Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 11 Four people discuss the general trend of the world

Chapter 11 Four people discuss the general trend of the world

Eyelashes trembling, he complained silently: Listen to your tone... Are you still not happy?

Could it be that I have to talk to you privately and alone, is that appropriate?

Raising his head, he looked at Yuan Shu and wondered, "Why is this?"

Yuan Shu's expression was hard to explain, and he hesitated: "Your Highness, we are very quiet about court matters, how can we help Your Highness? Besides, Shu is a white body..."

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao squinted at Yuan Shu together.

Yuan Shu still didn't know it, and still said: "Now, we are far away from Luoyang, and we are helpless. We have fallen into passivity and lost the initiative? Moreover, the two captains around you are from "Xiyuan", you should know "Xiyuan" What does "Garden" represent? ——If I’m not afraid of your irritation, even if you want to plan something, you shouldn’t call all three of us. After all, people’s hearts are unpredictable..."

Silently, both Yuan Shao and Cao Cao looked at Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu looked at Liu Bian, and said again: "Your Highness, I know what you think! But, as the general said, you are the eldest son of the emperor, even if you are not valued by His Majesty, that's okay, you are the first heir anyway. , what is there to worry about?..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Shu's expression was slightly gloomy.

Blinking, Liu Bian stared at Yuan Shu for a long time, and strangely realized: If Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were not present, and he was not the distinguished eldest son of the emperor and the king of Bohai, I am afraid that Yuan Shu would lose face to him...

In other words: Yuan Shu now... is dissatisfied, but due to the situation, he can't express it clearly?
Yuan Shu dared to express his position like this. I wonder if Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were in a bad mood?
Thinking of this, he looked around and found that the door of the house was closed and there was no one outside, so he said frankly: "...I know. I guess the three of you are holding your breath? After all, you are in Luoyang and your future is limitless. Unexpectedly, with just one piece of imperial edict, I lost my military position as a school captain and had to accompany me all the way to the unknown Bohai County, wasting most of my life, right?"

"Your Highness, I dare not wait! I dare not!!"

After hearing this, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao stood up quickly and cupped their hands towards him to clarify their stance.

Yuan Shu trembled, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he stood up with a groan, bowed and said: "Your Highness, Shu drank too much wine just now and was talking nonsense. Please forgive me!"

Looking around Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, Liu Bian said with a smile: "You three, please sit down! I don't mean to blame you! In fact, I am also "dispatched" to a remote place, how can I dare to get angry with you? ?I'm just confused about the future. If I don't find someone to talk to, I'm afraid that we will feel bad about each other. That's why I want to talk frankly with you. "

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were thoughtful, but Cao Cao stopped talking.

With a smile on his face, he pretended to pour wine for the three of them, but the three of them were so flustered that they politely refused.Then, he and the three of them toasted to each other and ate food, thus reluctantly easing the awkward atmosphere.Finally, he asked abruptly:

"Captain Cao, did you have something to say just now?"

Cao Cao didn't expect that the half-grown boy King Bohai would ask him by name, and he was immediately surprised.However, Cao Cao quickly collected his thoughts and sighed without beating around the bush:

"Your Highness seems to know a lot about us? May I ask what exactly your Highness wants to do? - Without us, His Highness will not be affected by it, and will he succeed to the throne?..."

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were convinced and looked at Liu Bian calmly.

Liu Bian put down his chopsticks and replied calmly: "No matter whether I can succeed to the throne or not, my admiration for the heroes of the world will remain unchanged... The three of them are all outstanding people. I admire them from the bottom of my heart and want to be with you." Is there anything wrong with talking freely about the general trend of the world and speaking your mind freely?”

Raising his eyebrows, Cao Cao became interested and asked curiously: "Your Highness also understands the general trend of the world?"

Hearing this, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu also showed a little interest.

Half-truthfully, he said: "After all, I am a prince. Even if I have not lived in the palace since childhood, I still know a few things! After all, channel news spreads faster than official documents?"

Cao Cao was amused and said, "So, what do you think of this great Han Dynasty...?"

He asked instead of answering, "What do you think?"


Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu secretly exchanged glances and remained silent. "How?" he asked again.

After a pause, Cao Cao took the lead and said: "This world... is naturally good.

It is said that the Han Dynasty has been inherited for more than [-] years.

I recall that at the end of the Qin Dynasty, excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes were imposed, forcing the people to rebel. Later, the peasants rose up in arms, and the emperor of the Han Dynasty overthrew the Qin Dynasty and was named the King of Han!

Chu and Han fought for hegemony, and Han Emperor Gaozu defeated the overlord of Western Chu before proclaiming himself emperor and establishing the Han Dynasty!
After that, Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty implemented the national policy of recuperation and recuperation, creating the "Government of Wen and Jing"!
After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to the throne, he implemented the "Decree of Tweeting Grace", "removed hundreds of schools of thought, and only respected Confucianism", and even sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions to communicate with the Central Plains and the countries of the Western Regions!Open up the Silk Road, attack the Xiongnu in the north, merge with Korea in the east, fight against the barbarians and expand the territory, and achieve the "Prosperity of Han Dynasty"!
By the time of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, the national power reached its peak!Establish the Protectorate of the Western Regions, incorporate the Western Regions into the territory, and create the "Government of Xiaoxuan"..." Cao Cao said with excitement and continued:
"Even later, Wang Mang deposed the Han children and established the capital in Chang'an, which was called Xinmang in history. Emperor Guangwu also rebuilt the Han Dynasty, established the capital in Luoyang, revived the Han Dynasty, and extended the glory of the Han Dynasty!

Emperor Ming and Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty followed the tradition of light corvee and low tax, and the world was peaceful and the people were prosperous. They created the "Ming Zhang rule"——

After Emperor He of the Han Dynasty succeeded to the throne, he also worked hard to govern, select talents and accept advice, and worked hard to the end. He forced the Huns to move westward, and then sent Ban Chao to manage the Western Regions and extend the Silk Road to the west!What's more, 88 years ago, the Roman Empire sent envoys to the court, and the national power of the Han Dynasty reached its peak, and it was called "the prosperity of Yongyuan" in history! …”

With their eyes shining brightly, Cao Cao still had the posture to continue talking, but Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu's faces were already livid, and they rushed straight to Cao Cao, stretched out their hands, and covered Cao Cao's mouth in unison.In unison, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu shouted:

"Cao Mengde! Shut up!!"

Cao Cao let out a few "woo"s, broke free from Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu's covering of his mouth, and asked loudly:
"That's it! In such a world, Your Highness, do you think it's chaotic?!"

"No chaos." With his eyes bent, he understood Cao Cao's hidden words.

But...Cao Cao, Cao Cao, you have said all the good things, how can you "praise" Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu?

I saw Yuan Shao grinding his teeth and said: "Your Highness, the world is not chaotic at all! Even 30 years ago, the "second disaster of party imprisonment" occurred, causing a large number of scholars to flee, and as many as 700 to [-] people were persecuted to death. His Majesty was so wise that he later announced that he had been lifted from the party! "


Yuan Shu rolled his eyes and then said: "Your Highness, the world is really not in chaos! Even if the eunuchs are dictatorial and disrupt the government, it will only be chaos in the government, and the world is not in chaos, and the common people are not involved! Don't you see, Your Majesty? He relied so much on the eunuchs that he even compared Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong to his parents, and even named the eunuchs generals! This shows that all eunuchs have the potential to be generals!"


Yuan Shao glared at Yuan Shu, not to be outdone, and said, "What's the point of trusting eunuchs? ——Your Majesty is still trying to sell nobles and officials under the guidance of Empress Dowager Dong and the Ten Permanent Attendants!"

Yuan Shu glanced at Cao Cao, lost no time in retaliating, and grinned: "I've heard about it too! It is said that you can spend money to buy positions in departments ranging from the Marquis of Guannei to the subordinates of Guang Luxun, such as Huben and Yulin! Local officials are more expensive than court officials. Twice the price, county officials also have different prices, and official promotions must also be paid according to the price... Didn't Cao Xiaowei's father donate money to Xiyuan to become a Taiwei, ranking among the three princes? It's a pity that last year , the Yellow Turbans rebelled, and Captain Cao’s father took the blame and was dismissed from office.”

Cao Cao smiled coldly and said: "If you continue to ridicule His Majesty, be careful that His Majesty wants to go back to Luoyang to find His Majesty!"

Yuan Shao: "..."

Yuan Shu: "..."

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu choked and were speechless.

Then, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu stared with big eyes, as if they had reacted, they suddenly started crying and laughing, and even cursed uncontrollably:
"How can today's world be compared to the world of past generations? - How can it be compared to?!"

Cao Cao sighed slightly, his eyes dark.

Yuan Shao slapped the table with his palm, causing the food and wine to shake.But Yuan Shao said in grief and indignation: "Why is the world in chaos?! Why is it in chaos?!"

Yuan Shu swept away the previous coldness and alienation, and his eyes were red.

Silently watching Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu making noises and shouting, Liu Bian felt emotional and sad. He couldn't help but wonder: Could these three guys be drunk?
Are you crazy about drinking?

(End of this chapter)

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