Chapter 334
Fire Dragon City.

City Lord's Mansion.

The Saint of the Firebird Clan is back, and she is greeted not with fine wine and delicacies, but with sharp spears.

"Huahuo, you are guilty!" the city lord Hua Wubing sat on the throne, his voice was cold.

He was Hanabi's biological father. When he saw Hanabi coming back with a big belly, he was so angry that his head was almost smoking.

"I'm not guilty!" Huahuo poked his neck and pointed the muzzle of the Vulcan Cannon at Hua Wubing.

It's filial piety.

Xian Wu quickly stood between the two of them to prevent Hua Huo from getting confused, "It's my fault, it's all my fault."

Not only did he secretly abduct his daughter with a scroll, but he also made her pregnant. The father-in-law deserved a few scoldings and a few beatings.He promised not to fight back when hit or scolded.

"Who are you? Why are you with my Xiaohuo?" Hua Wubing stared at her eyes as big as copper bells.

His Highness's young man exudes a terrifying and powerful aura. He is very powerful. He is probably a spiritual god.

In addition, the strength of the woman in red next to the young man is also very terrifying, even stronger than the young man.

Hua Wubing didn't dare to act rashly for fear of causing annihilation of his family.

However, the Firebird clan is not something that can be manipulated casually, and they cannot lose in terms of momentum.

Xian Wu shyly scratched his face with his fingers and replied, "I am Hanabi's husband, and the child in Hanabi's belly is mine."

"He is not only my husband, but also the emperor of the human race. He has mastered the power of three laws and condensed three godheads." Huahuo raised her chin proudly and added.

Hearing this, Hua Wubing was so frightened that he almost collapsed from the throne.

Not to mention whether he is an emperor or not, just because he has condensed three kinds of godhead is very remarkable.

Even the controller of the underworld has only condensed one kind of underworld godhead. This person actually has three kinds. Such a talent is so terrifying.

Hua Wubing coughed dryly and waved his hand to signal the guards to retreat.

Seeing the patriarch's words, the guards were relieved and hurriedly fled the suffocating palace.

In the blink of an eye, there were only four people left in the palace, Hua Wubing, Hua Huo, Xian Wu and Yu Yan.

"Sister-in-law, please sit down!" Hua Wubing showed a kind smile on his face, "There were so many clan members here just now, so I had to put on a show, I hope you don't mind."

Xian Wu waved his hand magnanimously, but Hua Wubing didn't slap him with a blow.

"Understandable, understandable."

"Damn old man, can't you talk nicely? I have to use a knife or a gun." Hua Huo gave Hua Wubing a blank look, put away the Vulcan Cannon, and sat down carelessly.

If Hua Wubing knew that Huahuo would be able to face him to death, he would probably be pissed off.

Hua Wubing glared at Hua Huo with his arrogant tiger eyes. If she hadn't brought such an outstanding son-in-law back, she would have been beaten today.

It's all because of her mother's pampering. If she was beaten three times a day since she was a child, I guarantee that she would never dare to talk to adults like this again.

After a brief chat, Hua Wubing invited Xian Wu to take a bath in the hot spring.

The magma hot spring is the highest welcome ceremony for the Firebird clan, and ordinary people cannot enjoy it.

"Xian son-in-law, you have become the emperor of the human race at a young age. You are really young and promising." Hua Wubing boasted while soaking.

Xian Wu replied very humbly: "It's a fluke, it's just a fluke." "Xian Wu, why are you still wearing armor when taking a bath?" Hua Wubing looked at Xian Wu, who was fully armed and lying in the lava, in confusion.

Not only was he wearing armor, but he was also filled with a terrifying aura that seemed to be able to swallow everything, and all the surrounding magma was turned into stone powder by him.

Xian Wu thought for a moment, and then replied: "It is your family's custom to soak in magma hot springs, and it is my family's custom to wear armor to bathe. I hope you can understand."

If he didn't wear the Chaos Emperor's armor, he would definitely be cooked by the lava.

The law of chaos can devour all laws and transform them into the law of chaos.

At the same time, the laws of chaos can also be transformed into all other laws. After all, everything in the world is born from chaos.

While Xian Wu was chatting awkwardly with his father-in-law, a maid from the Firebird clan hurried over from the Nutang.

"It's born, the saint is born!"

"What happened?" Xian Wu looked confused. Don't tell yourself, Hanabi gave birth to a baby in a magma hot spring?Then it has to be boiled!

In the boudoir of Huahuo.

Xian Wu and his father-in-law sat face to face. On the table in the middle, there was an oval egg over 30 centimeters in a basket.

The egg body is red and covered with mysterious lines, some are in the shape of the sun, some are in the shape of a vortex, some are in the shape of a volcano, and there is also a round, headless monster with wings on its back.

Xian Wu couldn't accept that his child was actually an egg.

Hanabi was lying on the soft big bed, covered with a quilt, snoring, sleeping like a dead pig, with the goddess Yu Yan taking care of her.

Xian Wu wanted to pick up Hua Huo's long purple ears and ask her if the child was his.

"Uh... Son-in-law, don't think too much. Women from the Firebird tribe are different from women from the human race." Seeing Xian Wu's uncertain expression, Hua Wubing began to explain.

"The women of the Firebird clan will lay eggs after two months of pregnancy, and then give the eggs to the men to hatch. After eight months, the child will hatch out of the egg."

After hearing what Hua Wubing said, Xian Wu was stunned: "According to what you said, I want to hatch eggs?"

"That's right!" Hua Wubing nodded, "If the child's father hadn't hatched the egg, the child would never have hatched and been born. If you suspect that the child is not you, you can wait until eight months later."

"If the child hasn't broken out of its shell, then you are most likely being cheated. However, that is impossible. My Hanabi usually stays close to home and has never been in contact with a male from a foreign race."

"What if the adulterer is from your Firebird clan?" Xian Wu questioned.

Hua Wubing shook his head: "Impossible. Intermarriage within the clan cannot produce children."

"Uh... According to what you said, my mother-in-law is not from your Firebird clan?" Xian Wu deduced.

"You are right, Hanabi's mother is a foreigner."

Just as he was talking, someone pushed the door open and came in. The man had a good face, wore very simple clothes, had short red hair, and had a hot figure, like a supermodel.

"Let me introduce you, this is my wife, Hua Huo's mother, your mother-in-law - Hong Yu, she is from the Fire Tribe." Hua Wubing spread his hands towards the beautiful woman who walked in.

"My son-in-law has met my mother-in-law." Xian Wu stood up and bowed to Mrs. Hongyu.

"You're welcome." Mrs. Hongyu brushed past Xian Wu and threw herself directly towards the bed, "My son, you are back. You miss your mother so much."

Mrs. Hongyu hugged Hanabi and kissed her fiercely, and her saliva immediately woke Hanabi up.

"What are you doing, you damn old woman? She is sleeping soundly!" Hanabi pushed Mrs. Hongyu's face and pushed her away.

(End of this chapter)

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