Chapter 58 Silver Peak
After devouring the demon spirits from the two demon spirit stones, Xian Wu successfully advanced to become a peak silver demon spirit master.

However, his soul power is still 999 and his strength is still 888.

Because the demon spirits devoured by promotion will not increase the soul power, only the demon spirits devoured after the promotion is completed will increase the soul power.

Moreover, after the soul power reaches the upper limit of capacity, it will no longer be able to swallow low-level demon spirits.

Of course, no matter at any time, it is impossible to devour a demon spirit that is two levels higher than itself.

"Tiger Claw?" Xian Wu muttered.

His ten fingers sprouted sharp and long hooked nails, which were shining with golden light. This was the martial skill of one of the demon spirits he devoured.

Pressing his nails on the tree trunk, he easily plowed a deep furrow in it.

Pull off a piece of hair, put it on the hook of your nail, blow it gently, and the hair will be broken into two pieces.

"Food ribs." Xian Wu gave his own evaluation.

Although the tiger's claws are sharp, they are far from his demon left hand.

But it should work well for climbing trees.

Another of his martial arts skills is called "Doubling", which can enlarge a certain part of the body.


"Some middle-aged men should be in need of this martial arts." Xian Wu complained, but he didn't need it. He was already big enough without doubling it. If he doubled it again, he would kill someone.

After devouring five more silver-level demon spirits, Xian Wu increased his soul power to 9999, which is the upper limit of the soul sea's capacity.

The strength has also increased a bit, to a little over 1000.

He did not max out his power, because sometimes the absorbed soul power would overflow the soul sea, and leaving some upper limit on power could prevent explosions.

"We are only one step away from the realm of the Golden Demon Spirit Master." Xian Wu clenched his fists, feeling a little guilty when he thought of Yang Xin's darling.

It's all Huyan Lanruo's fault. If she hadn't used charm to control him, he wouldn't have accidentally hurt the big baby.

"You only need to swallow three golden demon spirits to advance." Xian Wu murmured to himself.


Yang Xin's injury was originally a skin injury. After taking the Nine Turns Pill, which can "live and die, flesh and bones", he fully recovered after resting for a few hours.

However, the skin of the affected area is not as white and smooth as before, and a circle of white marks can be vaguely seen. The white marks are connected together with a palm print, the print of Xian Wu's left hand.

To put it in very low EQ terms, just like a quarantine stamp stamped on pork, Yang Xin's body has been branded with the mark of Xian Wu, which cannot be erased for the rest of his life.

Alchemist Association, Council Hall.

The director's hall is not the hall of the association responsible for reception. It is located in the backyard and is the office of director Yang Xin.

Although the door to the director's hall was open, Xian Wu still knocked on the door.

"You're here! Come in~" Yang Xin sat at the desk and waved to Xian Wu.

Xian Wu lowered his head, walked into the house, and closed the door behind his back.

Why close the door?Yang Xin's brows jumped.

"There are many people outside, and I'm afraid they will see me, so I kneel down for you while no one is around."

"There is gold under the man's knees, what are you doing? Get up!" Yang Xin quickly helped Xian Wu up and said with a smile: "The matter is over, don't hold on to it anymore, okay? I don't mind anymore, you Just don’t take it to heart.”

Xian Wu said apologetically: "I hurt you, but you laughed it off. Baby, you are so kind." Behind Xian Wu's left hand, his right hand hugged Yang Xin's soft waist.

Yang Xin grabbed Xian Wu's hand that was moving downwards, and said with a smile: "Brother, don't let your hands go around, sister will be angry~"

"Why are you shy? You will be mine soon." Xian Wu took out his index finger, took out a high-level soul crystal from the space ring, and then slowly input his soul power.

Xian Wu sold the extra silver-level demon spirit stones and got more than 300 million demon spirit coins.

Why not swallow demon spirits to gain martial arts skills?

Only demon spirits swallowed during advancement can gain martial arts skills. Devouring demon spirits in other stages can only gain soul power.

In other words, the remaining silver-level demon spirits are equivalent to the power bank in his hand.

Xian Wu has a big power bank called the Sun Ball, and he doesn’t need the silver-level demon spirit as a power bank, so it’s most suitable to sell it for money.

The price of high-grade soul crystals is about 300 demon spirit coins, which is very cheap for him who has a huge sum of [-] million.

Yang Xin stretched out his onion finger, poked Xian Wu's head, and said mockingly, "What dream are you doing in broad daylight, brother! Right now? Do you know how long it took me to become a Golden Demon Spiritualist? More than ten years! You just How many days do you have to practice!”

"Don't be too ambitious, practice and learn in a down-to-earth manner, understand?" Yang Xin touched Xian Wu's head and found that he seemed to have grown taller, only a little shorter than herself. She didn't know if it was an illusion.

Wu Xian held the high-level soul crystal over, and the crystal was as bright as an incandescent lamp: "Look, sister, there are 99 points of soul power, and I was almost golden."

"It must be fake. You found someone to make a fake to fool my sister!" Yang Xin snatched the high-level soul crystal and poured her soul power into it.

More than 2 soul power is consistent with her actual situation.

The soul crystal is not fake?Yang Xin couldn't believe her eyes.

"Have you really reached the peak of silver?" Yang Xin looked at Xian Wu in surprise. Isn't he a unique cultivation genius?

"Is that still fake?!" Xian Wu took back the advanced soul crystal and injected soul power into it again.

"Don't worry, I will use an eight-carat sedan chair to marry you soon." Xian Wu looked at Yang Xin affectionately, his eyes full of love.

Yang Xin's heart was pounding like a deer, and she kept retreating.

My mother has been single for 25 years, and she was taken care of by a little brother in a few days?
Yang Xin's heart was broken.

"Wait a minute, I haven't thought about it yet~"

Xian Wu took a step forward, stopped Yang Xin's waist, and said with an evil smile: "Marry first, love later, that's okay. Don't worry, you will be the boss in the family from now on, and the remaining wives, concubines, etc. will all belong to you." Tube."

"Thank you..." Yang Xin's eyes twitched.


The door to the Council Hall opened and closed.

Xian Wu stood on the steps of the door blushing, looked up at the sky, looked down at the ground, touched the red palm marks on his face, and grinned in pain.

"If you have something to say, why don't you hit someone? No, I have to correct her bad habit after she gets through. If she continues to let it go, she won't be subjected to domestic violence every day."

How to correct it?The art of doubling is no joke.

After leaving the director's hall, Xian Wu put on a scarf to hide his shame and ran to find his friends.

Normally, the six guys would practice in the pavilion in the morning and under the wall in the afternoon.

I don’t know which wall they are hiding under now.

(End of this chapter)

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