The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 79 Riding on the neck

Chapter 79 Riding on the neck
"Who is that red-haired guy in the lead?"

Nie Li whispered back: "His name is Chen Linjian. He is a direct descendant of the richest peak family, the Shengming Family. He is 15 years old and at the peak bronze level. This expedition to the ruins of Gulan City was organized by him."

In his previous life, Chen Linjian killed many deserters from the Holy Family. Although he had the arrogance of some of the descendants of the family, he was still a person with clear grudges.

"The pinnacle family? Huh! It won't be long before the Haozhen family will join the ranks of the pinnacle families." Xian Wu proudly raised his chin and raised his nostrils to the sky.

"Okay, okay, you're done." Nie Li rolled his eyes and smiled as he greeted Chen Linjian's team, "Good morning, Master Chen."

Chen Linjian raised his hand as a signal.

He stopped and looked doubtfully at the hunky silver-haired man behind Nie Li, and asked, "Who is this?" The man was wearing silver armor, exuding a dangerous aura, and looked very untouchable.

"He is the bodyguard I invited." Nie Li turned around and introduced to Chen Linjian.

Chen Linjian understood. No wonder Nie Li dared to propose to join his expedition team when he was less than Bronze. It turned out to be protected by experts.

What surprised Xian Wu was that Ye Ziyun was also in Chen Linjian's team.

What surprised Xian Wu even more was that Huyan Lanruo was also in Chen Linjian's team.

"Ah! You are coming too, are you here to protect me? Xian Wu, you are really good to me." Huyan Lanruo cheered and rushed out of the team, and immediately threw herself into Xian Wu's arms. A pair of slender beautiful legs tightly clamped Xian Wu's waist.

Xian Wu's head is full of black marks, why is this naughty bitch going?
"Come down, come down quickly, how do you behave in public in public?" Xian Wu spread his arms in big letters with an innocent look on his face.

Huyan Lanruo put her arms around Xian Wu's neck, hanging on it like a koala, and she didn't mind that the silver dragon armor was too cold.

Seeing the tigress suddenly transforming into a kitten, everyone looked at each other in shock.

To be able to get Huyan Lanruo's love, who is this man named Xian Wu?
"Ziyun, you're here too." Nie Li quietly slipped to Ye Ziyun's side.

In the past few days without Xian Wu, the relationship between Nie Li and Ye Ziyun has improved rapidly.

Not only did he help Ye Ziyun calibrate two scrolls, but he also taught her the "Nine Revolutions of Ice Phoenix Technique". If Shen Yue hadn't suddenly come out to disrupt the situation, causing him to make a slip of the tongue and reveal Ye Ziyun's privacy, the relationship between the two would probably be more friendly.

Nie Li was not surprised by Ye Ziyun's arrival.Ye Ziyun, Chen Linjian and Shen Yue are direct descendants of three peak families, and they have known each other since childhood.

What surprised Nie Li was that Shen Yue, a little toothpick, also came with him. It seemed that he was obsessed with Ye Ziyun.

I've become a toothpick, but I still want to pick up girls. How about a little self-awareness?
So what if you marry Ziyun?If you have that heart, do you have the power?Nie Li thought maliciously.

"Yes." Ye Ziyun nodded with her little hands behind her back.

"Isn't it a bit too childish for you to find that man as a bodyguard?" Ye Ziyun glanced at Xian Wu and asked Nie Li.

"Child's play? How could it be! Xian Wu is very strong." Nie Li replied, "Ziyun, I know there is some misunderstanding between you and Xian Wu. When you really get to know him, you will find that he is actually a good person."

After Shen Yue saw Xian Wu, he shrank back from the crowd like a mouse seeing a cat.

I originally went out with Chen Linjian for two days to relax and search for some treasures, but I didn't expect that I would meet the two evil stars Xian Wu and Nie Li. They were really enemies.

Shen Yue took a younger brother and whispered a few words in his ear.

The young man nodded, turned around and ran away quickly.

Since these two bastards are looking for death, they can't blame themselves. "Xian Wu, you made me suffer such humiliation last night, I want you to pay for it with blood!" Shen Yue's eyes were cracked with hatred.

After being promoted to a golden demon spiritual master, Xian Wu's perception became extremely sharp.

He was keenly aware that someone was looking at him with murderous eyes.

"If you want to hang it, hang it on it. Don't block my view, okay?" Xian Wu patted Huyan Lanruo's buttocks.

Huyan Lanruo's body was so fragrant that it made him confused.

"Okay." Huyan Lanruo took advantage of the situation and rode directly on Xian Wu's neck.

A "well" character appeared on Xian Wu's forehead, he gritted his teeth and punched his fist.He has always been the only one who rides others, but today someone dares to ride him.

You ladies... don't you think of yourself as her dead ghost dog king?
Your sister, wait for me, I will definitely ride back.

Among the envious, jealous and hateful eyes of everyone, Xian Wu discovered the owner of those two eyes filled with murderous intent.

It was none other than Shen Yue.

Although Shen Yue was hiding behind others, the soul power in his body could not be hidden.

Xian Wu could sense the soul power left in Shen Yue's body.

"Hey, Master Shen, you're here too!" Xian Wu carried Huyan Lanruo and walked to Shen Yue.

"You can't see me... you can't see me..." Shen Yue hid behind his younger brother and kept mumbling, feeling very embarrassed.

Seeing Xian Wu walking in front of him, Shen Yue knew he couldn't avoid it, so he quickly raised his head and said with a smile: "Student Xian Wu, hello, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Xian Wu patted Shen Yue on the shoulder and asked teasingly: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Shen Yue's anus tightened immediately.

He clenched his fist tightly, then slowly loosened it, and replied with a smile: "It's not bad, thank you Xian Wu for your concern."

"Not bad! You have learned to be patient." Xian Wu nodded and warned coldly: "I hope you won't do anything stupid on the way. When you get outside the city, I won't show mercy."

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!" Chen Linjian shouted, then stood in front of the team and said: "Check the number of people now!"

"There are seven people from the Holy Family, one person from the Fengxue Family, ten people from the seven wealthy families, and 18 people from my Holy Ming Family..." As he spoke, Chen Linjian looked at Nie Li and Xian Wu, "There are also Nie Li and... his bodyguards , a total of 38 people.”

"Everyone is almost here. Those who are late will not wait. Let's go!" Chen Linjian gave the order, and the team left Shenglan College in a mighty manner.

Nie Li and Ye Ziyun were leaning together, talking and laughing, not knowing what they were talking about.

"A few days ago, the two of them were strangers. How come they are so close now?" Xian Wu was a little confused. It seemed that his adoptive father was quite capable at picking up girls.

But... is it appropriate for him to hook up with a young girl at his age?

(End of this chapter)

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