Chapter 321 Rainfall

The Stone of Yunmeng is one of the necessary materials for setting up the space teleportation array.

After the formation is completed, you can enter the Yunmeng world through it, where the four seasons are like spring, rich and abundant, and it is only a little smaller than the main world.

Yunmeng World is a world controlled by humans, and monsters are not allowed to enter.

Once the demon spirit god wants to break into the world of Yunmeng, he will be killed by the super treasure Zi Xuan Bamboo.

The ruler of Yunmeng World is the Hunyuan Family, a super-large family inherited from the Chaos Spirit God, with countless demi-god-level powerhouses.

The so-called sub-gods are a group of legendary pinnacles who control some of the power of laws, and are invincible existences under the spiritual gods.

From a definition point of view, Xian Wu's current cultivation level is that of a minor god, but this minor god of his is quite awesome and can kill spiritual gods like dogs.

Xian Wu was very curious as to whether these guys from the Hunyuan family could whip five times in a row.

"Yan'er, apart from the Stone of Yunmeng, what else is in the ring?"

Goddess Yu Yan just frowned her beautiful eyebrows and didn't resist.

"It's been too long. The elixirs, scrolls, demon crystals and demon spirits in the ring have all been corrupted, and there is nothing useful anymore." Goddess Yuyan shook her head, and then said in a pleading tone: "Can you stop hugging me?" I don’t, I’m a little hot?”

"Hot? You are the God of Fire, and you are actually afraid of the heat?" Xian Wu did not force himself and let go of Yu Yan.

Although the twisted melon quenches thirst, it is not sweet.

Now that he is in this powerful position, he must eat sweet melons.

Because Yu Yan said it was hot, Xian Wu decided to take her to the Tianbei Snowfield to cool off.

In addition to this reason, Xian Wu also wanted to settle accounts with the demon spirit god who was practicing in the snowy plains of Tianbei.

It was this ice spirit god who instigated monsters to attack human settlements on a large scale and created the Dark Ages.

What's even more hateful is that this grandson also sent those two promiscuous monsters to plunder the godhead of his beloved Yan Lao.

Damn it, it really deserves to be damned, it’s hard to express the hatred in your heart without crushing it to ashes.

On the way to the Tianbei Snowfield, Xian Wu changed his approach.

He transformed into the Howling Moon Wolf King and let Yu Yan ride on his back.

Although this method of ground travel is very slow, it can help Yu Yan collect the gods scattered everywhere faster and better.

The area where the two are currently located is the Tianze Mountains, the range of the Mountain Spirit God's strength.

The spirit of the mountain is a giant black python with eyes like lanterns, capable of swallowing clouds and fog, calling wind and rain.

However, he was also a coward in front of Xian Wu. He was tortured every minute and even provided Xian Wu with a demon combat skill called "Raining Technique".

Consuming soul power, it can rain within a hundred miles radius for twelve hours.

There are four levels of rainfall: light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain, and heavy rain.

A light rain consumes 100 soul power, a moderate rain consumes 1000 million soul power, a heavy rain consumes [-] million soul power, and a heavy rain consumes [-] million soul power.

Xian Wu now has nearly 1000 million soul powers in his soul sea, and nearly [-] million soul powers in the Nightmare Demon Pot.

Enough for one heavy rain and several moderate rains.

Leaving the Tianze Mountains and heading north, the two soon traveled to the Tianbei Snowfield.

The Tianze Mountains and Tianbei Snowfield are next to each other, the Tianze Mountains are in the south, and the Tianbei Snowfield is in the north.

The dense broadleaf forest gradually turned into a coniferous forest, full of cold-resistant plants such as cedar and cypress.Uh-huh!
On a snowy mountain in the snowy plains of Tianbei, the Ice Spirit God Zhulong suddenly opened his eyes.

He has a handsome face, a cold expression, like a piece of ice that has not melted for thousands of years, and his eyebrows are like two broken swords.

Zhulong sensed that another spiritual god had entered his territory, and it was also a human spiritual god.

"Hmm... let me see which life-or-death thing it is..." Zhulong closed his eyes, and at the same time, a sky eye appeared between his brows.

Vast soul power scattered from the eyes of the sky, and soon, Zhulong discovered the figures of the two intruders.

"Yu Yan?!" Zhulong's expression suddenly looked like an ocelot seeing a mouse, he was surprised and happy, "It's true that there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, but there is no door to hell so you just take it yourself."

Yu Yan was one of the human spiritual gods of the Demon God Sect in the Dragon Ruins Realm who wanted to be killed by name.

He didn't go to look for her, but she sent it to her door by herself, and brought a little boy to serve the god.

Zhulong closed his heavenly eyes and smiled slyly: "I have encountered obstacles in my practice recently, so I just let this pretty boy help me practice."

Xian Wu, who was trudging through the blizzard, suddenly felt a chill behind him, as if he was being targeted by an unknown pervert.

As soon as we entered the Tianbei Snowfield, snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

The deeper you go, the bigger the snowflakes become, just like a person standing on the clouds and spreading salt from bag to bag.

From time to time there were hailstones as big as fists.

Fortunately, Xian Wu's body was strong enough, otherwise he would have been hit with bruises on his nose, face, and head and blood.

"Wu, what's wrong with you? Are you cold?" Yu Yan took the initiative to lie on Xian Wu's back, warming his cold body with her fiery body. "Is it still cold now?"

Xian Wu kissed Yu Yan's white little hand and murmured: "If you have such a wife, what more can a husband ask for?"

Actually, he wasn't that cold, but he enjoyed the feeling of Yu Yan lying on his back.

The soft and slippery touch made me feel uneasy.

clap clap clap...

Suddenly there was a burst of applause in the freezing blizzard.

Xian Wu and Yu Yan looked up at the same time and saw a handsome silver-haired man floating over from the dense snow.

"Wu, be careful, this person is the Ice Spirit God, the strongest among all the demon clan spirit gods." Yu Yan bit Xian Wu's ear and reminded him.

Waves of warm fragrant wind blew into his ear holes, making Xian Wu itchy.

Before Xian Wu could open his mouth, Zhulong spoke first: "Bitch, get off his back for me, I'll let you die!" With a ferocious face, Zhulong pointed at Goddess Yuyan.

He actually dared to hug the man he fell in love with, and today he must beat Mrs. Yu Yan into a ball of mud.

"Wu, he's so mean to me, so scary~" Yu Yan not only didn't let go, but hugged him tighter, and started to act coquettishly.

After tens of thousands of years, apart from acting like a baby in the arms of her parents, this was the first time she acted like a baby with a man. A flush appeared on her handsome face, and her exquisite body trembled.

Xian Wu patted Yu Yan's little hand, looked up at Zhulong, and shouted: "You are so brave, you evildoer, I can see at a glance that you are not a human being, take my halberd!"

Zhulong did not expect that Xian Wuhui would not respect martial ethics and would attack directly. When he was caught off guard, his right arm was cut off by a blade of light law.

"Ah!!!" Zhulong wailed crazily, covering his broken right arm.

He was a strong man with the sixth level of destiny who had condensed the six lotuses. How could his arm be cut off by a single blow?No way, this must be a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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