The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 296 Linger teaches Hua Huo a lesson

Chapter 296 Linger teaches Hua Huo a lesson
"Why are you hitting someone? You won't get pregnant if you touch her!" Hanabi covered her burning face and groaned in pain.

Why can the master touch it but not myself?Discrimination, this is blatant sexism!

Ling'er gritted her silver teeth and asked, "Are you willing if I touch you?"

"Yes, come on, touch it." Hua Huo poked her head over happily, secretly expecting something in her heart.

"Disgusting!" Ling'er raised her foot and kicked on Huahuo's hip-length little red dress.

Huahuo was caught off guard by the kick, but relying on her excellent physical fitness, she supported the ground with one hand and performed a beautiful backflip, and landed firmly on the ground.

"That's enough. If you hit me again and again and again and again, you'll lose your temper." Hanabi was really angry.

Although she was at fault first, but regardless of the facts, can she hit someone casually?

The noise next door did not affect Nie Li at all. He had devoted himself wholeheartedly to forging the spirit puppet, without any interference from the outside world, and entered a mysterious and mysterious realm.

"Falling out?" Ling'er's almond-shaped eyes widened, and she pointed at Hua Huo angrily and said, "You can touch someone's butt as you please. You're still reasonable."

"Of course, whoever has the bigger fist is right." Hanabi clenched her pink fist with an arrogant look on her face.

Ling'er pinched her slender jade fingers and said with a sneer: "Really, I will let you know who has the bigger fist today."

While they were talking, the two women punched each other, causing electric sparks to fly and an invisible shock wave to spread, making the curtains rattle.

Ling'er took half a step back, while Huahuo took six or seven steps back before stopping.

Obviously, Ling'er's strength is even better.

"I was careless just now, now I'm serious." Hua Huo refused to admit defeat and kicked Ling'er with his leg.

She specializes in leg training, and is best at leg kung fu. She suffers a loss with her fists, but that doesn't mean she is weaker than the little blue-haired hooves opposite her.

Ling'er shook off the red flames on her pink fist and snorted: "It doesn't matter whether you are real or fake, none of them will work!"

I have to admit that Hanabi's kicks were as fierce as a violent storm, with great strength and extremely skillful moves. Most people would fall to the ground if they touched her two or three legs.

Unfortunately, she met Ling'er, a sword spirit with full agility and attack points.

Hanabi's whip legs were indeed fast and harsh, but Ling'er nimbly dodged them all.

While dodging Hanabi's whip kick, Ling'er will give Hanabi a big kick in the face.

With repeated slapping, Hanabi's little sunflower seed face turned into a little watermelon seed face.

"No fight, no fight, you don't have martial ethics, you are jealous of how fast people grow up, and you always hit them in the face." Hanabi suddenly stepped back, covering her swollen face, looking like she was about to cry.

"Hey! Your face is thicker than the city wall." Ling'er shook his slightly numb hands, glanced at Hanabi with disdain, and then warned: "Next time you dare to touch me for no reason, I will beat you, you heard me No!"

Hanabi scrunched up her neck in fear.

She originally thought that she was the strongest woman in her master's life, but she didn't expect that there was someone stronger than herself. She was really kicked on the iron plate.

However, Hua Huo was not convinced. When she mastered the Law of Magma, she must make Ling'er kneel down and beg him to touch her butt.

"Go away!" Ling'er pointed toward the door and cursed angrily.

"Get out of here!" Hanabi roared, twisting her strong buttocks, and ran away in long strides.

Linger held her forehead and was speechless. Is this woman mentally ill?
Turning back and continuing to observe Nie Li forging the spirit puppet, Ling'er discovered that Nie Li had already started carving inscriptions on the interior of the spirit puppet.

Sea of ​​Void.Xian Wu flapped his wind and thunder wings and fled wildly, followed by thousands of void monsters, and the sea of ​​clouds was turned upside down.

Escaping the chains of the black prison, Xian Wu got into the sea of ​​clouds and activated the "Invisibility Technique" and "Thunder God's Wrath" at the same time.

The void monsters followed him into the sea of ​​clouds, turned the sea of ​​clouds upside down, and found Xian Wu.

hoo hoo hoo!
The void monsters were furious and powerless, and they swore that they would find the two-legged sheep with wings and cut it into pieces.

When the monsters returned to the void, Xian Wu also returned to the Silver Wing Family.

"Let's continue tomorrow. There are other things to do today, hehehe..." Xian Wu folded his wings, moved his waist, entered the palace, and looked around for fireworks.

"What's wrong, baby, who bullied you?" Xian Wu found Hua Huo in his bedroom.

The little girl was hiding in the corner, crying secretly, her two cheeks were swollen like little apples.

"Master, wow wow wow..." Seeing Xian Wu come back, Hua Huo immediately threw herself into Xian Wu's arms and started crying with runny nose and tears.

Xian Wu patted Hua Huo's beautiful back lightly, Zhang Er's monk couldn't figure it out, and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Who bullied you and told the master that the master will avenge you."

Originally, I wanted to love Huahuo, but I didn't expect Huahuo to be beaten into this grandma. She is not beautiful at all and has no energy.

By the way, Hanabi is already a strong person at the peak of the legend, and she has also practiced the law of magma. How can anyone beat her?

Could it be that the old madman has been resurrected?Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Who else is bullying me, isn't it the little blue-haired slut." Huahuo gritted her teeth and said angrily.

Blue hair?Little slut?
"Ye Ziyun beat you?"

"Ye Ziyun's hair is purple!" Hua Huo let go of Xian Wu's waist, stood up, used her hands and feet together, and gestured: "The person who bullied me is a woman who looks like this and carries a big sword on her back."

Xian Wu: "..."

"I know Ling'er. She has never been a troublemaker. Did you provoke her?" Xian Wu pinched Hua Huo's swollen face and asked.

Ling'er is almost as well-behaved as Ning'er, and they never cause trouble.

Hanabi lowered her head, poked her finger, and whispered: "Isn't it... I just touched her butt..."

The master can touch it, why can't I touch it?

"Then you deserve to be beaten. Ling'er won't let anyone touch her except me. She didn't draw her sword to chop you, so just be satisfied." As he said that, Xian Wu took out the Yimu spirit bottle from the space ring.

Pouring Yimu spirit liquid into the palm of his hand, Xian Wu patiently applied Huahuo to his red and swollen face and burnt hands.

In less than a stick of incense, Hanabi's redness and swelling disappeared without a trace, and all the wounds on her fists healed without leaving any scars.

"Wow, Master, you are awesome!" Huahuo jumped onto Xian Wu's body and kissed him fiercely.

“There’s something even better!”

Instead, Xian Wu came to teach Hua Huo how to learn.

Time flies, four or five days pass in the blink of an eye.

Xian Wu would go out to harass the void monsters every day, and when he came back, he would teach Sikong Hongyue and Hua Huo how to learn Chinese characters.

(End of this chapter)

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