The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 317 The Sand Spirit God and Love Poison

Chapter 317 The Sand Spirit God and Love Poison

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, and the desert is endless.

"Yan'er, who is this ugly guy down there? Are you tired of living?" Xian Wu slowly flapped his wind and thunder wings with a look of displeasure on his face.

They were flying all the way to the place where Goddess Yuyan buried the ring when they were suddenly stopped by a wall of yellow sand. Then a desert tornado blew around them, and then a fat scorpion woman emerged from the sand.

A look of solemnity appeared on Yu Yan's handsome face. She stared at the Scorpion woman and said without turning her head: "She is a spiritual god of the demon clan. She has understood the law of sand. She is very difficult to deal with. Please be careful."

Although tens of thousands of years ago in the ancient war, the spirits and gods of the two races of humans and monsters suffered heavy casualties.

However, due to the rise of the new spiritual gods of the demon race, they massacred the spiritual gods of the human race and plundered the gods. The remaining human gods had to hide to avoid their sharp edges and develop insignificantly.

With the protection of the new spiritual gods of the demon clan, the remnant gods of the demon clan no longer hide in XZ, and are no longer afraid of the attacks and killings of the human spiritual gods.

They occupy the treasure land where the power of the law is abundant, and quickly restore the power of practicing the law.

In just a few thousand years, the spirit gods of the demon clan have all returned to their peak state, and their strength is even better.

The Sand Spirit God was originally the same as the Goddess Yu Yan, a little scum with a first-level destiny.

Today, Yu Yan has only condensed one-third of his divine power, and his strength is less than three-star legendary.

The Sand Spirit God not only restored the strength of the first level of destiny, but also cultivated to the third level of destiny in the endless desert, and his strength tripled.

Three Legends fight against one Destiny Triple Layer, it is impossible to win from any point of view.

"Xian Wu, I will use the Law of Life to hold down this old witch below. You can find a chance to escape." Yu Yan secretly sent a message to Xian Wu.

Although she didn't spend much time with him, Yu Yan found that she had inexplicably fallen in love with this man. One day without seeing him was like three autumns, and he stayed with her every day.

Maybe it's because I've been alone for too long...

"Run away?" I'll hurt you even a hair."

Not to mention that he has a physical body with the strength of destiny and condenses eight gods. The Fangtian Painted Halberd and the Emperor's Armor in his hands can give him a fight with the strong ones at the destiny level.

Not to mention that he also had the buggy "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique" and the devil's left hand, so he could easily kill this ugly monster below.

"What a loud tone, young man, don't be too arrogant!" After hearing Xian Wu's domineering declaration to protect his wife, the Sand Spirit God became angry.

A mere legend actually dared to be arrogant in front of her great spiritual god. He was like a mouse licking a cat's ass - he was so impatient!
Xian Wu crossed his arms and said with a smile: "Don't you call me young in anger? Old witch, use all your tricks, otherwise you won't have a chance in a while."

After saying that, Xian Wu summoned the Four Gods Emperor Armor and the Four Gods Fangtian Painted Halberd, and then pointed the tip of the halberd at the head of the Sand Spirit God.

"Arrogant boy, I want you to die!" The Sand Spirit God's voice was like the Nine Nether Hells.

Amid her angry roar, a huge sand giant crawled out of the desert, estimated to be nearly 50 meters tall.

Seeing this situation, Xian Wu frowned, and hurriedly said: "Nie Li, Yan'er protect yourself."

"Okay!" Nie Li agreed readily.

He quickly formed a seal with his hands, and the mysterious inscription pattern quickly wrapped the goddess Yu Yan, and then brought it into the book of time and space demon spirits.

"Damn it, didn't you say you can only enter once every ten days?" Xian Wu looked back and found that he was the only one left in the long yellow sand.

There is not a word of truth in Nie Li Laoden's mouth, and I will never trust him again.

Soon enough, the Sand Giant stood up quickly, raised his two huge arms, and slapped him with his two peaks.

Xian Wu was directly trapped inside by two huge palms.

Seeing this, the Sand Spirit God gritted his teeth and shouted: "Let you be arrogant, go to hell!" , the ordinary spirit god suffered, the body will be shattered, and the soul will be completely annihilated.

"Ugly monster, you are too happy too early!" Xian Wu's angry voice came from the giant's palm.

The Sand Spirit God was stunned for a moment, and then he controlled the Sand Giant to open his palm, and a large earth-yellow ball appeared.


With a sharp shout, a silver ray of light shot out from the big ball, instantly cutting the Sand Spirit God in half.

"Damn! What happened?" The Spirit of Sand turned into two piles of yellow sand and died without knowing how.

The Sand Spirit God died, and the Sand Giant and Desert Hurricane also disappeared.


After killing the enemy, Nie Li and Yu Yan also ran out of the world in the book.

Xian Wu thought he had killed the Sand Spirit God, but Yu Yan reminded him: "The old witch is not dead yet. She has three destiny souls, and each destiny soul represents a life."

"You only killed one of her lives, and she still has two lives left. Now she must be resurrected elsewhere relying on the life soul preset in advance."

"It doesn't matter." Xian Wu waved his hand.

Since being tricked by the Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard, he would activate scarlet rays after seriously injuring the enemy in every battle.

As long as the enemy is alive, the Crimson Ray can lock onto his location.

"Folumi!" Through the scarlet ray, Xian Wu has sensed the location of the Sand Spirit God. She is now slowly being reborn from a desert underground palace.

However, its cultivation level seems to have declined, becoming the second star of destiny.

From this point of view, every time a person with a strong destiny loses a life, his cultivation level will drop by a small amount, right?

Soon, Xian Wu led Yu Yan and Nie Li to find the desert underground palace.

Before the Sand Spirit God was completely reborn, Xian Wu activated the "Demon Spirit Decomposition" ability of the demon's left hand to separate the Sand Spirit God's demon spirits.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Technique!" Xian Wu chose to devour this destiny-level demon spirit, and his cultivation level immediately reached the peak of legend.

The fountain of life provided by the legendary monsters was too little. To help Nie Li reshape his body, tens of millions of them would have to be hunted.

This is such a waste of time, it is better to hunt higher level monsters.

He didn't want to stay in the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits for hundreds or even thousands of years.

After devouring the Sand Spirit God, Xian Wu acquired the "Love Poison" combat skill.

Converting soul power into poison and then injecting it into the target's body can have an aphrodisiac effect.

If you can't have sex with the opposite sex, your blood will boil and your body will explode after a moment or three.

"What an amazing combat skill!" Xian Wu gave a thumbs up, then glanced at Yu Yan and considered whether to give her an injection.

The sharp claw combat skill combined with the love poison combat skill can be combined into the poison claw combat skill. As long as you are scratched by the claw, hehe...

"Oh, hurts! I have a headache!" Xian Wu suddenly felt dizzy and sat down on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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