The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 66 Shen Xiu Speechless

Chapter 66 Shen Xiu Speechless
"There are 66 basic inscriptions in the Holy Fire Inscription, such as this inscription..." Shen Xiu began to draw graphics on the blackboard.

After finishing the painting, Shen Xiu pointed to the inscription on the blackboard and introduced: "This is the red flame explosion inscription. It was created by the first generation head of our holy family. It is the most powerful bronze inscription!"

"The red flame explosion inscription is composed of 36 basic inscriptions. It is the most complex inscription among the bronze inscriptions." Shen Xiu raised her chest slightly, with a look of pride on her face. "Let's talk about these 36 basic inscription patterns."

Shen Xiu's eyes swept across everyone and landed on Nie Li. He dared to sleep in her class. It was too much!

Just when Shen Xiu was about to attack, Xian Wu raised his hand and stood up and said, "Mr. Shen Xiu'er, I have a problem!"

He deliberately added the pronunciation of "er" to show his contempt.

"What's your problem?" Shen Xiu snorted.

Last time, he and Nie Li worked together to make things difficult for him in class. What tricks did he want to play this time?
If there wasn't a big shot outside the classroom listening, she wouldn't even bother to pay attention.

The moment Xian Wu stood up, the mysterious old man outside the classroom opened his eyes.

With silver-level soul fluctuations, I didn't expect that the small junior class of warriors would also be crouching tigers, hidden dragons.

"To be precise, it's not that I have a problem, it's that you have a problem, mentor, and your cognition." Xian Wu walked up to the podium arrogantly with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Xian Wu taking the initiative to step onto the podium, the whole class was stunned.

"What is Xian Wu doing? Giving lectures on behalf of Instructor Shen Xiu?"

"He actually questioned Instructor Shen Xiu's knowledge? He is a high-ranking disciple of the Holy Family and is very knowledgeable. How can he, a common student, question it casually?"

"I don't know why, but Xian Wu's confident expression is so handsome~"

"Nonsense!" Shen Xiujiao shouted. You dare to question yourself in public. I want to see how capable you are. "What's wrong with my cognition? If you can't explain it today, I will never give up."

Xian Wu stretched out his hand, stopped three centimeters away from Shen Xiu's Xuan Ran, and then said: "Bring it here!"

"What to take?" Shen Xiu took half a step back, very angry at the impudent boy in front of him.

Shen Yue in the audience clenched his fists tightly. Damn you untouchable, how dare you be so frivolous, auntie, if you don't break your dog's paw after school, I, Shen Yue, write my name upside down.

Ye Ziyun frowned. She couldn't tell without comparing. Xian Wu stood on the podium and compared with Instructor Shen Xiu. She found that Xian Wu was actually taller, more powerful and majestic than Instructor Shen Xiu who was wearing high heels.

"Teacher Shen Xiu, don't pretend to be confused. What else can you get? Of course it's the pointer! What do you think?" Xian Wu smiled contemptuously.

"Take it!" Shen Xiu put the pointer into Xian Wu's hand.

Xian Wu raised his hand and took the opportunity to touch Shen Xiu's hand.

"You!" Shen Xiuyu's face turned red. She knew that Xian Wu did it on purpose.How dare you tease me, I'll wait for you!

Xian Wu raised his eyebrows at Shen Xiu, turned around and pointed his pointer at the red flame explosion inscription on the blackboard, and said: "Teacher Shen Xiu just said that the red flame explosion inscription consists of 36 basic inscriptions, right?"

"That's right!" Shen Xiu replied softly. She wanted to see what Xian Wu was up to.

"That's why I say that Shen Xiu's mentor has a cognitive problem." Xian Wu moved his pointer to the flank of the Red Flame Flame Explosion Inscription, "The Red Flame Flame Explosion Inscription actually has 38 basic inscriptions, and the two extra The road is here, one for the left and one for the right.”

"Nonsense, the left wing is clearly a basic inscription pattern." Shen Xiu insisted.

Xian Wu smiled: "Since this is a basic inscription pattern, why did you divide it into two strokes when you drew it just now? One inscription pattern and one inscription pattern. Doesn't Master Shen Xiu even have this bit of common sense?"

"You..." Shen Xiu was furious for a moment.In fact, she also had doubts about the painting method of the Red Flame Flame Explosion Inscription, but the tutor in the family told the Red Flame Flame Explosion Inscription that there were only 36 lines, and the tutor also used 36 strokes to draw it, so she Didn't think much about it.

Unexpectedly, Xian Wu caught the flaw.

"Instructor Shen Xiu was actually silenced by Xian Wu? Oh my God, am I dreaming?"

"Xian Wu is too handsome, he dared to confront mentor Shen Xiu in public for the second time, and even knocked her speechless? Awesome!"

"As the leader in the study of Holy Fire Inscriptions, the Holy Family would actually make such a low-level mistake?"

For a while, everyone was talking about it.

"Hmph!" Shen Xiu jumped up and scolded everyone: "What are you arguing about! Some people miss their hands, and horses have their hooves. Teacher Shen Xiu is not feeling well today, and he went to class with an illness. It is understandable for him to remember wrongly for a while."

"Presumptuous!" Xian Wu pointed his whip at Shen Yue and scolded him sharply. His loud voice made Shen Yue confused.

When he came back to his senses, Shen Yue became angry with embarrassment: "What are you? How dare you talk to me like that! Believe it or not..."

When the words came to his mouth, Shen Yue quickly covered his mouth and almost beat his leader to knock him out.

If he really said it in public, everything he did at noon would be exposed.

Xian Wu snorted coldly: "You didn't raise your hand to indicate, and you made loud noises in class without the instructor's permission. Do you know that you violated the rules of Shenglan College? Go back and stand, now and now!"

"You are just a stinky beggar. Who have the right to order me! Once you get the pointer, you become the mentor? Damn!" Shen Yue spat at Xian Wu.

"Eh~ Shen Yue, you are so disgusting." Ye Ziyun moved to the side in disgust.

Xian Wu dodged Shen Yue's venom, faced Shen Xiu and said: "Mr. Shen Xiu, look for yourself, your child has violated the rules of the school, not only does not want to repent, but also spit at others, do you have any qualities? Do you have any tutoring?"

"Shen Yue, please stand at the back." Although Shen Xiu was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, she had to give in. After all, Xian Wu was reasonable.

Moreover, there are college leaders outside who are attending the class. If Shen Yue is not punished, the college will definitely think that she is engaging in malpractice for personal gain.

"Aunt~" Shen Yue acted coquettishly.

"Shut up!" Shen Xiufeng's eyes widened.

Shen Yue shrank his neck in fear, stood up and walked to the back row of the classroom to stand.

"Thank you, student Xian Wu, for your advice. My instructor will go back and look up the information. I will give you a satisfactory explanation for the matter of the scarlet flame explosion and the inscription pattern after I check the information." Shen Xiu said politely, suppressing her anger.

"No thanks!" Xian Wu punched Shen Xiu between the two groups and handed the pointer back to her.

Shen Xiu frowned slightly and took the pointer. The wind from the fist made her feel burning pain, and she felt as if her heart was about to be pierced.

Xian Wu walked away from the podium in a leisurely manner, walking in a square and high-spirited manner.

"Go away, you're blocking me from returning to my seat." Xian Wu slapped Shen Xiu almost into the ground.

Lu Piao and others all turned around to see the joke. Shen Yue struggled to get up from the ground like a dog and glared at Xian Wu bitterly.

"Who are you glaring at? Try glaring at someone else." Xian Wu kicked out, but Shen Yue dodged it.

(End of this chapter)

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