Chapter 36 A Big Pit

"Secret." While answering Nie Li's question, Xian Wu slowly stood up.

He doesn't want to reveal everything about the "Devil's Left Hand" just yet.

Painted painting difficult to draw tiger bone, Clothes make the man.

You have to have a backup plan in everything you do. There is no regret medicine in the world.

Lu Piao was not satisfied with Xian Wu's answer: "We are all brothers, so you are too outsider. As long as you tell us, we can guarantee that we will never reveal your secret to anyone, so we can just let it go." In the stomach, right, Du Ze?"

"Yeah." Seeing Lu Piao looking at him, Du Ze nodded repeatedly. He was also very curious about Xian Wu disposing of the body in an instant.

Xian Wu rolled his eyes: "A secret is no longer a secret if you tell it. Each of us has a secret. Lu Piao, which girl have you peeked at taking a shower? As long as you are willing to tell it, I will tell it."

"Slander, this is naked slander. Don't listen to his nonsense. I never peeked at a woman taking a bath!" Lu Piao quickly explained, "Forget it, you don't want to say it, and I won't force you."

Nie Li touched his chin and stared at Xian Wu silently. He was becoming more and more interested in this little brother.

"However, I can open your eyes." As he said that, Xian Wu squatted on the ground and slowly put his hands on the ground.

"Secret Technique: Complete Disintegration!"

Before they could react, the ground beneath their feet disappeared out of thin air.

The four people fell into the pit like dumplings dropped from a hot pot.

"Holy shit, shit, what happened?" The surroundings were dark, and Lu Piao was at a loss.

But... the bottom of the buttocks is soft.

"Get up, get up quickly, you really want to crush me to death." Du Ze's voice came from under Lu Piao's butt.

Xian Wu blew the fire stick he carried with him and grabbed his right wrist with his left hand, fearing that he would accidentally hurt his brothers.

He was closest to the bottom of the pit, and the other people all rolled down the slope to his feet.

Nie Li was still normal. He rolled twice and regained his balance. He stood up and stopped on the wall of the pit.

Lu Piao and Du Ze were unlucky and rolled directly to the bottom of the pit, like two mud monkeys.

With the light of Xian Wu's fire and the moonlight above his head, Nie Li could barely see the situation at the bottom of the pit.

He was deeply shocked.

The creation of such a large pit in an instant cannot be described as a miracle.

Looking at his relaxed look, he is simply more awesome than himself, a reborn person.

Could it be that Xian Wu was sent by God to help him eliminate the Holy Emperor?Too strong!

"Did you dig this... this big hole? How did you do it?" Lu Piao stood up, his tongue tied in surprise.

Lu Piao moved his buttocks away, giving Du Ze a chance to breathe. Lu Piao almost crushed him to death just now.

Pulling Lu Piao's clothes, Du Ze reluctantly climbed up.

"Follow me!" Before Lu Ze could see the situation clearly, Xian Wu asked everyone to follow him in a very pretentious manner.

No one present knew English, and they all looked at him in confusion.

Under the action of the devil's left "shovel", Xian Wu opened an upward slope at the bottom of the pit that reached the ground.

The three of them walked down the slope and returned to the ground.

Lying on the edge of the pit, Lu Piao glanced at the dark bottom of the pit.

He turned around and gave Xian Wu a thumbs up and praised: "I won't say anything else, just one word, 'Awesome'."

"Small case." Xian Wu waved his hand.He turned around and asked Nie Li: "Are you still going to hunt horned sheep?"

"Continue, of course we have to continue. What are we doing in the trial area?" Nie Li replied affirmatively, "Xian Wu, your ability is quite good. It is best used to set traps."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's take action!" Xian Wucheng waved to Lu Piao and Du Ze who were still looking over the edge of the pit.

Next, with the help of Xian Wu, the "hang", the four of them began to hunt the horned sheep crazily in the trial area.

In one night, they hunted nearly three hundred horned sheep.

The horns are worth 5 demon spirit coins, the fur is worth 3 demon spirit coins, and the demon crystal is worth 5 demon spirit coins.

The total value of 1 horned sheep is 13 Yaoling coins, and more than 3 horned sheep made them earn nearly 4 Yaoling coins.

Everyone can get almost 1 demon spirit coins, which is equivalent to one-third of the tuition of Shenglan College each semester.

In the morning, the dawn is dim.

A group of four people, carrying three large sacks, happily walked towards the exit of the trial place.

The three of them did not let Xian Wu carry his pocket. Without his trap, the group would not have been able to hunt with such high efficiency.

They stood at the edge of the pit and shot crossbows at a large group of densely packed horned sheep in the pit. Not to mention how cool it was.

"Are you coming again tomorrow night?" Du Ze asked Nie Li, licking his lips. It was obvious that he had tasted the sweetness.

"Come!" Nie Li answered simply. He raised his arms and shouted towards the beautiful rising sun: "Our goal is 1!"

"Thank you for your hard work last night, Xian Wu!" Nie Li patted Xian Wu on the shoulder.

Xian Wu waved his hand, tightened the black scarf on his face, and said, "It's not hard. As long as you teach me that guidance technique."

Although it would be more convenient and faster for Nie Li to treat his bruises, some private parts are still not easy for others to trouble.

Even if he doesn't find it disgusting, Nie Li will find it disgusting.

"No problem." Nie Li agreed.

"By the way, what exactly is my extreme cold disease? Why have I never heard of it before?" Xian Wu asked curiously.

Understanding the cause of this disease will help him prevent it in the future.

Nie Li explained to a few people in detail: "Extreme cold disease mostly occurs in demon spiritual masters below the bronze one-star level, which is our stage."

"Because the soul power of the demon spiritual master at this stage is not strong enough to completely refine the moonlight essence, it accumulates in the body, blocking the meridians, and then bruises appear."

"Moonlight essence?" Xian Wu repeated, "In other words, it was caused by me practicing my soul power at night."

Then why is Xiao Ning'er okay? She is also cultivating soul power at night?

Nie Li nodded and continued to explain: "You are only in the early stages of extreme cold syndrome, and it is not serious. Although there are many bruises on your body, they are very light in color. As long as you do not continue to practice soul power at night, you will be healed in a month or two." It will subside naturally.”

"For some patients with extreme cold syndrome, not only their feet are burning like fire, but every midnight, the cold poison attacks, and the whole body feels like falling into an ice cave. It doesn't matter whether they wear thick cotton clothes or sit around the stove, it is very painful. torment."

"Yes, I felt like I was about to freeze into a popsicle at that time. The bonfire was even ten feet high and I couldn't keep myself warm." Xian Wu agreed.

Nie Li continued: "Fortunately, you haven't cultivated to the level of Bronze One Star yet. When you have cultivated to Bronze Level One despite the extreme cold disease, you may become seriously ill and your cultivation level will be greatly reduced, or you may explode and die. "

Hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu frowned. At that time, he did feel that his body was about to explode.

He was suddenly worried about the person in the Stone Forest. Could Xiao Ning'er also be suffering from extreme cold syndrome?No way?
Her soul power has reached 78. If she does get it, she will die when she reaches one bronze star.

No, I have to ask her when I find time.

(End of this chapter)

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