The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 376 Destroy the Holy Emperor and end the flowering

Chapter 376 Destroy the Holy Emperor and end the flowering

The main forces of the Five Thunder Demon Sect and the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect were destroyed. The Demon God Sect took advantage of the situation and captured the territory of the two major demon sects, harvesting countless resources.

A few days later, after the sect rewards were distributed, Xian Wu continued to hold the precious egg to hatch.

Being bored, Xian Wu opened his sky eyes and continued to monitor the movements of the Demon God Sect and the three demi-shen sects.

The Divine Feathers Sect was crippled, and now only half of it is left.

"What are they doing here?" Xian Wu was surprised to find that people from the Demon God Sect and the three Semi-God Sects had all gathered together, as if they had discovered some secret realm.

The good and evil parties were hostile to each other, but they did not take action.

The strongest person in the Demon God Sect is a plump and voluptuous beautiful young woman.

She was wearing a red gauze silk skirt. She had a curvy figure and an indescribable charm. The snow-white skin on her body was looming, making people's blood rush just by looking at her.

"Okay, I'll join in the fun." Putting the precious egg that would break out of its shell in a few days into the space ring, Xian Wu flew up.

Outside the Phantom Palace.

"Feng Yu, were the members of the Baihua Divine Sect destroyed by your Demon Divine Sect?" Lord Tianwu asked sternly. He was the only sect leader present.

"So what if it is, so what if it is not? What can you do to us? Do you have the strength to fight with our Demon God Sect?" Feng Yu did not speak, but a Wuzong Realm elder named Xu Hu from the Demon God Sect spoke.

Lord Tianwu was speechless as he was half-assed by the God of Feathers Sect, and he was not even qualified to fill a hole in the Demon God Sect's teeth.

"Our four major divine sects are going together, are we eligible?" People from the other three major divine sects gathered around, and the situation suddenly became favorable to the Heavenly Martial God Venerable.

There are many more strong martial arts masters from the Zhengdao Sect than there are from the Demon God Sect.

Feng Yu smiled charmingly: "Everyone is here for the treasures in the secret realm. It seems a bit unwise to do it now."

"Yeah, it's best not to do anything now." A hearty voice sounded from Feng Yu's ear.

Feng Yu suddenly felt his waist tighten, and glanced down sideways. Feng Yu saw a white palm resting on the soft flesh of his waist.

Turning around, he saw a handsome young man with silver hair, baring two rows of big white teeth, staring at him with a smile.

Xu Hu, who had been lusting after Feng Yu's body, was stunned. When he came to his senses, he said angrily: "Asshole! Let go of your dirty hands!"

Xian Wu disagreed: "It's none of your business if I hug my wife's waist!"

"Death!" Xu Hu struck Xian Wu's throat with a tiger claw.

"Tiger claw? I can do it too!" Xian Wu also shot a tiger claw.

The tiger claw is one of the first demon fighting skills he acquired. Because he has a demon left hand in close combat, the tiger claw is not usually used much.

When the two claws collided, Xu Hu was instantly broken down into countless atoms and evaporated without even having time to utter a scream.

"Don't move!" After killing Xu Hu, Xian Wu's tiger claws grabbed Feng Yu's smooth jade neck, "If you don't want to die, just obey me and be my woman, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Feng Yu raised her eyebrows.

The pressure this person gave her was no less than that of Great Elder Yao Lie.

"Otherwise, I will have the Demon God Sect removed from the Dragon Ruins Realm." Xian Wu's face turned cold.

The human race and the demon race have sworn hatred. It is her blessing that he can like her. I hope she will not be ignorant of good and evil.

"Try it!" Feng Yu's eyes widened and she opened her flaming red lips.

"Secret Technique·Time Disintegration!"

Feng Yu froze instantly, as if he had been petrified.

"Take it!" Xian Wu summoned the Map of Mountains and Rivers and took Feng Yu in, preparing to slowly train him later.

"Kill!" Without the protection of the great beauty Feng Yu, Xian Wu went on a killing spree.

As soon as the Heavenly Meteor God Thunder Sword was released, it instantly killed a strong man from the Demon God Sect and the Martial Sect.

"Come together, help Sect Master Xianwu!" Lord Tianwu summoned his precious fist and shouted to join the battle group.

Seeing this, the members of the other three major sects also joined the ranks of beating the dog in the water.

"Presumptuous!" Yao Lie, the great elder of the Demon God Sect, appeared, holding the Pangu Ax in one hand and the Shennong Cauldron in the other.

"It's such a dazzling light, it's actually a god-killing weapon?" Xian Wu was slightly surprised, "However, I have it too!"

Swish swish!
In addition to the Thunder God Meteor Sword, Xian Wu also summoned the Demon Refining Pot, Haotian Tower, Kunlun Mirror and Fuxi Qin.

"Five against two, you will lose!" Xian Wu quickly formed seals with his hands and controlled the five god-killing treasures to attack Yaolie.

The Meteor God Thunder Sword and Pangu Ax collided together.

The Shennong Cauldron and the Haotian Tower collided.

"Miximi Xihua..." Xian Wu chanted and realized that Fuxi Qin played automatically.

The invisible demonic sound instantly attacked Yaolie. Before Yaolie could understand what was going on, his mind was taken away.

"Take it!" Xian Wu controlled the demon refining pot and took Yao Lie inside.

Pangu Ax and Shennong Cauldron also fell into Xian Wu's hands one after another, and he "reset factory settings" with his left hand and then refined them.

"Bold, you dare to suppress my elder, I will not forgive you!" A masked man wearing a battle armor appeared on the stage, and a dragon claw hand struck Xian Wu's throat.

Xian Wu instantly became invisible and escaped the armored man's attack.

"Secret Technique: Complete Disintegration!"

The virtualization was lifted, and Xian Wujiang's charming armor was completely disintegrated.

Xian Wu originally planned to kill her, but inside the armor was a charming and enchanting beauty. He immediately felt pity. It would be a pity to kill the monster, so he might as well make the best use of it. "Secret Technique: Time Disintegration!" He punched Mu Yue's Mi Xi, and Xian Wu imprisoned her in a time cage, and then included it in the Map of Mountains and Rivers.

Before Xian Wu could breathe a sigh of relief, a new enemy appeared.

"Nima, gourd boys save grandpa - send them one by one, right?" Looking at the giant giant in the sky, Xian Wu was a little irritable.

"Xian Wu, the Holy Emperor asked me to wait to take your life. Your life is over!" The leading silver-armored giant, holding a giant spear, solemnly pronounced his verdict.

"A group of top martial arts masters also want to take my life? My dear, do you agree?" General Xian summoned Hua Huo.

Hua Huo's eyebrows stood up: "You dare to take my husband's life? You are seeking death!"

Hanabi raised the Vulcan Cannon and started firing, each shell having the power of a god-level peak.

"Oh, my holy emperor!" Shining Armor had just let out a sigh of emotion when his head was smashed into pieces by Huahuo's shells.

The rest of the servant gods wanted to escape, but it was already too late. The shells came in like a tide, killing all the henchmen of the Holy Emperor.

"Dare to kill my emperor's servant god? You are seeking death!" Six god-level monsters exuding extremely powerful coercion appeared from the sky.

Behind them stood a heroic man wrapped in a golden dragon robe.

"Hey, I originally wanted to create a secret realm, but I didn't expect the finale. Wives, come on!"

Xian Wu shouted loudly and summoned all his women.

"Energy Gathering Formation!!!" Xian Wu muttered silently, and countless heavenly powers were transmitted from Yu Yan, Hua Huo, Xiao Yu, Xiao Ning'er... and others to Xian Wu's body.

Xian Wu's body suddenly grew in size, and his combat power soared rapidly. He instantly surpassed six god-level monsters and approached the Holy Emperor.

"Kill those women!" The Holy Emperor saw the key point at a glance and immediately ordered the god-level monsters to attack.

"Hmph! If you want to kill them, you have to pass this level first!" Nie Li radiated golden light, using secret techniques to forcibly raise his cultivation to the level of a great emperor.

The emperor pinched his fingers and said: "Okay, you are very good, if you stand up against this emperor one by one, then you all go to die together!"

The Holy Emperor shouted loudly, and golden light flew from the sky. Countless clones sank into the Holy Emperor's body, and their cultivation levels increased dramatically.

"The Book of Time and Space Demonic Spirits!" Nie Li formed a seal with his hands and brought all Xian Wu and his women into the world of the book.

Using the time flow rate inside, Xian Wu completed the energy gathering project in an instant.

"Holy Emperor, you're finished!" Although Nie Li's chest was pierced by the sword of a god-level monster, he didn't feel the slightest bit of fear.

Xian Wu appeared, his strength reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and he killed the god-level monster holding the sword into pieces with one blow.

"Secret Technique: Abnormal Disintegration!"

After treating Nie Li, Xian Wu summoned seven god-killing treasures to suppress the Holy Emperor who was merging his avatar together.

Meteor God Thunder Sword!
Demon refining pot!
Haotian Tower!
Kunlun Mirror!
Pangu Axe!
Shennong Ding!
Xian Wu was already a hundred feet tall at this time, and then activated the Law of Heaven and Earth, and his height instantly increased to ten thousand feet.

"Die!" Xian Wu waved his huge palm like a mountain.

"Secret Technique·Complete Disintegration!!!"

Everything touched by the palm is broken down into countless atoms.

"No, don't!" The Holy Emperor felt the danger of death. He wanted to run, but his body was blocked by the seven god-killing treasures.

The huge palm suppressed him directly.

Holy Emperor, die!

"It's finally over. There is no need to gather five great emperors, Xian Wu is enough!" Nie Li sighed.

"Okay, let's finish spreading flowers! Let's go back to our homes and find our mothers. I want to live a happy life with my wives without shame." Xian Wu hugged each other, immersed in the ocean of happiness.

Five years later……

The passage to the Little Exquisite World was opened again, and Xian Wu led his wife and children back to the place where the dream began.

"Son-in-law, long time no see, I've lost weight." The controller of the underworld joked.

Looking at Xiao Yu again, she is no longer so thin, she has become round, plump and fit, looking like a charming little wife.

"Fusheng, I haven't met grandpa yet." Xiao Yu pulled over a chubby little boy.

"Grandpa~" the little boy yelled angrily.

The master of the underworld was so excited that tears filled his eyes: "Oh, good boy, grandpa will buy you candy."

Fire Dragon City.

Hua Wubing hugged the little girl with red hair and smiled from ear to ear, even though the little girl was tugging on his gray beard.

"Old guy, this is for you." Hua Huo threw a big box to Hua Wubing.

"what is this?"

"Spiritual stone and fine gold! A treasure that can help you, an old loser, break through to the spiritual god level."

Martial God City.

"Report—report to the Prime Minister that tens of millions of troops are attacking the palace!"

"What?" Ye Zong stood up suddenly, called his old father Ye Mo, and flew up.

Outside the city, an emaciated man stood on a sacred bird, his hands folded, and loudly announced: "Holy Spirit Continent, your emperor is back!"

Finish the flower.

(End of this chapter)

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