Chapter 70
First seriously injured and then attacked by a sneak attack, Lao Liu's heart collapsed.

But what made him collapse even more was that the remaining soldiers had no moral ethics. Four of them controlled his limbs, and the remaining one punched him hard in the stomach.

"Choke my neck, right? I let you choke my neck! I let you choke my neck." Zhu Junxiang punched Lao Liu in the stomach one after another, so hard that he almost vomited out bile.

"Don't move around!" Seeing Lao Liu trying to struggle, Zhang Ming increased the strength on his hands.

After beating about a quarter of the incense stick, Zhu Junxiang stepped back to rest. Zhang Ming let go of Lao Liu and took over his post.

In this way, one person took turns beating Lao Liu, and the time for a cup of tea was over.

"One...two...let's go!" The six of them worked together to throw Lao Liu out of the pit, who was beaten like a dead dog.

Xian Wu stuffed a Nine-turn Pill into the dying Lao Liu's mouth, and Xian Wu poured pure water to wake him up.

"Let me ask you, do you dare to gang up on others next time?"

Although Xian Wu had a smile on his face, Lao Liu didn't feel any kindness.

"I don't dare anymore! I don't dare anymore!" Lao Liu shook his head repeatedly.

"Let me ask you again, did anyone hit you just now?" Xian Wu continued to pour water on Lao Liu's head and continued to ask.

"No! I accidentally dropped it myself and it has nothing to do with any of you."

Xian Wu was very satisfied with Lao Liu's answer and said with a smile: "Do you still remember the two choices I gave you just now?"

Lao Liu rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Repeat it again!" Xian Wu ordered.

"For the first choice, I stand still, and one of them beats me for a stick of incense, and I can leave when I'm done."

"The second option is that one of the six of them beats me, and I can resist. If I win, I can leave. If I can't win, the six of them beat me up for a cup of tea. After the beating, I can also leave. "

Lao Liu had a good memory and recited everything word for word.

"It's interesting." Xian Wu stopped pouring water on Lao Liu's head and stood up.

"My lord, can I go?" Lao Liu asked anxiously.

Xian Wu nodded.

Lao Liu stood up and wanted to leave, but was stepped down by Xian Wu: "According to the agreement, you can leave. But you just took one of my pills and you have to give me the money before you can leave."

Pill?No wonder he felt as if there was a fire burning in his stomach, and the previous injuries were healing rapidly.

"How much?" Lao Liu boldly asked.

Xian Wu crossed his fingers.

"Ten demon spirit coins? I have them, I have them!" Lao Liu quickly took the money out of his pocket.

"What are ten demon spirit coins? They are one hundred thousand demon spirit coins!" Xian Wu increased the strength on his feet.

"Wha...what?" Hearing Xian Wu's words, Lao Liu felt like he was struck by thunder.

Even if you sell him, you won't be able to get [-] demon spirit coins!
Taking out a Nine-Revolution Pill from the space ring, Xian Wu showed it to Lao Liu and introduced it: "I didn't trick you. This is called the Nine-Revolution Pill, and it is a new drug secretly developed by the Alchemist Association."

"Even if you are fatally injured, after taking this pill, you can breathe a sigh of relief and slowly recover. Such a magical medicine only costs you 10 yuan. Do you know that you are getting a big deal?"

"Sir...Sir, I don't have that much money." Lao Liu replied weakly.

"No money?" Xian Wu frowned, "Then I have to beat you back to the dying state just now."

"Don't, don't, sir." Lao Liu cupped his fists and cupped his hands, begging for mercy again and again.

"I don't have money, and I don't want to be beaten. How can such a good thing happen in the world!" Xian Wu rubbed Lao Liu's stomach twice.

"I can write an IOU, yes!" Lao Liu seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

"Alright!" Xian Wu let go of Lao Liu and took out paper, ink, pen, inkstone and ink pad from the space ring.He prepared these in advance in order to force these people to write IOUs.

As long as you take the IOU to the "Holy Judgment Hall" and report it, those who owe money will be forcibly sent to prison and forced to repay the money.

At that time, not only will the debt be paid off, but also the court fees of the Holy Judgment Palace, the food expenses of the prison, etc. will be borne.

If these people don't want to be sent to jail, they must obey themselves.

"It's done, sir." Lao Liu knelt on the ground and presented the IOU with both hands.

"Okay!" I glanced at the IOU. Although Lao Liu's handwriting was written like a dog's, I could barely make it out.

Putting the IOU into the space ring, Xian Wu said: "You stay here and help me explain the rules to those new bastards who have entered the trap. How about I reduce your debt by [-]% so that your help is not in vain?"

"Okay!" Lao Liu Xiaoji nodded like he was pecking at rice.

"Happy cooperation!" Xian Wu stretched out his hand and pulled Lao Liu up.

in the pit.

"Hurry up, Xian Wu, I'm almost waiting for the flowers to wither." Lu Piao was already impatient with waiting.

"Coming!" Xian Wu shouted back, walked around to the other side of the pit, unsealed the next ice sculpture, and then kicked it into the pit.

Seeing people falling into the trap, Lao Liu began to read out the rules of the game.

"Sixth, this traitor, Shen Yue will not forgive you, and the Holy Family will not forgive you either."

Lao Liu shrugged. Instead of being sent to prison for life in hard labor, he would rather offend the Holy Family: "What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and choose. If you don't choose, you will default to the second one."

"I choose you MLGB!"

"Six bosses, this kid chose to be beaten by you." Lao Liu said flatteringly to Nie Li and the others.

After a cup of tea time...

Shen Yue, who was beaten like a dead dog, was thrown out of the pit.

Inserting two new sticks of incense into the gap between the wooden pillars, Xian Wu strolled over, fed the medicine, and forced to write the IOU, all in one go.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you get out of here? You can't eat the fragrant wings and get the rice!" Lao Liu snatched the IOU and presented it to Xian Wu, and then scolded the dog leg fiercely, taking the opportunity to express the evil spirit in his heart. .

"Good performance, I'll give you a thousand less." Xian Wu patted Lao Liu on the shoulder.

After more than three hours...

All of Shen Yue's tricks were discounted by Xian Wu and the others, leaving only Shen Yue's ice sculpture in the entire clearing in the forest.

"Okay, you have nothing to do here, you can go!" Xian Wu patted Lao Liu on the shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the sixth child suddenly knelt down on his knees: "I have offended such people, and I will hardly be able to gain a foothold in the academy in the future. Please take me in, and you will let me be a cow or a horse."

"I only say one word."

"What word?" Lao Liu looked up at Xian Wu eagerly.

"Get lost!" Xian Wu said coldly.

Then, he took out a new IOU, showed it to Lao Liu, and reminded: "Don't forget, you still owe me [-] demon spirit coins. Hurry up and earn money to pay back the money. I will only give you two months." Time. Did I make myself clear?”

"Clear! Very clear!" Lao Liu gave Xian Wu a meaningful look, turned around and ran away.

After seeing off Lao Liu, Xian Wu unsealed Shen Yue's statue, kicked it into the pit, and then jumped into the pit himself.

Finally, it was the culprit's turn.

(End of this chapter)

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