Chapter 30
Xiao Ning'er possesses a green soul sea. During the freshman test, her soul power was as high as 78, which was the best among all the freshmen.

No one thought that the instructor would move her position, but today the instructor did.

Newcomer Shen Yue whispered a few words in Tutor Tie Kuang's ear. The tutor hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

"The row of students by the window, all move back a seat." Tie Kuang ordered angrily.

Xian Wu, Zhu Junxiang and other students stood up one after another, but no one dared to question the instructor's decision.

"The new guy is so big that he actually asked the instructor to mobilize everyone in our group." Zhu Junxiang complained in a low voice and reluctantly sat down in Xian Wu's original seat.

Xian Wu nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's bigger than Ye Ziyun's score." When Ye Ziyun came, he only moved one person, but this kid actually moved one-fifth of the whole class.

He took his things and sat in the last row.

Now the seat almost reaches the wall, making it very cramped.

Everyone thought that Instructor Tie Kuang would arrange the newcomer Shen Yue to the first position in the row by the window. Unexpectedly...

"Classmate Xiao Ning'er, pack your things and sit in the first row by the window." Tie Kuang's voice was gentle, but his tone was unquestionable.

Shen Yue is a direct descendant of the Sacred Family, and most of the Iron Gate Family's property relies on the Sacred Family. He cannot afford to offend the young master of the Sacred Family, so he can only do as they ask.

Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun were startled at the same time after hearing what Master Tie Kuang said.

Xiao Ning'er bit her lip and didn't want to change seats.

First it was Shen Fei from the Holy Family, and now there is Shen Yue from the Holy Family. The Holy Family is really bullying!
Seeing Xiao Ning'er's refusal to move, Shen Yue walked over and knocked on her desk, smiling and saying: "Future sister-in-law, the instructor asked you to move out, did you hear it? It's over there, in the first row by the window. , the scenery is particularly good.”

Before Xiao Ning'er could speak, Ye Ziyun slapped the table and stood up.

"Shen Yue, Ning'er doesn't want to change seats. Don't force her. I'll change seats with you." After saying that, Ye Ziyun was about to leave her seat.

Suddenly, Xiao Ning'er took her hand and stood up.

Ye Ziyun's pretty face turned slightly red, Ning'er finally took the initiative...

"No need!" Xiao Ning'er said softly and coldly, holding her own stationery, crossing Ye Ziyun and sitting on the seat by the window.

Let her sit with people from the Holy Family, it would be better to let her die.

Seeing Xiao Ning'er sit down, Shen Yue said hypocritically: "Future sister-in-law, if you really don't want to change seats, you don't have to change seats. There is no need to accommodate me." Shen Yue walked around to Ye Ziyun's table but did not enter.

Xiao Ning'er gave Shen Yue a gouged look, snorted coldly, and looked out the window.

The word "future sister-in-law" was like a sharp poisonous thorn, piercing her heart to bleed.

She will definitely change her destiny through her own efforts, and she will never marry a scumbag like Shen Fei.

Even death!

Looking at Xiao Ning'er's exquisite and graceful body, Shen Yue narrowed his eyes. His good-for-nothing brother didn't know how lucky he was to be engaged to such a stunning beauty.

Rubbing Ye Ziyun's beautiful back and sitting down, Shen Yue smelled a faint fragrance of purple orchid.

Ziyun, the reason why I deigned to come to Holy Orchid College to take classes is all because of you. I will definitely make you fall in love with me, Shen Yue thought to himself.

"Teacher, please change my seat too!" In the last row of the classroom, the aristocratic male student whose seat was taken by Ye Ziyun raised his hand and shouted.

Tie Kuang touched his chin. It was indeed inappropriate for a noble student to sit in the last row.

He scanned the entire classroom and immediately spotted the seat with wide eyes.

"You and Zhang Ming change seats." Teacher Tie Kuang said with a smile: "Zhang Ming, you can choose any of the three seats in the back row, you can sit in any one you want."

Zhang Ming wanted to cry while holding the stationery, no matter which one he picked, he would always be in the last row.

How unlucky!

After the interlude of changing seats, Tie Kuang maintained order in the class and officially started class.

Because Xian Wu had special reasons, he did not attend the second practical class.

During lunch, he learned from Zhu Junxiang that his position as class representative had been replaced by Shen Yue. "It's that Shen Yue again!" Xian Wu stared.

Although the position of class representative is not an important one, it still feels very uncomfortable to have someone take it away from you.

Shen Yue, right?Holy family, right?This Chou Ye wrote it down, let me wait for you!

At noon, the sun was like a fire.

Xian Wu stood outside the classroom, under the bright sun, practicing the "Six-Character Jue" diligently.

Although Vice Dean Ye Sheng told him not to practice the "Seven-Star Divine Curse", he did not tell him not to practice the "Six-Character Jue".

"Liu Zi Jue" is a body training technique, and there was no abnormality in the body during the previous practice, so Xian Wu was very relieved.

He put the worn cloak in the classroom, and he wanted to try to see if ultraviolet light could get rid of the bruises on his body.

After a while, Xiao Ning'er walked into the classroom with lotus steps, with a gloomy expression.

Unexpectedly, this time she didn't close the window.

Xiao Ning'er lay on the window sill, leaning on her chin, opened her deep and clear eyes, and asked curiously, "Why are you blushing?"


"Why is your hair white too?"

"Wax applied when the weather is cold."

"The bruises on the face..."

"Are you done yet? I haven't seen you practicing yet, Bo Chi!"


Suddenly, Xiao Ning'er covered her face with her hands and started sobbing.

Looking at the little beauty who was being scolded for crying, Xian Wu was at a loss for a moment.

"Don't... don't cry. My little aunt, if you don't know, you thought I took off my pants to you again." Xian Wu hurried to the window and whispered comfort.

The more she comforted her, the worse she got. Xiao Ning'er cried harder, like pear blossoms with rain, or like a river mouth bursting with embankments.

"Stop crying. If you cry again, I'll take off my pants." Seeing that he was too soft, Xian Wu decided to be tough.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ning'er refused to take any advice. Her eyes were like a big dam that had opened its gates, and tears flowed out.

Xian Wu felt that the reason why Xiao Ning'er cried so sadly was probably related to the Holy Family and that idiot Shen Yue.

From a very young age, Xiao Ning'er knew that her family wanted to marry her into the Sacred Family, to marry Shen Fei.

As she grew older, she gradually understood what kind of person Shen Fei was. She didn't want to marry that crotch-playing kid who was always looking for flowers.

So she practiced hard to get rid of this cruel fate.

I thought that by studying at Shenglan Academy, I could temporarily stay away from the intrigues of the family and the harassment of the Holy Family. Unexpectedly... people from the Holy Family actually lingered around and chased them to the junior warrior class.

The pressure came over like a mountain, Xiao Ning'er almost suffocated.

She didn't know why, but when she faced Xian Wu, she felt inexplicably at ease.

Although he is a shameless bastard.

Her emotions collapsed all of a sudden, she couldn't stop herself, Xiao Ning'er couldn't control herself anymore.

Xian Wu's voice suddenly disappeared from her ears, and Xiao Ning'er looked up with tears in her eyes.

I found that guy actually went to practice with peace of mind.

Bastard, big bastard!

(End of this chapter)

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