The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 306 The Army of Glory City

Chapter 306 The Army of Glory City


Black oil woods.

The screams were sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, one after another.

"This is only the first hammer, and there are still three thousand five ninety nine hammers left. You must hold on, don't die." Xian Wu shook off the blood on the pumpkin sledgehammer, opened Xiao Lang's mouth, and stuffed it in. A Nine-Revolution Pill, ready to continue with the first blow.

"Three thousand five hundred and ninety nine hammers? Just kill me! Give me a pain..." Before Xiao Lang could finish his words, Xian Wu touched his memory again.

Every time Xiao Kuang's memory was erased, it was a completely new experience for him to get hammered.

After hitting the first hammer countless times, Nie Li followed and chopped off Xiao Kuang's head with one sword, ending his pain.

"What are you doing? I haven't finished venting yet!" Xian Wu glared at Nie Li and angrily crushed the pumpkin sledgehammer into a ball of scrap metal.

Nie Li replied blankly: "This person is indeed worthy of death, but punishing criminals is not what a city lord should do. You have more important things to do."

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

"I'm teaching you how to behave!" Nie Li rolled his eyes symbolically and changed the subject: "Go back and rest. I will take you to a fun place tomorrow."

"Fun? How fun is it?" Xian Wu curled his lips in disdain.

When I returned to the tent, the corpses around me were gone. I don’t know if they were removed by Nie Li or disposed of by someone else.

The next day.

Without the entanglement of vampires, Xian Wu finally had a good night's sleep.

It was still relatively cold on the Tianyun Plateau, and the urine bottle placed outside the tent was already covered with a thick layer of ice.

If you stay outside at night, you will probably freeze.

Fortunately, the furs of the Howling Moon Wolf King were used to build the tent, which had maximum thermal insulation.

Using the devil's left hand to break down the urine bottle, Xian Wu put on his underwear and prepared to get up.

Xian Wu never wears clothes to sleep at night, so he wakes up more angry than ordinary people.

After getting out of the tent, Xian Wu stretched out: "Ah~ today is another day full of hope~~"

There are far fewer hungry people coming to eat free porridge in the morning. Most people have obtained enough food for the winter yesterday, so it is understandable that they do not come to the porridge shop to receive alms.

No one wants to live with dignity.

"Good morning, good son-in-law!" Father Yun greeted Xian Wu and came over as he saw him walking out of the tent.

Xian Wu glanced at Yun Ling and smiled shyly: "Good morning, dad. Is your stomach problem better?"

"Thank you for your concern. Your pills really work. Okay, completely healed." Father Yun patted his chest and made a thumping sound.

Dong Chou took a closer look and saw that Yun Ling was immersed in burning firewood. Xian Wu turned his back and handed a small space ring to Father Yun.

"Is this... a space ring? My dear son-in-law, this gift is too expensive, I can't accept it." Father Yun refused.

"It's just a small ring. If it's not valuable, just accept it." Xian Wu put the ring on Father Yun's thumb.

What surprised Xian Wu was that Father Yun knew how to use the space ring without teaching him.

Xian Wu guessed that it might be from the Yun Ling Cult, after all, he also gave her one yesterday.

Seeing several jars of wine and pieces of monster meat wrapped in oil paper stacked in the ring, Father Yun immediately burst into laughter. He hooked Xian Wu's shoulders and said, "I am just a precious daughter. In the future, you can You have to treat her well." "No problem, if I don't treat her well, you can slap me." Xian Wu grabbed Father Yun's rough hands and put them on his face.

Yun Ling, who was lighting the fire, wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Looking up, he saw Xian Wu and his father chatting happily, arm in arm. Yun Ling couldn't help but wrinkled her little nose and muttered in her heart: "Dad won't sell me out, will he?"

There were fewer hungry people, and Yun Ling cooked less porridge. Soon, everyone sat down together to enjoy a sumptuous breakfast.

Under the awning, Xian Wu, Yun Ling, Nie Li and Father Yun sat in a circle.

Father Yun specially took out the monster meat slices given to him by Xian Wu from the space ring and shared them with everyone.

"Dad, where did you get the wine?" Yun Ling's nose moved slightly and he smelled the smell of wine.

"The leftovers from yesterday's drink." Father Yun was sloppy.

Yun Ling frowned his slender eyebrows: "No, the jar of wine was broken by Brother Wu Zi yesterday. There is no way it is there. Did you hide the wine? Let me see your ring?"

"Xian Wu, come and take care of your fiancée." Father Yun raised his arms high to prevent Yun Ling from looking at him.

"Sister Yun, don't worry. What I gave Dad is honey wine, which is the same as sugar water and won't hurt your stomach." Xian Wu quickly came to Dad Yun's rescue.

Yun Ling glanced at Xian Wu and scolded: "Don't lie to me. I don't believe you unless you let me see it."

"No!" Father Yun stood up and refused to let Yun Ling touch his ring.

Just as the two of them were flapping about at the dinner table, a burst of noise came from the intersection.

Xian Wu heard the reputation and looked over, only to see a group of soldiers from the Tianyun tribe leading a group of soldiers holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, rushing over in a hurry.

Seeing such a scene, Yunling and Father Yun were so frightened that they immediately stopped fighting.

Every soldier exudes a terrifying murderous aura that makes people's hair tremble.

"Greetings, Lord City Master!" When they came close, the soldiers knelt down in unison and greeted Xian Wu.

Xian Wu raised his hand and Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Everyone, get up. Dynasty, how are you clearing up the monsters near Tianyun Tribe?"

The leading soldier was none other than the dynasty, the leader of the four powerful generals of the Haozhen family.

"Reporting to the head of the family, with the assistance of the Spirit Puppet Legion, the monster beasts near the Tianyun Plateau have been almost cleared away. But..." Chao Chao hesitated.

Xian Wu raised his eyebrows and asked coldly: "Just what?"

"The army that went to Black Spring was completely wiped out. According to reports from the soldiers who escaped, there may be legendary monsters there." Dynasty reported truthfully.

"Legendary level monsters?"

Nie Li asked: "Dynasty, how is the road from Tianyun Plateau to Glory City being cleared? Is it safe to pass through?"

"Back to Master Nie Li, except for the Black Spring area, all the silver-level and above monsters in the Holy Ancestor Mountains have been cleared away," Chao Chao replied.

Nie Li nodded: "Xian Wu, don't take action in a hurry. We'll wait until all the members of the Tianyun Tribe are moved to the Glory City. Legendary battles are earth-shattering and may hurt the members of the Tianyun Tribe."

"That's fine." Xian Wu agreed with Nie Li's suggestion, "By the way, you said you wanted to take me to a fun place today. Where is it?"

"Let's finish dealing with the Tianyun Tribe's affairs first." Nie Li gave up. "Dad Yun, please go door-to-door to inform everyone who wants to move to Glory City. Come to the Glory City to gather at the porridge shop. The army will escort us all the way."

"Okay, I'll go now!" Father Yun pulled Yun Ling, and then looked at the clansmen who led the way, "Don't just stand there, you guys are here to help too!"

(End of this chapter)

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