Chapter 41 Attribute Form

The happy time is always short-lived, and the sparring practice ends quickly.

At the same time, the noon school bell rang.

Under the jealous eyes that wanted to kill, the six brothers protected Xian Wu and ran away quickly.

"I really didn't mean to hold her in my arms. I don't know what happened, but my strength suddenly became stronger." Xian Wu tried his best to explain that he was telling the truth and not lying.

Lu Piaojian smiled and patted Xian Wu on the shoulder: "Understood, we understand, no need to explain."

"Explanation is cover-up, cover-up is fact." Zhang Ming agreed with a smile.

Xian Wu raised his forehead and was speechless, the two are really a pair of living treasures.

"Okay, you guys go to eat first. I'll take Xian Wu to the training ground next door for a test and see what's going on." Nie Li dismissed the five people and took Xian Wu to the next door to the martial arts training ground.

Unlike the bustling martial arts arena, there were very few people in the trial arena.

When the two arrived at the trial site, the instructor had already gone off work.

"Yes, it's all in vain." Xian Wu turned around and was about to leave.

Nie Li took his arm, pointed at the strength test stone and said, "You're here, give it a try, and I'll see the results."

"Okay." Xian Wu didn't have the slightest doubt. He clenched his fist and walked towards the strength test stone.

"Wait a minute, hit it with your right hand, not your left hand. If you break the test stone, we can't afford to pay for it." Nie Li reminded.

"Understood." Xian Wu used all his strength and hit the strength test stone with a right swing fist.

Nie Li quickly approached, squinted his eyes, and visually measured the depth of the fist mark.

"Punch again!" Nie Li patted Xian Wu on the shoulder.

boom! !

boom! ! !
After Xian Wu punched three more times on the strength test stone, Nie Li called to stop.

"How is it?" Xian Wu asked anxiously.

Nie Li touched his chin and said, "Strength is 99. As I guessed, you may have a very special physique that has never been seen before."

"Really?" Xian Wu's blood surged, and Xian Wu was so happy that he couldn't find the north.

Nie Li rolled his eyes: "Don't worry, I mean it's possible. As for whether you have it or not, we won't know until we take the test. After lunch, go to the dormitory and call Du Ze and the four of them. Come to the third floor of the library. Assemble, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"Good thing!"


Noon, third floor of the library.

There are many small rooms on the third floor, which are used for students to read books. They are very quiet and private.

The seven people sat around the long table, quietly waiting for Nie Li to speak.

Nie Li took out a small cloth bag, held the bottom of the bag, and poured the contents onto the table with a "crackling" sound.

Everyone looked closely and saw that the bag contained primary soul crystals.

Why did Nie Li buy this thing?Too much money to burn?
"Why are you all looking at me? One piece for each person, choose for yourself!" Nie Li took the first step and took out a piece from the pile of crystal stones.

Zhang Ming's big eyes were not for fun, he immediately spotted the largest primary soul crystal among them.

"Nie Li, did you buy the primary soul crystal simply to test your soul power?" Du Ze asked doubtfully. His crystal was regular in shape, almost oval.

"Alas~" Xian Wu sighed. His soul power was still 1 and had not increased at all.

"Don't move!" Nie Li suddenly shouted.

Xian Wu raised his head and asked in confusion, "What's wrong? I'm surprised, I've never seen a legendary demon master with a soul power of 1!" Nie Li stood up and walked to Xian Wu's position across the table.

"Sure enough, I should have thought of it a long time ago!" Nie Li bent down and carefully examined the primary soul crystal in Xian Wu's hand.

"Chaos system, black hole form." Nie Li smacked his lips and exclaimed: "My dear, I have only seen this kind of soul sea in mythological books. It's rare. It's really too rare."

Nie Li stared at Xian Wu with blazing eyes, as if he was a stunning beauty.

"What's going on? Go back to your seat and explain it to everyone!" Xian Wu was stared at with fury.

Seeing Nie Li shaking his head and returning to his seat, Xian Wu breathed a sigh of relief. He almost thought he was going to be killed just now.

"I spent so much money to buy elementary soul crystals because I wanted to test everyone's soul ocean." Nie Li explained with a smile.

"Didn't you take the test at the beginning of school?" Du Ze was puzzled.

Nie Li continued: "The test at the beginning of school was not accurate. I don't know if thousands of people have used that broken crystal. It's impossible to be accurate."

"Accurate? In addition to the strength of the soul power and the color of the soul sea, can the soul crystal test anything else?" Xian Wu asked.

"The attributes and forms of the soul sea." Nie Li replied.

Xian Wu has a keen insight and is good at grasping the key points of the problem. The more he looks at this kid, the more he likes him.

"The soul sea has seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It is generally believed that the lower the color, the higher the talent for cultivation."

"Actually, this is a wrong view!"

"There is no such thing as the most useless soul sea in the world, only the most useless demon spiritual master. Even a red soul sea can be cultivated into a legendary demon spiritual master. All it takes is..."

"Just what do you need?" Lu Piaohou asked anxiously.

Except for Du Ze, who has a yellow soul sea, everyone here has a red soul sea.

Nie Li smiled slightly: "We just need to find suitable cultivation techniques. Don't worry, I have a large number of top-quality techniques here, but I need to test the form and attributes of your soul sea before I can distribute them to you."

"Xian Wu, your soul sea is in the form of a black hole and has chaotic attributes. I will teach you the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art". Please take the notes..."

Chaos Soul Devouring Art can be advanced by devouring demon spirits and cannot be advanced through active practice.

After swallowing any bronze-level demon spirit, the capacity of Xian Wu's soul sea will instantly expand to 1.

After swallowing any 2 silver-level demon spirits, the capacity of Xian Wu's soul sea will instantly expand to 9999.

And so on.

The expansion of capacity does not represent the actual amount of soul power, but only represents the upper limit of the soul power stored in the body.

If Xian Wuru wants to gain soul power, in addition to swallowing demon spirits, he can also devour the soul powers of other demon spiritual masters.

Once the devouring begins, even if the opponent seals the soul sea, the soul power will continue to be absorbed until not a drop is left.

There is a way to return the soul power of the absorbed demon spiritualist, or even double the return.

As for what kind of method it is, let’s not talk about it for now.

In the final analysis, the Chaos Soul Devouring Art is just a tool to control the soul sea, and what is really powerful is Xian Wu's soul sea.

He became obsessed with cultivation a few days ago, which was caused by the loss of control of the soul sea.

Since black holes have the property of infinite devouring, once Xian Wu starts absorbing the moonlight essence, he cannot stop until the moonlight essence is completely absorbed.

Obviously that's not possible.

The soul power that exceeds the limit of the soul sea will overflow to temper the body, strengthen muscles, and strengthen strength.

When the strength enhancement reaches the limit, the cultivator will explode and die.

This is also the reason why Xian Wu became bloated in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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