The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 351 Hua Ling, son of the outer deacon

Chapter 351 Hua Ling, son of the outer deacon
"Hua Ling, if you fart, just let it go, if you don't fart, get out, I don't have time to chat with you here." Xiao Yu said coldly, his face covered with frost.

Hua Ling laughed and reached out to hook Xiao Yu's shoulder.

"If you have something to say, don't move your hands or feet!" Xian Wu raised his eyebrows, stepped forward, and grabbed Hua Ling's wrist.

Only he can touch his own woman. If other men dare to touch her, he will chop off his paws.

Hualing's face was distorted by Xian Wu's brute force.

He raised his other arm, secretly using the power of heaven, and slapped Xian Wu on the face.

"Bang!" A crisp sound spread throughout the entire testing hall, and everyone's eyes were attracted.

what happened?A look of surprise appeared on Hua Ling's face, and his slap felt like hitting cotton.

The power of heaven in the palm of his hand seemed to be absorbed by something.

As early as Hua Ling raised his hand, Xian Wu silently activated the power of the law of darkness.

The law of darkness can absorb all energy, whether it is light energy, wind energy and heat energy, or the power of law and the power of heaven.

"Your grandpa, you dare to hit my master?!" Hua Huo slapped Hua Ling hard on the face.

They insulted themselves, and they could bear it; but they insulted Xian Wu, and they absolutely couldn't bear it!
Hua Ling was stunned by Hanabi's slap. He didn't expect anyone to dare to attack him in Tianlingyuan.

His father is an outside deacon!You really don’t want to hang out in the Divine Feathers Sect, do you?
"What? What are you doing?"

"Let go of Master Hualing!"

"If you don't let go, I'll kill you, believe it or not?"

More than 20 demi-god-level powerhouses surrounded him. They were all talented students Hualing recruited from Tianyuan World.

"What are you doing? Get out of here!" The instructor who maintained order in the hall came over.

The instructor pushed through the crowd and saw Xian Wu holding Hua Ling's wrist.

Seeing this, Hua Ling hurriedly called for help: "Deacon Gu, they beat me for no reason."

"Let go!" Deacon Gu wanted to open Xian Wu's wrist, but Xian Wu's big hand didn't move at all.

Hua Ling's father is the powerful deacon of the outer sect. This son has the courage to offend him?
What does this kid want to do if he doesn't let go?
"Fighting is prohibited inside Tianlingyuan. You are new here. If you don't know, don't blame me. Hurry up and let me go, or you will be severely punished!"

Seeing that he could not break Xian Wu's hand, Deacon Gu used verbal threats instead.

Xiao Yu gently patted Xian Wu's arm and advised in a low voice: "Forget it, we are not as knowledgeable as a bastard."

"Who are you calling a bastard? You, a waste of the seventh level of Tianlinggen, have no right to criticize me." Hua Ling was not happy.

"Who are you talking about! Try saying it again?" Xian Wu increased the strength in his hands, causing Hua Ling to kneel on the ground in pain.

"How presumptuous! What do you think of this place? Let me go!" Seeing that Xian Wu didn't take his mentor seriously at all, Deacon Gu became angry.

At the same time, other mentors in the hall and guards outside the hall also heard the sound.

"This kid openly attacked Hua Ling. Come on, lock him into an extremely cold ice cave!"

"Deacon Gu, wait a minute! He has just arrived at the Divine Feathers Sect and does not understand the rules here. Please be kind and spare him this time."

Xiao Yu's adoptive father was also a powerful deacon of the outer sect, and Deacon Gu did not dare to offend him.

"You let him let go of Mr. Hualing first."

"Brother Wu, a little impatience will mess up a big plan. Let's let him go and make more arguments in the future." Xiao Yu advised softly.

Xian Wu twitched his eyebrows, and did not let go of Hua Ling immediately, but first warned: "If you dare to touch my brother Xiao Yu next time, I will discount your dog legs, and get out!" After the warning, Xian Wu kicked Hua Ling. Ling's stomach.

If it weren't for the support from his men behind him, Hua Ling would definitely be lying on the ground with his back up. "Deacon Gu, you saw it. He knew the rules of Tianlingyuan and still beat people. You must punish him severely." Hua Ling stared at Xian Wu bitterly, wishing to tear him into pieces.

"Deacon Gu, please spare my friend for once. I promise, he will never dare to do it again next time." Xiao Yu begged in a low voice.

Hua Ling and Xiao Yu were both young masters from the powerful outsider deacon family, and Deacon Gu was in a dilemma for a while.

Hua Ling rolled his eyes and said coldly: "It's okay to spare him. If his spiritual root is above the seventh grade of Tianlinggen, I won't pursue it anymore, otherwise he will leave Tianlingyuan!"

Once he leaves Tianlingyuan and no longer has the protection of Tianlingyuan, he will not be far from death.

A strong player has a strong player, and a mountain is still higher than a mountain.

It doesn't matter if he is stronger than me, there are many people who are stronger than him!
"Hua Ling, are you kidding me? There are less than a hundred people in the entire Tianling Academy who are in the seventh grade of Tianlinggen..." Before Xiao Yu could finish, Xian Wu spoke.

"I agree! If my spiritual root does not exceed the seventh level of Tianlinggen, I will leave Tianlingyuan immediately!"

Xian Wu hated being bound by rules. He was the great emperor of the human race, and he had never been treated like this before.

What a bullshit Tianlingyuan!What bullshit Divine Feathers Sect!I don't rely on you, I can cultivate to the realm of Wuzong on my own.

He only needs to devour demon spirits to automatically advance, without any need for training.

The reason why Xian Wu came to the Divine Feathers Sect was to give face to the controller of the Nether Realm. In fact, what Xian Wu wanted to go to the most was the Tianyin Divine Sect.

There are all beauties there, hehehe...

"It's a deal!" Hua Ling looked at Xian Wu like an idiot.

Unless a miracle occurs, this person is dead!
If you dare to provoke me, Hua Ling, you will die without any body parts!
"No, you absolutely must not, Brother Wu!" Xiao Yu pulled Xian Wu's arm, trying to stop him.

"I have made up my mind!" Xian Wu is a bastard who is determined.

"Deacon Gu, arrange a test for him first!" Hua Ling clutched his stomach and stared at Xian Wu with a sinister expression.

Xian Wu refused: "How can I test it? I don't want to jump in line like some unqualified people."

Hua Ling snorted coldly and led his men to the back of the line with a livid face.

"Seventh grade Tianlinggen!"

"Eighth grade Tianlinggen!"

"Ninth grade Tianlinggen!"

Huahuo, Xiao Ning'er and Yu Yan completed the test successively.

Everyone in the test hall was stunned, and their jaws dropped to the ground.

Hua Ling's eyes widened. Are all the people in the Little Exquisite World monsters?The woman in red is actually a ninth-grade Tianlinggen super genius.

Not to mention the entire Divine Feathers Sect, but looking at the entire Dragon Ruins realm, there are only a few people with ninth grade Tianlinggen.

"Oh my God, there's nothing wrong with my eyes, right? That red-haired woman with big breasts is actually Tianlinggen."

"Ninth grade Tianlinggen? Damn, this person is the biological daughter of Tiandao. She is so talented that it is too outrageous."

"What's even more outrageous is that the three of them, like Xiao Yu, are all from the Little Exquisite World."

"I don't know what level of spiritual root the remaining man has."

"It should be at least Tianlinggen, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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