty at night.

The cold became more and more severe, Xian Wu's teeth chattered from the cold, and his two legs trembled.

If it was cold water spray just now, it is Niagara Falls now.

Although he was wearing clothes, it was as if he were standing naked in the ice and snow, shivering from the cold.

"Dong dong dong..." Xian Wu knocked on the door of the vice dean's office tremblingly.

"Come in." Vice Dean Ye Sheng's voice came from inside the room.

Thankfully, it was his old man in the house tonight.

"Lord Ye Sheng, help me quickly!" Xian Wu rushed in through the door.

Ye Sheng put the claw pen on the pen holder and asked doubtfully: "Who are you?"


What's going on, why doesn't this old man recognize himself, his old eyes are dizzy?Or did you overdo it by learning English from a female tutor?

"I am Xian Wu, my adoptive father!"

"Xian Wu?" Ye Sheng frowned, "Isn't that right? Xian Wu is not as fat as you, and his hair is not as white as yours..."

(End of this chapter)

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