Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 126 Repaying Zhang Yan Zhang Wu County Magistrate

Chapter 126 Repaying Zhang Yan Zhang Wu County Magistrate

"Curious? What are you curious about?" Jushou said matter-of-factly, "My lord traveled thousands of miles to Guanzi City, repelled Wuhuan's cavalry, solved the danger in Youzhou, and obtained corresponding trophies. Isn't it right?"

Looking around lightly at the large amount of supplies carried by one cart after another, Jushou smacked his lips, shook his head with dissatisfaction, and sighed: "It's a pity that the trophies obtained by the lord are too small... If it were me to assist you, My lord, what my lord has gained is only a little more.”

The implication: Ju Shou was still dissatisfied and felt that Liu Bian's gains were too little.

After hearing this, everyone who was following on horseback blushed, as if they really didn't do a good job and only got a little bit of stuff - especially Zhang Yan and Tian Feng, looking at their expressions, it looked like they had lost a battle. of!
I also know what these two people are ashamed of.

Liu Bian coughed violently several times and was choked by Ju Shou...Does he dare to say that he is satisfied with the current situation?
At least he wants money, food, and soft clothes. He really wants to have enough food and clothing, and he can support thousands of soldiers. He is far from the embarrassing situation he had when he first came to Bohai County. Much more... Dryly, he said: "If there is a chance in the future -"

He stopped and went.

He was slightly annoyed: If there is a chance... wouldn't he be cursing Youzhou and encountering another siege crisis? ——Bah, bah, bah!Pretend he didn’t say it, pretend he didn’t say it!Decisively, he changed the subject and said:
"Sir, you are a great talent! It took only one month to change Zhangwu County's old appearance. It's really amazing! I must be familiar with "Tuntian". I think this "Tuntian" in Zhangwu County is doing well. Not bad? "

Jushou said: "My lord, you have given me the reward. This "farming" move is not considered a difficulty. It is nothing more than calling on the soldiers to engage in farming... As long as other county magistrates in Bohai County agree, farming can be carried out in other counties.

It's a pity that it's winter, so it's not suitable for farming? "

Speaking of this, Jushou couldn't help but sigh, as if he was very dissatisfied that his achievements had declined due to the cold season.

Liu Bian was amused, and silently sighed that Jushou was worthy of being Jushou, and his talents should not be underestimated.

——Regarding the matter of the horse trophies, let's expose it!

Liu Bian and his party successfully settled in Zhangwu County Prefecture.

Moreover, Jushu arranged accommodation for everyone and ensured that everyone was satisfied.

However, Liu Bian did not intend to stay in Zhangwu County for a long time. He hoped to return to Nanxian County as soon as possible... Did he remember that at first he went to Zhangwu County in a low-key manner to deliver supplies to Zhangwu County and support Zhangwu? The county is coming.

Later, he quietly sneaked into Youzhou and went to Guanzi City in person to meet with Gongsun Zan. He really didn't dare to tell Cao Cao and others.He was worried that if he confessed, Cao Cao and others would dissuade him, but he did not want Cao Cao and others to know his true thoughts at that time.

Even now, Liu Bian does not deliberately mention his friendship with Gongsun Zan.

He planned to rest in Zhangwu County for two days and successfully review the governance situation in Zhangwu County before leaving Zhangwu County.

In the next two days, he took his guards around Zhangwu County over and over again. He was delighted to see that Zhangwu County had changed a lot, and it felt like a completely different place.

For example, similar to Nanpi County, Zhangwu County is busy with various infrastructures.Although the outskirts are sparsely populated, when you go to the market and street market, you will feel that Zhangwu County has a good foundation, even though most of the civilians in Zhangwu County are from the Yellow Turban Army...

As for everyone, they help Jushou handle some official affairs, or work part-time as county magistrates, mediating conflicts for local civilians——

Not to mention that Liu Bian saw that Zhangwu County had changed from its previous lifeless state, but that everyone was in unspeakable misery.Especially the two generals Zhang Fei and Zhang Yan were really impatient to copy documents or listen to the common people complaining from time to time, either whose chicken was eaten by the neighbor next door, or whose eggs were broken by someone. The two parties had a big quarrel; either the honest farmer pursued a girl, but was rejected by the girl, and was so sad that he didn't want to live——

What is this called?

The generals who are used to fighting on the battlefield said: They are really unwilling to face these trivial matters-compared to persuading each other with a good temper, the generals are more accustomed to killing troublesome characters hardcore...

After that, the generals were reprimanded unceremoniously by Ju Shou.

Especially Zhang Yan.

Seriously speaking, the magistrate of Zhangwu County is Zhang Yan.

But look at Zhang Yan, he was absent from work for a month, and even threw the county magistrate job on Jushou, so that Jushou... Jushou couldn't accompany His Highness to Youzhou——

Now, Ju Shou waited for Zhang Yan to come back with great difficulty, and when he was about to return Zhang Yan's position as Zhangwu County Magistrate, he saw that Zhang Yan had no intention of accepting the post of Zhangwu County Magistrate... What's the situation?Zhang Yan refused to accept Zhangwu County Magistrate. Doesn't that mean that Ju Shou will continue to act as Zhangwu County Magistrate?

So, will Jushou be unable to return to Nanpi County with His Highness?
Jushou, who realized this, was shocked to find that His Highness had no expression at all about this. He couldn't help but tremble, and was extremely unwilling to take care of Zhangwu County for Zhang Yan anymore.So that night, Jushou dragged Zhang Yan and Guan Hai and said straight to the point: "General Zhang, your lord is going back to Nanpi City! As your lord's counselor, I will accompany you and return together! Now, I can finally relax. Come, return the governance position of Zhangwu County to you, General! Thank you General for your continued trust, have I lived up to your expectations?"

Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: "I didn't live up to it, I didn't live up to it... Wait a minute, you want to leave?!"

Zhang Yan stared at Jushou gloomily, as if Jushou had betrayed Zhang Yan.

Jushou's head was covered with black lines and he said speechlessly: "Really? If I don't leave, am I still going to stay in Zhangwu County?"

"What's wrong with this?" Zhang Yan was determined to let Jusue go.

Jushou said: "Thank you, General, for the important role, but I still want to be by your lord's side."

"This..." Zhang Yan said anxiously, "Sir, can you not leave? What will happen to Zhangwu County if you leave?"

What else can be done? ——Of course it’s up to you, right?

Jushou wanted to roll his eyes, but he held it back - Zhang Yan's problem was not a problem at all!The corner of Jushuo's mouth curled up and he said warmly: "General, don't worry, even if I'm not there, there will still be brother Guan Hai! Brother Guan Hai can help the general, so please don't ignore brother Guan Hai."

"Huh?" Zhang Yan was seriously surprised and had not considered Guan Hai at all.

Ju Shou gave Guan Hai a wink: It's time!It's your turn!

As if he understood Professor Ju's eyes, Guan Hai scratched his head and said: "Brother Zhang, to tell you the truth, I spent a month specifically asking Mr. Ju for advice. Although I am still not proficient in farming, I can compare it to Brother Zhang, you, I'm much smarter... I will help you stabilize the farmland in Zhangwu County, please feel free to let me handle it!"

Zhang Yan: "..."

Zhang Yan's expression was indescribable, and he glared at Guan Hai, barely asking: Hey, hey!Brother Guan Hai, it's been a while since we last met, how did you learn how to farm the fields... Tell me, you're bragging, right?

Guan Hai tilted his head and said again: "Whether you believe it or not, it all depends on my performance! If I can't do it well, how about we invite Mr. Ju back?"

Jushou knew that this guarantee must be true in order to get Zhang Yan's consent, so he said: "That's right! Don't underestimate Brother Guan! In addition, Zhangwu County is not far from Nanpi County. If you really can't If you want to solve it, you can send someone to inform me, and I will rush over quickly to help you stabilize Zhangwu County, how about that?"

Zhang Yan: "..."

Even though Zhang Yan was not very happy, the matter was still a done deal and Zhang Yan could not refuse.

Then, when Liu Bian and his party set off for Nanpi County, bid farewell to Zhang Wu County, and bid farewell to Zhang Yan and Guan Hai, Ju Shou stood beside Tian Feng lightly, and He Tian Feng followed Liu Bian from left to right. , like the right arm and the right arm, without the slightest violation.And Liu Bian did not raise any objection——

In this way, Liu Bian and his party set off from Zhangwu County and were about to return to Nanpi County... Oh~ No!
If you want to go to Nanpi County, you have to pass through Fuyang County!
After stroking his palms, Liu Bian said: "You must first pass through Fuyang County before returning to Nanpi County? - By the way, Uncle Wang, is Fuyang County within your jurisdiction?"

Just this sentence made Liu Bei smile slightly.

The reason? ——Although Liu Bei has the title of Fuyang County Magistrate, he has never been the Fuyang County Magistrate...,

This is embarrassing.

Liu Bei had a straight face, nodded gently, and said hesitantly: "Your Highness, I am deeply ashamed! I have never governed Fuyang County... and I don't know the situation in Fuyang County."

Liu Bei was really guilty when he spoke.

Liu Bian comforted him and said, "Uncle Wang, don't worry. Anyway, there is a chance this time. Let's go and have a look."

What else could Liu Bei say? ——Liu Bei and others had no choice but to follow Liu Bian on this trip!Then……

Then, Liu Bian and his party met the bully in Fuyang County!
(End of this chapter)

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