Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 133 Nanpi Meets Cao Yuan Again

Chapter 133 Returning to Nanpi to meet Cao Yuan again

"Is this really Nanpi County?"

After traveling all night, Liu Bian was quite sleepy, but when he looked around, he saw large and small houses built in front of him. They were made of blue bricks and looked quite large. He couldn't help but feel a little less sleepy... If he remembers correctly, this is near the outskirts of Nanpi County?

As we all know: a city is most prosperous in the center of the city, and the further outside it becomes, the more depressed it becomes.Under normal circumstances, places like the outskirts and suburbs are relatively deserted, with mostly woods, fields, and mountains. They shouldn't be so... lively?
Should it be called "It shouldn't be so lively"?

In short, there should be few people outside the city, right?
...Liu Bian paused, unable to find a reasonable adjective.

Anyway, he took a short look around the outskirts of Nanpi County, and saw various fields coming into view, and there were also small houses in twos and threes sitting near the fields, and they were not as perfunctory as thatched huts and wooden houses... Liu Bian took a closer look: It was also a house made of blue bricks, so it was solid.

The fields are adjacent to the river pond, and there are willow trees planted beside the pond - no!wrong!It was a saponin tree, which made Liu Bian's eyelids twitch!
Is that a saponaria tree? !
Who is such a genius that he chose saponaria trees as the plants to decorate the river pond, instead of the poetic and picturesque species such as willows, peach trees, and sycamore trees that ordinary people have in mind.

Liu Bian was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at one saponin tree after another.

At that time, it was the time when the honey locust tree was bearing fruit, and the bunches of green pods were very delicious. I thought it would be quite delicious to make them into delicacies, right?
His gaze was so direct that Zhuge Gui and Zhuge Xuan, who were traveling with him, looked at each other.

Zhuge Gui said softly: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, do you also recognize the "Gap tree"? "

Liu Bian was stunned for a moment, looked away, and asked, "What? Do you know what's going on with the saponaria tree?"

Zhuge Gui stroked his beard, seemed to remember something, smiled and said: "It's a coincidence, when Brother Xuan and I came to Nanpi County, we caught up with Nanpi County Magistrate and asked the riverside to plant saponins. ! I found someone to inquire about it, and they said that there is a genius doctor who asked for such a request?"

Zhu Ge There was a commotion by the river for a while?
According to the old miracle doctor, the saponaria tree likes light and tolerates a little shade. It grows in hillside forests, valleys or roadsides. It has a lifespan of up to 700 years. It is drought-tolerant and water-saving. It can be used as a shelterbelt and keep the soil moist!The pods, seeds, thorns, etc. of the honey locust tree can be used as medicine and can cure various diseases. It has many uses! "

Zhuge Xuan looked like he was having a hard time remembering, and explained in a stick-reading style.

Liu Bian smiled and said jokingly: "Mr. Xuan remembers it very clearly?"

Zhu Ge

Listening to the old miracle doctor's praises, I almost believed that the sapodilla tree was a sacred tree!Ha ha ha ha……"

Zhuge Xuan laughed twice.

Liu Bian was very interested and asked again: "Do you know who the old miracle doctor is? Is his surname Hua? Or is his surname Zhang? - How wonderful! We have a miracle doctor in Nanpi County!"

Zhuge Xuan shook his head and replied: "——None of them! I only know that the old miracle doctor did not come alone. It seems that he brought many tribesmen and moved here..."

Move, move? !

Liu Bian's heart moved. Zeng Aniu's face appeared in his mind: Could it be Zeng Aniu's grandfather?
It seems that he had a relationship with Zeng Aniu's grandfather once?

Liu Bian was in a very happy mood: Although he didn't recruit first-class famous doctors such as Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji, but he was able to attract a group of doctors...isn't that bad? ——Liu Bian wrote down this matter, and planned to visit the old genius doctor again in a few days!
Putting down the car curtain, Liu Bian, Zhuge Gui and Zhuge Xuan sat quietly in the car again.

The carriage rattled and everyone continued to move forward.

Liu Bian recalled what he had just seen and heard, and could only lament that he had been away from Nanpi County for so long that it seemed that he and Nanpi County had become disconnected... This is the situation in the outskirts of Nanpi County, but think about the center of Nanpi County. How prosperous it is!
All this should be thanked by Shi Yue? ——If it were not for the governance of Nanpi County Magistrate Shi Yue, I am afraid that Nanpi County would not be as vibrant as it is now! ...thinking about this, Liu Bian felt a little bit amused:
so terrible!Why did I miss this part of the process?
"Your Highness! There are people ahead!" At this moment, He Xian's voice sounded from outside the car.

Huh?Is there anyone else? !

After hearing this, Liu Bian opened the curtain of his car and took a look outside. He saw that there was indeed... a group of people on the high ground in the distance.

It's Shiyue!
In addition, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, as well as five strange figures, and twenty strong men dressed like retainers.When they saw him looking around, the leaders Cao Cao and Yuan Shao actually waved their hands ostentatiously!
wave to him!

"Father...Father! It's father!" Cao Ang, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi blurted out immediately.

Especially Cao Ang, who suffered a lot of setbacks due to his own injuries, so that when Cao Ang saw his father Cao Cao from a distance, he felt as if it was the next day - Cao Ang's injury was almost fully healed, but there were scars left... Condition it carefully, I'm afraid there will be scars on your body!
Cao Ang felt aggrieved by this.

Therefore, when Cao Ang saw his father, Cao Cao, he suddenly felt nostalgic, and just wanted to run into Cao Cao's arms... After calming down, Cao Ang quickly collected his thoughts and returned to normal.

Compared with Cao Ang's outstanding performance, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi were set off in sharp and tragic contrast:

"Wow! It's the father! It's the father indeed!" Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi waved their arms towards Yuan Shao with forgetfulness, shouting loudly, "Father! Father! The child is here!..."

On the side, Gongsun Yue and Gongsun Fan Tie were stunned and scolded: "Shut up! Your Highness is here, what are you shouting about?"

Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi suddenly stiffened and came to their senses. They bowed their heads to Liu Bian and saluted, saying with shame:

"Your Highness! I am rude..."

Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi blushed, feeling ashamed.

Liu Bian sighed, waved his hand and said, "This is your first offender. I will spare you this time. Later, you two will summarize the experience of this trip and report it to me individually."

"Ah?" Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi opened their mouths.

"Huh?" Liu Bian narrowed his eyes.

Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi immediately lowered their heads and responded: "Here."

Then, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi consciously retreated to the guards and stopped talking.

Zhuge Gui and Zhuge Xuan exchanged glances silently, both secretly amazed.

"——I didn't expect that these people would actually come." But I heard Liu Bian saying to himself, "I thought no one would notice my return to the city?"

Unexpectedly, a group of people came.

This, this, this... This made Liu Bian happy and worried at the same time: What was happy was that Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu came to greet him in person - inexplicably, when he saw Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, Liu Bian was heartbroken for no reason. think:
It's a pity that Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are missing. If Liu, Guan and Zhang came to pick him up together with brothers Cao and Yuan...ha~ That kind of scene, how can you make people happy?
Especially knowing what kind of dominance the six people will achieve in the future of the original history.

——In addition, what Liu Bian was worried about was: it was only this morning, so according to the past, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were busy with official duties, right? ... Although he was happy to be absent from work and on vacation to welcome him, he was even more concerned about whether this would cause any confusion?
So, who informed Cao Cao and others?

Could it be that Cao Cao and others discovered it alone? !
Frowning slightly, Liu Bian immediately relaxed and waved, "Let's go? - It's time to rendezvous!"

Even if he is worried that Cao Cao and others will delay work, as long as he returns to Nanpi County early, there will be no trouble, right?Besides, it was only a waste of time... He comforted himself and muttered silently:

Maintain a good posture so that Cao Cao and others will not discover him - in fact, he not only went to Zhangwu County to transport supplies, but also sneaked into Youzhou quietly, and even made an agreement with Gongsun Zan of Youzhou... cough cough!
Liu Bian didn't squint his eyes, sat back in the car again, and directed everyone to continue moving forward.

In the corner, He Miao, who had hidden his merits and fame, remained silent. He was determined not to confess because he was too worried about His Highness's safety. All the officials in Bohai County, that's why Cao Cao and others came to pick up His Highness in advance...

Just as he thought, when he led the large group of troops to successfully join forces with Cao Cao and others, he glanced at the three little ones, Cao Ang, Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi, and not surprisingly saw a hazy look in the eyes of the three little ones. Tears shone, and Cao Cao and Yuan Shao both nodded towards their sons, gaining the joy and dependence of the three little ones again... With a turn of his eyes, Liu Bian turned to the five strangers behind Cao and Yuan, and said curiously:
"Who are these...?"

(End of this chapter)

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