The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 373 5 Thunder Demon Sect, Blood Moon Demon Sect

Chapter 373 Five Thunder Demon Sect, Blood Moon Demon Sect

"Stinky Sanba, I gave you a way to live, but you didn't want it, and you chose to go to the road of death?" A trace of cruelty appeared on the ferocious face of War Thunder Demon Lord.

The Five Thunder Demon Sect alone can destroy the Divine Feathers Sect. Now that the two demon sects join forces, the Divine Feathers Sect will undoubtedly be destroyed.

We can't continue to mess with them, otherwise things will change later.

Presumably this old guy Tianwu has sent a messenger to ask for help from the other three major divine sects.

War Thunder Demon Lord sent a message to the leader of the Blood Moon Demon Sect: "Friend Yaoyue, take action immediately!"

After transmitting the message, War Thunder Demon Lord suddenly sprayed out a bolt of black thunder from his mouth, directly attacking the leader of the God Feathers Sect.

"Despicable villain!" Linglong God shouted tenderly, and sacrificed the extraordinary treasure - the Seven Treasures Linglong Tower to block the black thunder.

Demon Moon Demon Lord Jiejie smiled slyly, and threw out a red crescent moon, spinning towards the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower.

The red crescent moon knocked the Qibao Exquisite Tower away.

Countless pink baby ghosts emerged from the moon disk, crying and attacking Linglong God.

The terrifying baby demonic sound is pervasive, and even if Linglong God seals his ears with the power of heaven, it will be of no avail.

"Poof!" The Linglong God towered into the clouds, and his chest suddenly felt tight, and then he spurted out a mouthful of bright red blood.

"Grandma!" Long Shuyun from the Longyin Family flew over and held the Linglong God who fell from the sky in her arms.

Lord Tianwu's pupils shrank: "Wanying Demon Wheel, you actually refined something so evil!"

The Myriad Infant Demon Wheel needs to absorb the hearts and minds of tens of thousands of babies to successfully refine it. For killing so many innocent little lives, the old thief Yaoyue really deserves to die!

Lord Tianwu summoned two spiked finger tigers, put them on his hands, and then swung his fists towards Demon Lord Yaoyue.

"Your opponent is me!" War Thunder Demon Lord screamed, summoned a mysterious thunder gun, and thrust the gun towards Tianwu God Lord.

As the saying goes, every inch is strong and every inch is dangerous. Zhan Lei Shen Zun had the advantage and suppressed Tian Wu Shen Zun in an instant.

The other three martial arts sects of the Shen Yu Sect came to support Tianwu Shenzun and Linglong Shenzun, but were stopped by the powerful martial arts sects of the two demon sects.

The two demon sects had a large number of people, and the battle turned into a one-sided massacre.

The dragon path masters and Tianzhuan masters of the Divine Feathers Sect died one after another, and the Celestial Star Realm masters fell to the ground like dumplings.

Demon Lord Yaoyue was like a cat playing with a mouse, chasing Linglong Shenzun and Long Shuyun slowly.

All the people who came to support him were chewed up by his demon baby until nothing was left, and their souls were sucked dry.

"Yin'er, take grandma away quickly, I'll stop the old thief Yaoyue." Long Shuyun handed the seriously injured Linglong God to his daughter Long Yuyin, and fought against Yaoyue Demon Lord alone.

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda is a ancestral pagoda of the Longyin family, and Long Shuyun can barely control it.

Seeing the hot and sexy Long Shuyun, Yaoyue Demon Lord's eyes shone and he praised: "What a wife! Play with grandpa and make him feel comfortable. Maybe grandpa can spare your life, Jie Jie Jie…”

I thought that bitch Linglong was pretty enough, but I didn’t expect that her offspring would be even better than her. How wonderful, how wonderful!
"Bah! Shameless pervert, even if I die, I, Long Shuyun, will not surrender to you!" Long Shuyun shouted sweetly, her red lips trembled quickly, and she chanted the formula and controlled the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower to suppress it.

Yaoyue Mozun is the suzerain of the Blood Moon Demon Sect, even Tianwu Shenzun can't do anything to him, let alone Long Shuyun, a junior.

With a loud "bang", the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower was directly cut into two pieces by the Wanling Demonic Wheel, turning into two pieces of scrap metal.Long Shuyun, who controlled the Qibao Exquisite Pagoda, suffered a backlash and involuntarily spit out a mouthful of blood, feeling faint and dying.

"Jiejie, little baby, come to grandpa's arms quickly!" Demon Lord Yaoyue's eyes glowed green, and he stretched out his hand to grab Long Shuyun's towering figure.

Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed, and Long Shuyun, who was so close at hand, disappeared.

Demon Lord Yaoyue's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "What's going on? Where are the people?" He looked around and looked up to see a silver-haired young man with blue and green wings.

And his little baby was just lying in the arms of that young man.

A reassuring face caught Long Shuyun's eyes, and before she could carefully identify the person, she passed out.

"Hey! How dare this white-haired boy steal my grandpa's woman? I'm so tired of living!" Demon Lord Yaoyue was furious. He controlled the Ten Thousand Infants Magic Wheel and slashed at the opponent's neck.

He is the leader of the Blood Moon Demon Sect. Except for the old ghost Tianwu who can compete with him, everyone else is just a piece of cake.

The silver-haired young man chanted a spell, and Long Shuyun in his arms disappeared instantly.

"You dare to show off your skills even though you are a minor?" The silver-haired young man summoned a small black tower, quickly formed seals with his hands, and controlled the small tower to quickly suppress the Yaoyue Demon Lord. Several ferocious black chains rushed out from the tower door.

Demon Lord Yaoyue smiled contemptuously: "Why do you, the God Feathers Sect, like to play with towers so much! I even destroyed the Seven Treasures Linglong Tower of the old lady Linglong, let alone your little black tower. I'll kill you!"

"You dare to talk even when you are about to die. Remember, the one who will kill you is Xian Wu, the leader of the Martial God Sect!" the silver-haired young man shouted.

Several chains of black hell directly smashed the group of fly-like demon infants into pieces, and directly entangled themselves with Demon Moon Demon Lord.

The Wanying Magic Wheel struck the Haotian Tower fiercely, breaking into countless pieces like an egg hitting a stone.

"Ah!" The Myriad Infant Demon Wheel shattered, Yaoyue Demon Venerable suffered backlash, and his head exploded instantly like a coconut.

The black prison chains wrapped the remaining body of Yaoyue Demon Lord into a rice dumpling and dragged it into the Haotian Tower.

After getting rid of the annoying guy, Xian Wu quickly moved towards Long Yuyin.

"Stop, don't come over!" Long Yuyin's handsome face was full of vigilance, "Where did you take my mother?"

Xian Wu stood with his hands behind his back, smiling and comforting: "Don't be nervous, I am the husband of your god-sister Hua Huo and your senior sister Ying Yueru. My name is Xian Wu, and I came here specially to save you. Look over there!"

Following the direction of Xian Wu's finger, Long Yuyin saw in mid-air, Huahuo was carrying the Vulcan cannon, frantically slaughtering the enemies of the Five Thunder Demon Sect and the Blood Moon Demon Sect.

On the other side, a pretty figure was working with the Heavenly Martial God to attack the Thunder Demon Lord.

"Are you the leader of the Xianwu Sect? You are indeed a talented person, cough..." Linglong Divine Lord seemed to be seriously injured, and blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, flowing into a deep ravine along his oval face and perfect collarbone.

"What a beautiful woman!" Xian Wu admired in his heart.

"Now is not the time to talk. I will take you to a safe place first." Xian Wu summoned the Map of Mountains and Rivers and took in the Lord Linglong and Long Yuyin.

Opening his eyes and quickly searching for the beauty in distress, Xian Wu made a new discovery.

Gu family territory.

"Gu Bei, put me down and run for your life!" Gu Lan struggled desperately on his brother's back, with two powerful Demon Sect masters from the Heavenly Star Realm chasing closely behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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