The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 330 The ninth level of death in the underworld

Chapter 330 The Ninth Level of Death in the Underworld
"Gulade, please hand over the remaining pictures quickly, otherwise today will be your death anniversary next year." Luo Xiao vented all the anger he received from Hua Huo on Gulade.

The two demi-god-level experts from the blood demon clan didn't even say a word before they were frozen into ice sculptures by Xian Wu.

Seeing that Xian Wu has such a powerful strength, Luo Xiao now completely believes what Lu Piao just said.

After getting back the broken map from the blood demon clan, he immediately led his clansmen to migrate to the earthly world and escape from the dark realm of the underworld.

"How dare you! You dare to speak like this to Patriarch Gulad in the territory of the Blood Demon Clan. Patriarch, destroy him!" The stone monster elder fanned the flames.

The next second, the stone monster was split in half by Gulard's palm.

With the green hills left without worry of no firewood, Goulard gave in decisively: "You dare to talk to my brother Luo Xiao like this, you don't want to live anymore! Brother Luo Xiao, here is the broken picture, you keep it."

"In addition, these are pensions for your tribe. For the previous conflict, I deeply apologize on behalf of the Blood Demon Clan." Then, Goulard handed Luo Xiao a space ring.

Luo Xiao took the broken picture and ring and secretly cursed the old fox.

He originally wanted to use Xian Wu's hand to get rid of Goulard, but he didn't expect that the old bat actually gave up.

No wonder he was able to lead the blood demon clan to become the largest force in Black Rock City. Luo Xiao was ashamed of his ability to bend and stretch.

"The head of Gulade's family is quick to talk. I like you like this. I hope we can cooperate again if we have the opportunity." Xian Wu patted Gulade on the shoulder.

After taking the remnant picture and throwing the ring back to Luo Xiao, Xian Wu stitched the two remnants together.

"Can you identify where the treasure is buried in the Nine Layers of Death?" Xian Wu asked Luo Xiao, not shying away from Goulard.

In Xian Wu's eyes, Gulade was a bug that could be crushed to death at any time and was nothing to worry about.

Luo Xiao faltered, unable to say a word for a long time.

Nie Li's memory was somewhat lacking. He had no memory of the ninth level of death and could not explain why.

Goulard suddenly said: "I know this place, I can take you there."

"Do you know him? Okay, if I find the treasure, you'll have a share!" Xian Wu nodded happily.

Huahuo added: "If you dare to deceive us, I will show you what cruelty is."

Gulade swallowed.

Madro Xiao, where did you find such a group of murderers?

After leaving the living room, Goulard was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Whether they were guards or family elders, they were all frozen into ice sculptures, stuck to the ground like wooden stakes.

"Sir, are they dead?" Gullard pointed at the ice sculpture and asked cautiously.

Even the two demi-god-level elders in the family were frozen into ice sculptures. Isn't this person's strength too terrifying?
Fortunately, I had the foresight and did not contradict them.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "They are just frozen, not dead. You only need to inject soul power into their soul sea to thaw."

He doesn't have such a big killing addiction as Huahuo, and he focuses on efficiency in his work.

"Sir, I can...I can..." Gulade hesitated, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

If someone attacks the blood demon clan's territory after going to the ninth level of death, it will be all over.

"Go ahead." Xian Wu agreed generously.

If you can freeze them for the first time, you can freeze them for the second time. You can even kill spiritual gods, let alone a bunch of little scum.In order not to delay Xian Wu's time and make Xian Wu angry, Gulard acted very quickly, thawing all the clansmen in less than a stick of incense.

"Stop!" Gullard stopped the two elders who wanted to attack Xian Wu.

"But, the clan leader and the others..." One of the elders wanted to say something else, but was slapped hard.

Goulard showed his ferocious canine teeth and threatened: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will drain your blood essence!"

The elders quickly lowered their heads. When the patriarch said this, it meant that he was serious about it.

"The Jade Seal Family will be our Blood Demon Clan's friends from now on. If anyone attacks the right friend again, the clan rules will follow!"

"Yes!" The people of the blood demon clan responded one after another.

"You stay and guard the house while I go and come back." Goulard ordered, then turned around and smiled flatteringly at Xian Wu: "Sir, I'm sorry to have delayed you for so long. We can go."

Xian Wu nodded.

Under the leadership of Goulard and Luo Xiao, everyone rose into the air and quickly flew towards the ninth level of death.

The Nine Death Place is located on the outskirts of the Nether Realm. It is the place where the human legion and the demon legion fought after the Dark Ages. That battle lasted for thousands of years and accumulated countless corpses.

The strong corpse aura turned it into a barren dead place, but countless treasures were also scattered there.

The entrance to the first level of the Nine Layers of Death is a long path that leads deep into the mist.

Except for this trail, which was vaguely visible, the rest of the place was shrouded in thick fog.

There were towering tents standing near the entrance, densely packed like mushrooms, where other adventurers camped.

"Why are there so many tents here?" Xian Wu frowned.

There is almost no space between the tents, and there is no way for people to pass by. They can only jump over.

Gullard flapped his blood-red bat wings and explained: "My lord, I don't know. There are usually not that many people in the Nine Death Lands. It's just that the ruler of the underworld has recently chosen disciples, so there are more talents."

"As long as you can become the disciple of the Master of the Underworld, in addition to stepping into the realm of spiritual gods like His Majesty, you can also become the ruler of the Underworld City and accept the offerings of countless aristocratic families."

Luo Xiao added: "The City of the Underworld is the center of the entire Underworld. Only the most powerful families are worthy of living in the City of the Underworld. At the same time, the resources near the City of the Underworld are also extremely rich."

Seeing Xian Wu looking at him doubtfully, Hua Huo explained: "Although the Firebird Clan is not in Ming City, we occupy the city to ourselves, and our strength is no worse than those aristocratic families in Ming City."

"The Holy Maiden of Fire and Fire is right, the Firebird Clan is the top three major forces in the entire underworld." Luo Xiao agreed.

Luo Xiao had read countless people and could tell at a glance that the relationship between Hua Huo and Xian Wu was unusual. The child in Hua Huo's belly was most likely Xian Wu's.

Xian Wu is the great emperor of the human race, and Hua Huo is the empress or imperial concubine of the human race. Now, take advantage of the opportunity to fawn over him quickly, because he will not be able to fawn over him in the future.

Later, land on the path to the entrance.

There were some adventurers on the road, but most of them were at the black gold level. Feeling the powerful aura of Xian Wu and others, everyone dispersed.

The fog is an extremely mysterious existence for other adventurers and can affect their perception, but for Xian Wu and others, it is useless.

Under the leadership of Gullard, everyone moved forward.

"Brother Xian Wu, sister Yu Yan is missing?" While flying, Xiao Xue's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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