The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 363 Tianyin Shenzong, fellow Xiaowu

Chapter 363 Tianyin Shenzong, fellow Xiaowu
In the morning, misty.

Ye Ziyun was sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing. She was still a little uncomfortable with it when she first came to the Dragon Ruins realm.

The "Nine Revolutions of Ice Phoenix Art" rotates rapidly, constantly devouring the power of heaven in the mind stone in the palm of the hand.

Since reaching the black gold realm, the ice phoenix in the soul sea has emerged from its cocoon, and her cultivation speed has skyrocketed.

Although not as good as Ning'er and the others, they are definitely the best among the younger generation.

She is the daughter of the former Glory City Lord. She is still a little proud at heart and is unwilling to be inferior to others.

Now that she came to the Dragon Ruins realm, everything had to start from scratch. She believed that she would be able to surpass the women of Xian Wu in terms of cultivation through her own efforts.

The reason why she has such confidence is because during the spiritual root test, she was found to have a ninth grade Tianling Root.

You must know that the Holy Girl of the Tianyin Sect and the Mingyue Wushuang of Tianzhuan Realm only have the eighth grade Tianling Root.

She has such a powerful spiritual root, and if she loses to those women of Xian Wu, then she is too useless.

Although she has the highest level of heavenly spiritual roots, she has very few spiritual stones.

These few pieces in the space ring were given to me by the saintly sister.

After refining the power of heaven from the last spiritual stone, Ye Ziyun felt that she was only a few inches away from condensing her life soul.

With two or three more spiritual stones, he could break through to the realm of destiny and be on the same level as Ning'er.

Boom boom boom!
Just as Ye Ziyun took the wooden bucket and was about to wash off the fragrant sweat on her body, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Ziyun wrinkled her eyebrows, who could it be this early in the morning?Is it Xiao Xue?
"Who?" Ye Ziyun straightened her clothes and opened the door.

"Hello Junior Sister Ziyun, there is a woman named Xiao Wu looking for you outside Xuannv Palace." The heroic female guard reported, "She said that she is also from the Little Exquisite World and is from the same hometown as you and Junior Sister Xiao Xue. "

"Xiao Wu?" Ye Ziyun was stunned for a moment, hearing this name, she inexplicably thought of his super perverted younger brother.

Although I have never heard of this name, since she is from Little Linglong World, I can help her if I can.

Following the female guard, Ye Ziyun arrived at the gate of Xuannv Palace.

At this time, the woman named Xiao Wu was leaning on the phoenix sculpture at the door, making flirtatious glances at the female guard who was left behind.

The female guard was so teased that she blushed and wanted to rush over several times and give the slutty woman in front of her a good beating.

Seeing Ye Ziyun arriving in a white silk dress, Xiao Wu immediately returned to her serious person mode.

"Well, that woman is looking for you." The female guard pointed at Xiao Wu, then stood back to her post.

The female guard glanced at her companion in confusion, and saw her hand pressing the hilt of the sword, her delicate body trembling slightly, her face as red as a blush, and she was extremely shy.

What happened?How did she become like this?As if he had just been frivolous by a pervert.

Ye Ziyun slowly walked towards the woman who had her back turned to her, and asked suspiciously: "Are you looking for me?"

This woman is wearing a black robe, with a green dragon embroidered on the left sleeve, a white tiger embroidered on the right sleeve, and a Xuanwu embroidered on the back.

If Ye Ziyun guessed correctly, there should be a Suzaku embroidered on the front of this woman.

There is only one person in the whole world who can wear such weird clothes.

The woman covered half of her face with a white handkerchief and slowly turned around.

"It really is you!" Although the other party only showed half of her face, Ye Ziyun recognized her at a glance.

The two female guards at Xuanshui Palace looked at each other. It seemed that Junior Sister Ziyun really knew this woman and she was not lying.

"I hate it. You recognize me right away. It's not fun!" Xian Wu said angrily.Ye Ziyun had goosebumps on her skin. She asked with a fierce look on her face, "If you don't practice peacefully in the Shen Yu Sect, what do you want from me?"

Xian Wu pretended to be wronged, covered his face with a handkerchief, and cried, "Sister doesn't know, I only have the first rank of human spirit root, and the Divine Feathers Sect disliked my low talent and kicked me out."

"I have no relatives in the Dragon Ruins Realm, so I have to come to seek refuge with my sister. If my sister doesn't take me in, I won't be able to survive."

After hearing his cry, Ye Ziyun was stunned.

Xian Wu is the most dazzling genius in the world of Little Linglong, how come he only has a first-grade human spirit root?

wrong!Ye Ziyun smelled a hint of conspiracy.

"Really? Don't lie to me!" Ye Ziyun stared at Xian Wu suspiciously, trying to see something fishy on his face.

Unexpectedly, Xian Wu swore to God that if he was not a first-grade human spirit, his father would be struck by thunder.

"Shut up!" Ye Ziyun quickly covered Xian Wu's mouth and scolded: "Don't swear on my father!"

Xian Wu only has one father, and that is his father Ye Zong.

"Do you believe it this time?" Xian Wu wiped the "Mrs. Oral Liquid" off his face with a handkerchief.

Ye Ziyun let go of Xian Wu's mouth, snorted softly, and said in a low voice: "I believe you are useless, Tianyin Shenzong, especially Xuannv Palace, only girls are allowed to enter, you..."

"I'm a girl. If you don't believe me, just touch it." Xian Wu grabbed Ye Ziyun's little hand and put it on his breast.

Ye Ziyun's pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Pervert, you!" Ye Ziyun pulled out her little hand as if she was electrocuted.

Xian Wu winked and smiled and asked: "There... do you want to check it out?"

"No!" Ye Ziyun quickly refused.

After some negotiations, Ye Ziyun finally agreed to take in Xian Wu.

After blowing a kiss to the female guard on the left side of the palace gate, Xian Wu followed Ye Ziyun into Xuannv's palace.

The female guard gritted her teeth with hatred. She didn't care whether this little bitch was Ye Ziyun's fellow villager or not. If she had the chance, she would definitely put a sack on her and beat her severely.

Following the long corridor of Xuannv Palace, the two of them arrived at Ye Ziyun's boudoir.

"Wow, your room is so exquisite. How did you manage to stay in such a nice room for just one day after arriving in the Dragon Ruins Realm?" Xian Wu opened his mouth and looked around.

There are many weapon racks in the room, and various swords are placed on the racks.

There are pieces of calligraphy hanging on the wall, and they all have one word written on them - sword.

In addition, there is an ancient piano in the room with many mysterious inscriptions engraved on it.

"It feels so familiar..." Xian Wu narrowed his eyes slightly, like a cat that has found a mouse, and walked towards Naqin at a leisurely pace.

"Don't touch it! That's Senior Sister Mingyue's piano!" Ye Ziyun stopped her in time and explained: "This is the room of the saint of the Tianyin Sect. I'm only staying here temporarily. Don't touch other people's things."

"Tell me, it turns out to be your senior sister's room." Xian Wu suddenly realized.

Hearing Ye Ziyun say the word "saint", Xian Wu immediately became interested, he likes the saint the most.

I wonder how beautiful this Mingyue Saint is. She must be no worse than Hanabi, the Saint of the Firebird Clan, right?

(End of this chapter)

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