The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 332 Soul Soldier Gatling Gun

Chapter 332 Soul Soldier Gatling Gun

"Is this the treasure shown on the treasure map?" Xian Wu asked, looking at the iron box on the ground.

The iron box is flat and long. It looks like a sword box. It doesn't contain a peerless sword, right?

Lu Piao rubbed his hands, walked over with a playful smile, squatted on the ground and said, "I'm lucky, I'll drive!"

"Do you have the key? Just open it?" Xiao Xueti slipped Lu Piao's ear and moved him away from the treasure chest.

"I'll do it!" Nie Li found a slender wire from somewhere, twisted it into a weird shape, inserted it into the keyhole, and started twisting it.


Nie Li's iron wire seemed to have triggered some kind of mechanism. The keyhole was instantly locked, and Nie Li's iron wire broke into two pieces.

"Mistake, mistake, hehe..." Nie Li smiled awkwardly.

"Golden eggs! Golden eggs!"

At this time, the big white goose and the golden egg squeezed into the crowd and spit out an ancient key from his throat.

Judging from the shape, it should be the key to unlock the treasure chest.

For a moment, everyone stared, speechless.

"There is no other way." Xian Wu shrugged, "I have to do it."

I saw Xian Wu put his left hand on the box and activated the ability of "parts disassembly".

The box is instantly dispersed into many parts.

Gulade and Luo Xiao's views were once again refreshed.

What is this rule?It would be terrible to break an object into countless pieces in an instant. If this were used on people...

The two of them did not dare to think any further and consciously kept a certain distance from Xian Wu.

Among the many parts, there was a strange object suspended, which everyone present except Xian Wu did not recognize it.

"Gatling gun?" Xian Wu's eyes suddenly widened.

How could the world of demon gods have such modern weapons? Could it have traveled through time just like me?
While Xian Wu was stunned, Nie Li took the lead to pick up Gatlin.

The Gatling gun is very large, and its height alone exceeds Nie Li's waist when laid flat.

"What a weird soul weapon? Even I don't know how to use it." Nie Li picked up a Gatling handle. Its weight was very heavy, conservatively estimated to be tens of thousands of tons.

The shape of this soul weapon is very strange. The hammer is not a hammer, the gun is not a gun, and the crossbow is not a crossbow. They are completely different from each other.

"Soul soldier... what is it?" Lu Piao closed one eye and asked doubtfully while looking into the barrel of the gun.

There are twelve black holes in the front of the weapon. I don't know what they are for.

There are also characters engraved on each hole, which are Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai.

Xiao Xue slapped Lu Piao on the head and shouted: "Don't touch it blindly, it may be dangerous!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the barrel of the Gatling gun started to "buzz".

"Holy shit!" Lu Piao was so frightened that he sat on the ground, his soul about to escape from his body.

Simply, the Gatling gun just rotated and did not fire any shells.

Nie Li was also startled and he let go of his hand like a reflex. He found a button near the handle and pressed it curiously. Unexpectedly, it activated the soul weapon.

"This weapon is not the same type as my mechanism umbrella, right?" Ye Ziyun took out the mechanism umbrella from the space ring.

Everyone focused their attention and found that Ye Ziyun's mechanism umbrella also had a similar tubular part.

Nie Li nodded, thinking it was possible.

"I know this thing. If I read it correctly, it should be called a Gatling gun, a very powerful weapon." The machine gun was surrounded by everyone, and Xian Wu could only fly above their heads.Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Xian Wu refined and bound the Gatling gun.

"Let me show you a demonstration." Xian Wu held the handle in his left hand and the butt of the gun in his right hand, then aimed at the giant sycamore tree as thick as ten people could hold it and pulled the trigger.

Soul power instantly surged out of the soul sea and poured into the Gatling gun.


The barrel of the Gatling gun rotated crazily, and soul shells poured out like a torrential rain.

Bang bang bang!
The giant sycamore tree was like paper. In the blink of an eye, it was penetrated by soul cannonballs, leaving a hole as big as a human head.

The power of the soul weapon is one level higher than the user.

Xian Wu is now at the first level of Destiny. Theoretically, the power of each shell fired by the Gatling gun can reach the first level of Tianxing.

But for some unknown reason, the power of the Soul Cannonball is only the first level of Destiny.

Only when the soul cannonballs are replaced by law cannonballs will the power reach the first level of the Heavenly Star.

Considering that he still needed to collect the fountain of life for Nie Li and rebuild his physical body, Xian Wu did not intend to possess this soul weapon.

This thing is too powerful and can easily beat the target into a pulp, which will make it impossible to collect the Crimson Fountain.

"Wow, this thing is so awesome!" Lu Piao was so frightened that the huge sycamore tree was instantly penetrated by ten people holding it together.

Fortunately, Xiao Xue hit herself just now to get herself away from the gun, otherwise her head might blossom like a big tree.

Xiao Xue grabbed Lu Piao's ears, gritted her teeth and said, "Let's see if you dare to be so rash in the future."

"I don't dare anymore. I won't dare anymore." Lu Piao begged for mercy again and again.

With this lesson, he no longer dared to explore unknown holes.

Xian Wu looked around for a week and began to select the suitable candidate for this soul weapon.

First of all, exclude the two old guys Goulard and Luo Xiao. They are outsiders and I don't trust them at all.

Then, excluding Xiao Xue and Ye Ziyun, he would not give precious soul weapons to other women.

Then, excluding Lu Piao, Du Ze and the other five, my relationship with them was not as good as I imagined.

In the end, only four people were left, Nie Li, Hua Huo, Xiao Ning'er and Yu Yan.

Nie Li doesn't have a soul sea, so he can't use it.

Ning'er already has a nine-section whip and spear, so she has no shortage of weapons for the time being.

If he had to choose between Hanabi and Yuyan, Xian Wu would choose Hanabi.

The dignified and virtuous Yuyan goddess Nagatlin?That picture is simply not too beautiful.

Let’s give it to Hanabi, the crazy bitch.

After being completely disassembled and then reassembled, the Gatling gun was restored to its factory settings.

"Here you go!" Xian Wu handed the Gatling gun to Hanabi.

Hua Huo was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically jumped on Xian Wu, hugged his neck, and kissed him fiercely on the face: "Thank you, Master, Master is the best to Hua Huo."

"There are so many people, please be careful about the impact." Xian Wu patted Hanabi's slippery back and asked her to come down quickly.

Xiao Ning'er stared at her big, resentful eyes, biting her lips and saying nothing.

Children who cry are fed by milk. She is a more introverted girl, not as good at competing for favors as Hanabi.

Xian Wu did not ignore Xiao Ning'er. While wiping the saliva on his face, he promised: "Don't worry Ning'er. If you meet someone suitable in the future, Brother Wu will definitely leave it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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