Chapter 94 Hostage Exchange
"Awu...I am..." Huyan Lanruo touched Xian Wu's worried face with her white and slender hands.

She remembered that she was pulling the rope before, and suddenly a group of men in black robes broke in.While pulling the rope, she possessed the Snow Cherry Demon Spirit and launched a charm attack.Unexpectedly, one of them spilled a packet of white powder and she lost consciousness instantly.

After regaining consciousness, he saw Xian Wu.

Xian Wu gently patted Huyan Lanruo's buttocks and said with lingering fear: "You were knocked unconscious by the Mongolian sweat medicine. Fortunately, I came back in time. Otherwise, you might have been beaten by a dozen big men."

Without him, Chen Linjian and his group would have ended up very miserable. The men were captured and used as meat tickets, and the women were captured and used as playthings of the dark guild.

Xian Wu became angry when he thought about how he was almost raped.

Putting the soul soldier's painted halberd into the soul sea, General Xian helped Huyan Lanruo up.

One, two, three...

As Xian Wu walked in the direction of Tianxing Black Tiger Yunhua, he instantly decomposed the ice sculpture into atoms.

Looking at his subordinates who evaporated in an instant, Deacon Yunhua's pupils shrank.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!! If you come here again, I'll strangle her to death!!!" Deacon Yunhua shouted as he backed away.

Seeing Xian Wu coming to support, Chen Linjian and others blocked Deacon Yunhua's retreat.

"Surrender, you can't escape!" Chen Linjian shouted angrily.

If Ye Ziyun wasn't still in the enemy's hands, he would have rushed forward to fight with the enemy.

Although the enemy was a silver-level demon spiritual master, his strength dropped sharply after one of his arms was chopped off, and he fell into a weak state with heavy bleeding.

Even if he only has Peak Bronze, he can be killed easily.

"Dark Guild, my ancestor, please give me a pleasant word, surrender or not?" Shen Yue shouted while holding an exquisite crossbow.

Seeing Tianxing Black Tiger Yunhua glaring at him viciously, Shen Yue hurriedly hid behind Chen Linjian in fear.

Seeing that it would be detrimental to him to delay any longer, Deacon Yunhua issued an ultimatum: "Get out! Get out of here!! If you don't get out, I will crush her to death right now!!!"

Ye Ziyun's face turned purple, and her struggling movements became smaller.

"Let her go and I'll let you go!" Xian Wu said.

Ye Ziyun was Nie Li's old friend, so it was unjustifiable that she would not save her even if she faced death.

What's more, Ye Ziyun is a direct descendant of the Fengxue Family and is inextricably linked to Ye Shuo.

"You think I'm a three-year-old kid, so easy to deceive! I've killed so many people, and you'd have to believe it if you let me go!" Life was at stake, and Deacon Yunhua certainly couldn't be so careless.

Xian Wu walked up behind Shen Yue and said loudly: "A gentleman's words are hard to follow. I always keep my word. If you really don't trust me, we can exchange hostages."

With that said, Xian Wu kicked Shen Yue on the butt and kicked Shen Yue in front of Deacon Yunhua.

"You can't take Ye Ziyun away, but you can take this direct descendant of the sacred family hostage." A write-off.”

"Deal!" Before Shen Yue could refuse, Deacon Yunhua stretched out his arm and wrapped it around Shen Yue's neck.

"Let go of me! Let me go! Let me go!!!" Shen Yue struggled desperately.

"Shut up!" Deacon Yunhua pushed his butt with his knee, but did not let go of Ye Ziyun. He glanced at the people around him and said, "Unless you swear to heaven to let me go and stop them from chasing me, I will not let you go." I will let this little girl go."

"I swear to heaven..." Xian Wu swore decisively.

Except for Huyan Lanruo, Nie Li and Ye Ziyun, the lives of others have nothing to do with him.

He has no obligation to avenge those people.

If Ye Ziyun had not been kidnapped, he would have been willing to kill all the Dark Guild members.

And he has already killed the other members of the Dark Guild except Tianxing Black Tiger Yunhua, which can be regarded as revenge for the dead.After hearing Xian Wu's oath, Deacon Yunhua breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Ye Ziyun.

The oath of heaven is extremely binding. If someone dares to break the oath, he will be spurned by heaven, and it will be difficult to make further progress in cultivation.

"Everyone, get out of the way and let him go!"

Under Xian Wu's majestic gaze, everyone moved out of the way.

"Master Chen, save me, save me, Master Chen!" Shen Yue wailed in Deacon Yunhua's arms.

Chen Linjian gritted his teeth and turned away.

"Sister Lanruo!" Ye Ziyun sobbed and threw herself into Huyan Lanruo's arms.

Xian Wu watched Deacon Yunhua leave with murderous intent in his eyes: "Next time we meet, I will kill you."

After Nie Li was thawed, everyone began to pack their bags and bury the body.

Although Xian Wu took it upon himself to release the small leader of the dark guild, everyone was still very grateful to him.

Without him, everyone would have become prisoners of the Dark Guild and been tortured.

"These are the treasures from the ruins of Gulan City. You saved all of our lives, so these are all for you." Chen Linjian held a bunch of space rings and handed them to Xian Wu.

Xian Wu took four rings from it, gave one to Huyan Lanruo, one to Ye Ziyun, and kept two for himself.

Nie Li retracted his hand with an embarrassed look on his face.

"You divide the rest, remember to leave some for those team members who died in the battle." Xian Wu patted Chen Linjian on the shoulder.

Although he is greedy for money, a gentleman loves money in a wise way, and the families of those who died in battle obviously need this money more.

Chen Linjian nodded gratefully: "Yes! Xian Wu, you are a good person."

It was only when Xian Wu swore that he officially knew Xian Wu's name.

After the repairs were completed, everyone set off on their way back.

There were 38 people when we came, but only eight people were left when we went back.

There was a lot of gain, but there were also heavy losses.


Sky Star Black Tiger Yunhua led Shen Yue over mountains and ridges, heading towards the Glory City.

"Let me go, brother, please let me go. I will make the family give you a lot of money." Shen Yue begged.

Whatever you are afraid of, this strong brother will not use him to vent his anger.

Damn Xian Wu, you actually used him in exchange for Ye Ziyun, you bitch, I, Shen Yue, are at odds with you!

Deacon Yunhua landed on a large flat rock and at the same time released the demon spirit from possessing him.

"Brother, don't, I don't like men..." Deacon Yunhua's eyes were very scary, and Shen Yue backed away repeatedly.

Li Yunhua's face turned pale, he hooked his hands at Shen Yue and said, "Come here and bandage it for me."

"Oh." Shen Yue took the bandage handed over by Li Yuanhua and bandaged it for him very obediently.

Li Yunhua gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you don't have to be afraid. Your father, Shen Hong, is the vice-president of our Dark Guild. I will not hurt you."

"Dark Guild? Vice-President?" Shen Yue opened his mouth in surprise, and the bandage in his hand fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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