Chapter 43
Xian Wu bent down and quietly told Lu Piao how to return his soul power.

Xian Wu spoke clearly, and every note reached Lu Piao's ears.

"No, I don't want it anymore, why don't I give it to you?" Lu Piao hurriedly let go of Xian Wu's thigh, and hid behind Du Ze like a frightened Xiao Lu, and gathered in a group with his brothers, shaking all over Like sifting chaff.

Since you can get your soul power back, why not? Is Lu Piao mentally ill?Du Ze couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart and asked: "Lu Piao, what is the method? Please tell everyone."

"Ah!!!" Lu Piao suddenly screamed like a woman and cursed angrily: "Ask, what the hell are you asking? Since you are so curious, won't you know if you let Xian Wu suck you once?"

Du Ze turned around angrily, feeling a little at a loss after being scolded.

"Brother, what is the method?" Zhu Junxiang asked.

Xian Wu smiled evilly and raised his hand at Zhu Junxiang, saying: "Want to know? Come on, come here, I'll let you experience it for yourself~"

" need, big brother." Xian Wu's smile was creepy. Although Zhu Junxiang didn't know the method, it was definitely not a good method. His big brother often didn't follow the routine.

Xian Wu snorted: "If you don't want to know, forget it. I'll go out for a while and you can practice slowly."

The top priority is to get a bronze demon spirit and unlock the upper limit of soul power.

First of all, his current upper limit of soul power is too low, only 99 points.

Secondly, his body has been strengthened to the limit, and absorbing too much soul power will cause his body to explode and die.

His current soul power is 22 points, and sucking one Xiao Ning'er is exactly [-] soul power points.

Even though he only has a little more soul power, he still has to explode when he should.

Where can I find the bronze demon spirit?

A one-star bronze demon spirit is worth tens of thousands of demon spirit coins. Nie Li is in charge of the money, and there are only about [-] demon spirit coins. After spending it, everyone went to drink the northwest wind.

By the way, Xiao Ning'er is suspected to be suffering from extreme cold.

If her disease is cured, it shouldn't be too much to ask for a bronze demon spirit from her, right?
Her family is a wealthy family, very rich.

To their family, a bronze demon spirit in a rotten street is like the tip of a feather on a cow.

"Okay, I decided happily." After making up his mind, Xian Wu left the library and headed to the trial site, ready to wait and see.

In the evening, the glow gradually dims.

In the place of trial, the doorway is brightly lit.

"Brother, what happened?" Xian Wu asked suspiciously when he saw the white bandage wrapped around the guard's head.

The guard complained while checking Xian Wu's student card: "Hey, don't mention it, I don't know some idiot digging holes everywhere in this special training ground. I accidentally fell into the hole while I was patrolling."

"Falled into a pit?" Xian Wu twitched the corner of his mouth, as if it was a good thing they did.

"I heard that Vice Dean Ye Sheng, who came to investigate the disappearance of the horned sheep during the day, almost fell into the trap." Another guard gossiped.

The injured guard kindly reminded: "Although most of the pits have been filled in now, there are still potholes in the trial ground. You kid, be careful when walking at night."

"Okay, let's go in! If you find a suspicious person digging a hole, immediately sound the flare, and people from the college will arrive immediately." Another guard slowly opened the door.

"Well, brother guard, goodbye!" Xian Wu said more, not knowing whether he was feeling guilty or something.

"Yeah, bye!" The guard waved his hand perfunctorily and slowly closed the door.

"Huh..." Xian Wu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Fortunately, they didn't know that he dug the hole, otherwise... he would not have been arrested and sliced ​​for research!
It was not completely dark yet, and Xian Wu could easily distinguish the pits on the road.

A stick of incense later, he arrived at Xiao Ning'er's camp.

Lighting a bonfire in a familiar manner, Xian Wu practiced dragon-shaped fist and tiger attack palm while waiting for Xiao Ning'er's arrival.The sun goes down, and night comes lightly.

Xiao Ning'er appeared!

However, she was dirty, her hair was messy, and there were a few leaves on it, as if she had just climbed out of a pit.

Xian Wu touched his nose awkwardly. Did Xiao Ning'er fall into the trap he dug?

"Classmate Xiao Ning'er, what's wrong with you? Why are you like this?" Xian Wu ran over, pretending to be concerned.

My Brother Ning pulled out a brand new and shiny Qingyue dagger, pointed at Xian Wu, and cursed softly: "Get out of here, stay away from me!"

She wanted to stab the bastard in front of her to death with a sword.

She was really unlucky today.

During the day, I was taken advantage of by the bastard in front of me, and at night, I fell into a deep pit, messing with who I was.

She was so angry that she was about to lose her mind.

"Don't do anything. If you have something to say, talk it over." Xian Wu raised his hands to show that he was not hostile. "I came today to make a deal with you." Xian Wu followed Xiao Ning'er to the bonfire.

"Deal? What deal?" Xiao Ning'er took out the bronze mirror from the space ring and asked while picking the leaves from her hair.

She didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Xian Wu's gourd, so let's listen to what this bastard said first.

Xian Wu cleared his throat, straightened his back, and asked angrily: "Are you sick?"

"Come here!" Xiao Ning'er had a smile on her lips and hooked her slender jade fingers charmingly.

"What do you want to do?" Xian Wu swallowed his saliva and leaned over.

"I'll stab you to death with one sword!"

If Xian Wu hadn't been able to hide quickly, there would have been many transparent holes in his body.

"What are you doing~ Ouch~~" Xian Wu was startled.

Xiao Ning'er shouted: "You are the only one who is sick! Your whole family is sick! Are you here to make me angry on purpose? Get out! If you don't get out, I will kill you with a flying knife. Believe it or not! @#¥##@ ¥@”

As if she had found an outlet, Xiao Ning'er vented all her unhappiness throughout the day.

Xian Wu was scolded so badly that he couldn't even open his mouth to say a word.

"Look here." Xian Wu suddenly pointed at his face and said.

Xiao Ning'er raised her eyebrows and said in disgust, "What are you looking at? I feel sick when I see your face."

She didn't know why, but after scolding Xian Wu, she felt much happier.

"Uh..." Xian Wu was startled for a moment, then continued: "Do you feel that my face is different from yesterday?"

"What's wrong..." Xiao Ning'er stopped mid-sentence. It seemed there was something different, but she couldn't tell what was different at the moment.

Xiao Ning'er squinted her beautiful big eyes, feeling a little confused.

Xian Wu reminded: "The bruises on my face are gone." He approached Xiao Ning'er and said happily: "Look, are they gone, are they gone, are they more handsome..." Xian Wu walked up to Halfway through, he was forced back by Xiao Ning'er's dagger.

"Whether you have bruises or not is none of my business!" Xiao Ning'er pouted and added a piece of firewood to the bonfire.

Speaking of bruises, she also has two on her body, but they are not on her face like Xian Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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