Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 173 Xun You Sends Three Letters From Home

Chapter 173 Xun You sends three letters home

Pouring his lips, Liu Bian thought again and again, his face full of tangles, but he said decisively:

"No return!"

Word by word, Liu Bian looked at Xun You, his breathing became heavier and his hands clenched into fists unconsciously.

"Your Highness!" Xun You grimaced again and couldn't help but say, "Why don't you go back to Luoyang? You are the eldest son of the Emperor! No matter what, you must return to Luoyang City one day..."

It's okay if I don't mention it, but if I mention it... Liu Bian looked sideways and said calmly:

“Mr. , not Luoyang City!"

"Your Highness!" Xun You urged again, "Even if you don't return to Luoyang City, you should think of a way to appease Queen He and General He? - Could it be that you really want Queen He and General He to come to Bohai County in person? Will I take you back?"

Liu Bian: "..."

Liu Bian said in his heart: Good!That would be great!If Empress He and General He really came to Bohai County... the capital city of Luoyang would be in chaos!As one of the most important figures in the Han Dynasty, how could Empress He and General He travel all the way to Bohai County?
Even if Empress He and General He were willing to come, I'm afraid that Emperor Han, Empress Dowager Dong, and even the entire court ministers would not agree? ...This is ridiculous!

Therefore, these words can only fool the ignorant young man, but cannot convince Liu Bian.

It's a pity that Liu Bian can't say it casually. Empress He and General He in Luoyang want to use this lame reason to embarrass him, hoping that he can overcome the difficulties and return to Luoyang...

However, it was impossible to return to Luoyang.

Therefore, this cannot be said in full——

Otherwise, wouldn’t it hurt your face?

Furthermore, if he had been a little more willful, he might have made Xun You run in both directions, passing the words, and even break his leg!

No no no!None of this is the point!The point is...

If he really returned to Luoyang City, what would Bohai County do? ——He had a premonition: once he returned to Luoyang City, he would never go back again!
At least his mother and uncle He Jin would not allow him to leave Luoyang without permission!

Until then, what should we do?
Thinking of this, Liu Bian took a deep breath and said firmly: "It's not that I don't want to go back to Luoyang, it's just that Bohai County is in dire straits, and I really can't leave! You must have seen it, and you should know it?... ...Although ancestor worship is very important once a year, if Bohai County cannot make timely adjustments, the people of Bohai County will be displaced, causing Bohai County to lose the opportunity to restore prosperity, and the future will be depressed! Isn't this more important than ancestor worship? ?"

Xun You: "..."

Xun You sighed softly, as if he knew Liu Bian would answer this way.Xun You turned around and groped for a long time. Then he turned back and saw an extra letter in his hand, and it was a sealed version. He sighed:

"Your Highness, this is Queen He's family letter. Please read it."

Liu Bian took a look at the letter and saw that the envelope was indeed stuck and could not be opened, so he had to tear it with his bare hands... "Wait a minute!" At the critical moment, Xun You said, "Your Highness, the letter is contaminated with poison. Please wear gloves before reading again. Letter! After reading the letter, remember to wash your hands!"

Liu Bian: "..."

Liu Bian was embarrassed.

Xun You seemed to feel that the stimulation was not enough, and added: "This poison is very strong. It will ulcerate the skin if it touches it. It is extremely painful. If the poison is not detoxified, you will die in three days."

Liu Bian: "..."

Liu Bian continued to be distracted, thinking: If I hadn't remembered that this was the late Han Dynasty, I would have thought that I was the son of some Jianghu leader... Ah, it's just a letter from home, how can I be so mysterious and cautious?People who don’t know it might think they have traveled through time in a martial arts novel!

She also poisoned her... Mother, Mother, you are exaggerating.

Although Liu Bian didn't believe in anything poisonous, he didn't want to suffer in vain.

Therefore, Liu Bian obediently found a pair of gloves, put them on, then tore up the letter, took a look at it...

Then he saw that the contents of the letter were all about Queen He's ardent longing for her son. It ranged from how Queen He took care of her son to growing up. Since her son left, Queen He shed tears all day long. Liu Bian almost believed it. .

Finally, Empress He specifically warned Liu Bian in her letter: No matter what, he must return to Luoyang, at least to gain His Majesty's attention, and it is best to make His Majesty think of making him the prince...

Of course, if Liu Bian disobeys, Queen He will come to Bohai County in person——

Queen He is serious!No kidding!

Looking at this letter, it turns out that Empress He wanted the Han Emperor to make him the prince again. She also believed that Liu Bian had done an excellent job in Bohai County. Even if he was not in Bohai County, nothing would happen in Bohai County. No worries, don't worry.

——Liu Bian can’t rest assured!

Liu Bian burned the letter with an expressionless face. He didn't feel any pain at all. He washed his hands several times carefully to make sure that there was no poison on his hands, no pain, no itching, no ulcers, etc. Finally he felt relieved and shook his hands. , said:

"I've finished reading it. I never expected my mother to attach so much importance to me! If I don't come back, my mother will really come to Bohai County... That's great! I will honor my mother well and not let her down."

After stroking his palms, Liu Bian felt very unhappy.

Xun You choked: No matter what, after a dignified country, I really didn't care and rushed to Bohai County... It's terrible!Xun You shivered, threw out his trump card again, and said loudly:

"Your Highness! I forgot to give you a letter, Your Highness, please read it."

Xun You groped around for the second time, and in front of Liu Bian, he actually found out the second family letter.

Xun You handed the second family letter to Liu Bian and said, "Your Highness, this is a letter from General He."

Liu Bian raised his eyebrows and accepted the letter. He was about to tear the letter apart, but stopped. He couldn't help but glance at Xun You and asked, "No poison this time?"

Xun You laughed and said: "Your Highness, no."

This is convenient.

Liu Bian lowered his head, opened the letter and took a look. He saw that the whole letter was reprimanding Liu Bian, even though Liu Biangui was the eldest son of the emperor. He Jin rebuked Liu Bian for being ignorant. Now his majesty is ill, and the empress has been killed by Dong. The Empress Dowager made things difficult for Liu Bian, so he did not think about how to help the Empress. On the other hand, it was extremely unfilial to stay in Bohai County all the time...

Bah bah bah, He Jin broke the letter and denigrated Liu Bian to nothing - as long as Liu Bian made up his mind not to return to Luoyang and just sat back and watched Queen He being oppressed, Liu Bian was a sinner of the Han Dynasty and did not deserve to live in the Han Dynasty. In the world!
He Jin also said: If it weren't for the Queen's intervention, Liu Bian would have been transferred to other counties, such as the more remote and depressed places in Jizhou, by His Majesty's decree.

Liu Bian's scalp felt cold when he saw it, and he couldn't help but think: What would he do if his father really gave him a transfer order? ——Is it to obey, or...

Liu Bian looked up, confused for a moment.In any case, He Jin is worthy of being Queen He's brother, and he is really more powerful than Queen He.

Even through a letter, Liu Bian could feel how stubborn He Jin was: He Jin strongly asked him to return to Luoyang, firstly to participate in the ancestor worship festival, and secondly because His Majesty's condition seemed serious and he was not able to establish a plan. His plan for the prince... If he doesn't go back, he is afraid of losing the throne of the prince unless he takes the throne with military advice.

Shrinking his neck, Liu Bianhan's hair stood on end. Although he felt bristle, he had no intention of changing his mind.

Looking Xun You up and down, Liu Bian said first, "Mr. Xun, have you read this letter?"

Xun You calmly looked at He Jin's family letter and said calmly: "No."

"That's good." Liu Bian calmly hid the letter and announced without changing his face, "Uncle misses me and hopes that I will go back to Luoyang for a visit... I have written it down and will consider it in the coming year."

The implication: Liu Bian was not afraid of He Jin's reprimand and still did not return to Luoyang.

Although Xun You had never read He Jin's letters, he could guess one or two parts of the contents.Seeing that Liu Bian was fearless and did not change his mind, he could only sigh twice more and said coldly:
"Your Highness, I also have a letter written by His Majesty... Don't be angry after reading it."

Liu Bian: "..."

Liu Bian had a dumb look on his face and sighed like this: Huh?Still have letters home? ——Xun You, you have already sent three letters home!You are so capable that you actually danced back and forth between Emperor Han, Queen He and General He!
I don’t know if these three people are clear about you being able to have both sides of the situation, right?
Liu Bian watched intently as Xun You obtained the letter three times, took out the third family letter and handed it to him.

Before reading the third letter from home, he whispered: "Mr. Xun, you have no other letters, right?"

With a curved corner of his mouth, Xun You said, "Why, your Highness, are you still too young?"

"Too many! It's really too much!" Liu Bian complained, reading the letter intently.

After seeing his father's letters for a long time, Liu Bian was surprised to find that the Han Emperor's handwriting was beautiful and eye-catching.

However, the content in the book is not eye-catching at all: First of all, Benihua's father actually refuted his application to execute Hua Huahua and ordered him to take Hua Huahua into Luoyang; secondly, Benihua's father scolded him for being stupid and not worthy of being a cat or a dog. The two of them, who are clan members of the Han Dynasty, would not even think about becoming a Marquis unless the other could become famous all over the world. Then, his father expressed his curiosity about Guan Yu's refusal to be granted the title of Marquis of Shouting of the Han Dynasty, and mentioned that if there was a chance, he would bring Guan Yu with him. The righteous man returned to Luoyang; in the end, he took advantage of his father... Ah, it's the Han Emperor!
Emperor Han is no longer a human being.

The Emperor of the Han Dynasty actually asked him why he had not been injured or disabled even though he had moved to Bohai County for half a year. Only the eldest son of the disabled emperor had a reason not to be made the prince... The Emperor of the Han Dynasty was very happy with him in Bohai County. He had good food and drink. Live, quite dissatisfied!

Especially every time the Han Emperor proposed to make Liu Xie the crown prince, he was not only opposed by the ministers, but also Empress He cried and cried, making the palace uneasy... The Han Emperor was angry and helpless, and even wanted to send Liu Xie to Liu Xie several times. The officials secretly poisoned Queen He, but were persuaded by the eunuchs——

Therefore, Emperor Han trusted the eunuchs even more, and was extremely angry at Liu Bian for beating the eunuchs whom Emperor Han trusted from time to time...

The Emperor of the Han Dynasty asked Liu Bian to return to Luoyang quickly and apologize to the officials.

Otherwise, the Han Emperor would order Liu Bian to be transferred from Bohai County!

——Liu Bian read the letter and smiled bitterly.

Do not!

It's anger!

Liu Bian never expected that one day, his mood when reading a letter would be like an unknown fire being burned into a mountain of flames.

His face turned red from the fever, and he almost tore up the letter in his hand!
Thanks to Xun You's quick eyesight and quick hands, he quickly took out the letter from Liu Bian's hand and said: "Your Highness, don't be upset, don't be upset! Why bother with a piece of paper?"

"Paper? You call it paper?" Liu Bian was furious, but he tried his best to hold back his anger and joked coldly, "Isn't this a threatening letter? It threatens to transfer me from Bohai County if I don't return to Luoyang City. Let's go...hehe! My father is really good at playing tricks on his subjects. He clearly named me King of Bohai, but now he did it for the sake of a group of eunuchs. Is it really child's play to "make me king"? "

"Your Highness..." Xun You opened his mouth, then closed it again, saying nothing.

Liu Bian frowned, thinking about how to avoid returning to Luoyang City.

The advantages of returning to Luoyang outweigh the disadvantages: On the bright side, with his political achievements in Bohai County, it should be easy to prove that he is better than Donghou Liu Xie?Considering that he is the eldest son of the emperor, he is naturally appointed as the prince. Isn't it very reasonable?
But would the Han Emperor make him the crown prince? --Won't!
Even if he is good enough.

It was a pity that his mother was Empress He and his uncle was General He, so he was destined not to receive the attention of the Han Emperor - if Empress He and General He were to be close to him again, they would still be relatives and would always be feared by the emperor... unless Die, or retreat bravely from the rapids!

However, without the support of the general, what can he do without the power and power?

In the end, why don't you just let others slaughter you? …

In addition, he indirectly or directly offended two or three regular servants in Bohai County, which is equivalent to becoming an enemy of all the ten regular servants. Liu Bian found it very disturbing: he has already hid in Bohai County, these damn ten regular servants He can also come here and kill people every now and then... He's so capable!It would be polite if he didn't kill the other party.

But the other party probably wouldn't think so, right?
never mind!

He also doesn't have a good impression of the current Ten Chang eunuchs.

Not to mention Empress Dowager Dong.

The biological mother of the Han Emperor, Empress Dowager Dong, his imperial grandmother, the grandson he cared about was Dong Hou Liu Xie, not his Shi Hou Liu Bian... Look, look!When he returned to Luoyang, he felt really unnecessary and was looking for death. He might as well stay in Bohai County!

So, a difficult question arises: How should he reply to get his father to let him go?
Do you dare to be seriously injured and become disabled?
Can he fake his disability or start a rumor that King Bohai was maimed by a beast?

After thinking for a moment, Liu Bian looked at Xun You and said seriously: "I will write a reply later. Could you please hurry up and rush back to Luoyang to stabilize my father?"
At least don't let my father do anything wrong? "

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Xun You, instead of nodding in agreement, instead said in grief: "Your Highness, do you want to tire me out to death? Or, do you want to assassinate me?... Do you know how to run away again? , I can’t keep up with Luoyang for the ancestor worship ceremony.

When the time comes, your Majesty will look at your envelope again and he will become even more angry. It will never end!
So I made a decision..."

At this point, Xun You paused and squinted at Liu Bian, looking urging.

Liu Bian's head was full of black lines and he asked: "What decision?"

"Your Highness, considering my age, can you take me in?" Xun You looked at Liu Bian sincerely, "Your Highness and Your Majesty have different ideas and dislike each other, making it difficult for me?

If I were given a choice, I would choose you, Your Highness. Would you accept it, Your Highness? "

Liu Bian suddenly said: "You are not going back to Luoyang to report? Are you planning to stage a disappearance?"

Xun You spread his hands and said: "If you can delay it for a while, delay it for a while! His Majesty is seriously ill, but he doesn't know it. If His Majesty can delay His Majesty... Then His Highness's predicament will naturally be solved."


(End of this chapter)

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