The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 3 Encounter with Nie Li

Chapter 3 Encounter with Nie Li
The City of Glory is located on a vast plain in a canyon in the Holy Ancestor Mountains, covering an area equivalent to that of a large city.

The city has a population of hundreds of thousands. If each person produces 1kg of garbage per day, the entire city will produce hundreds of tons of garbage every day.

If it is not cleaned regularly, it won’t be long before the streets and alleys of the Glory City will be filled with piles of garbage and the smell will fill the sky.

Therefore a garbage disposal site is indispensable.

However, although the wages of garbage disposal workers are high, their social status is extremely low.

People dislike them even more than beggars. After all, no one likes to dig out stinky shit.

Before entering school, Xian Wu worked in a garbage disposal site.

However, he is not responsible for picking up manure, but is only responsible for disposing of construction waste, discarded wood and so on.

Waste wood can be cut into firewood and sold to residents who need firewood for heating.

The climate in the Holy Ancestor Mountains is very harsh and the cold is extremely long.

Even though it's early summer, the ice and snow still haven't melted, and the cold wind is still biting.

Therefore, residents have a high demand for firewood.

Using the devil's left hand to cut waste wood is faster than a chainsaw, let alone an adze, chisel, and ax saw.

"Xian Wu, Zhang Ming, there's still some time before noon, how about we take a walk around the college?" Zhu Junxiang suddenly suggested.

The bed was made and the floor was cleaned. The three of them fell into a state of having nothing to do. They could only sit on the bed and stare.

"Let's go, I'm just bored." Zhang Ming jumped out of bed.

He sincerely looked down on Xian Wu, a guy with bad conduct, and would definitely embarrass him if given the chance.

Zhu Junxiang looked at Xian Wu and asked, "Xian Wu, where are you?"

"No!" Xian Wu replied forcefully. He was still showing his buttocks. What were he going to do?Is it embarrassing?
Zhang Ming seized the opportunity and said sarcastically: "Don't pay attention to this ignorant loser, Lao Zhu, let's go."

Xian Wu always ignored flies farting.

After the two left, he locked the door, took off his shoes, and jumped around to take off his broken pants to see if they could be repaired.

"Oh~ half of the waistband of the trousers is broken, and I can't change my shorts even if I want to." Xian Wu sighed.

Xian Wu walked to the window and used the devil's left hand to break down the damaged pants into carbon atoms, hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. Xian Wu clapped his hands.

clap clap clap...

In fact, Xian Wu felt that his ability was

Although the instant decomposition of all things gives him invincible attack power, he must touch the opponent.

It's okay to use against warriors, but it's not effective against those demon masters who know "magic".

Before he could touch anyone, he was burned to death or stabbed to death with ice spikes.

Moreover, when decomposing things, they will be broken down to the atomic level at once, which is no different from complete destruction.

It would be nice if it wasn't broken down so completely.

For example, instead of decomposing broken pants into charcoal, just decompose them into individual twine strings, which can also be recycled.

Perhaps when his soul power increases, he can control the degree of decomposition.

1 point of soul power is too little, it's the same as none.

Xian Wu stared at the demon's left hand, feeling that it might not be a blessing, but a curse.

He reached into the inner pocket of his cloak with his right hand, took out the demon spirit coins and counted them. It was almost enough to buy a pair of pants.

There is a bustling commercial street outside the gate of the college, where everything is sold, regardless of high or low, and there should be shops selling trousers as well.

Under the cover of the cloak, although he only wore a pair of red pants, no one knew that he was naked.

"Hey, Brother Wu, wait a minute."

While hurriedly passing by the Xuanzi dormitory area, Xian Wu was stopped by someone.

He didn't want to talk to him at first, but the other party stuck to him like a slug.

Xian Wu felt a little baffled. He and Lu Piao had only met once and were not familiar with each other at all. Why did this kid get entangled with him?

"I have something to do!" Xian Wu quickened his pace.Lu Piao ran to catch up and asked with a shy face, "What's the matter? Can I help?"

"I'm going to Xueyuan Street to do something." Xian Wu didn't say anything clearly.

"Is this a coincidence? Isn't it! My roommate and I are going to College Street too, don't go so fast, let's go together!"

After hearing Lu Piao's words, Xian Wu noticed that there was someone following him.

He has orange hair in a small braid, and he looks... um... stupid.

"This is my roommate, Nie Li." Lu Piao introduced Nie Li with a playful smile.

"Hello, Brother Wu... Wu." Nie Li seemed a little shy and a little admiring.

You worship a ghost. I didn’t take off my pants in front of that little Nier on purpose!
No, Xian Wu narrowed his eyes and felt that the relationship between Lu Piao and Nie Li was unusual. Lu Piao wouldn't have tricked Nie Li, right?
You know, the Xuanzi dormitory area is all double rooms.

"Hello." Xian Wu replied politely. Even if they did something, it had nothing to do with him.

"Let's go quickly, I'm in a hurry."

He doesn't want to interact too much with other people.

If the "Devil's Left Hand" was discovered, he would definitely be imprisoned and sectioned for study.

There were no human rights in feudal society, not to mention that he was an orphan without a father or mother, so there was no consideration for persecution.

"Brother Wu, why are you wearing a cloak?"


"Brother Wu, why are there so many patches on your cloak?"


"Brother Wu, why did you take off your pants in front of Xiao Ning'er? Is it to satisfy your abnormal psychology?"



Along the way, Nie Li kept asking questions, and Xian Wu felt like his brain was boiling.

I really want to strangle his neck with my left hand.

After walking out of the impressive school gate, the three of them arrived at College Street.

It’s the beginning of school season, and the cries of vendors are coming one after another.

"Snowy gauntlets, bronze quality, [-] demon spirit coins each."


"The newly arrived golden retriever puppy, one hundred demon spirit coins, come and see if you don't want to buy it."

"The new soul gathering pill refined by the Alchemist Association costs two hundred demon spirit coins each, ten pills in total, first come first served, while supplies last."

"Teacher Bobo's latest work "Little Fairy" is on sale, come and buy it!"


"Wow, it's so lively~" Lu Piao said with emotion, holding his head in his hands.

Looking away from the bookstall, Xian Wu coughed dryly and continued to look left and right, looking for the tailor shop.

He had never been to College Street before and was not very familiar with it.

Nie Li glanced at the candied haws, then quickly turned around and swallowed.

Although the Tianhen family is a noble family, it is the one in decline.

His monthly pocket money is only 50 demon spirit coins, so it is naturally impossible for him to buy whatever he wants.

And he wanted to save the money and buy delicious food for sister Xiaoyu during the holidays.

"Come, eat, Nie Li, I'm treating you!" Lu Piao didn't know when there were three more candied haws in his hand.

"Brother Wu, this is for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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