Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 179 Preparing for Ancestor Worship in Nanpi County

Chapter 179 Preparing for Ancestor Worship in Nanpi County

Bi Huahua's death did not cause any waves.

Even when the people of Nanpi County gathered at the market place to hear someone announcing Bi Huahua's crime, they didn't arouse much sympathy or attention.At most, we can discuss it for a few days, and the matter will be over... Now, what everyone cares about most is:

How to do "ancestral worship" well.

...Watching Xun You go away, Liu Bian picked up the documents again and continued to look at them.

After watching for a long time, Liu Bian suddenly heard He Xian say:

"Your Highness, Yuan Jiujiu and others would like to see you."

Yuan Gongli...are you still waiting for someone?

Isn't Yuan Shu the only one who dares to fall in love?

"Who is there?" Liu Bian asked without raising his head.

He Xiandao: "There are Mr. Yuan Shu, Mr. Cui Yan, Mr. Guoyuan, Mr. Bing Yuan, Mr. Guan Ning and Mr. Sun Qianxiao."

Are they the six people from last night? ——Are you here to discuss things about Nanpi Academy?

Liu Bian suddenly realized a fact, that is: it seems that except Yuan Shu, the other five gentlemen are all white and have not been appointed to any position?
This, this is embarrassing.

Scratching his head, Liu Bian agreed to meet six people while making up his mind to write five appointment documents... He could no longer put the gentlemen on hold.What position should the other party be appointed to?

Rolling his eyes, he quickly figured it out: The number of official officials in Bohai County is still small, and there are still many vacancies?And there are many positions related to civil servants behind the "junbujijiu" in charge of academics?

Such as "County Literature", "History of County Literature", "History of County Literature", "Confucian Classics Master" and "Grand Master" who are barely above the list... With his chin in his hand, Liu Bian quickly arranged:

Simply, appoint Cui Yan as county literature and in charge of county schools?

Appoint Guoyuan as the history of county literature and the subordinate official of the county literature?
Appoint Bingyuan as the official of the county literature department, a subordinate official of the county literature department?
Appoint Guan Ning as the scholar of scriptures and be in charge of teaching the scriptures for sacrifices?
As for Sun Qian, he is too young, so he can be temporarily appointed as a grand master and take charge of the clan living in this county?

As soon as he thought of it, Liu Bian took up his pen and wrote the appointment documents for the five people.

At the same time, he heard the voices of Yuan Shu and others:
"See Your Majesty!
Your Highness, I have something to report! "

Liu Bian didn't even raise his head. He wrote the first appointment document seriously and said, "What's the matter?"

But I heard Yuan Shu say: "Your Highness, we discussed it all night last night and came up with a plan, and I would like to ask Your Highness to read it."

After saying that, Yuan Shu took out a thick document from his sleeve and held it in his hand.

He took a few steps forward, placed the document on the corner of the desk, and then returned to the original place.

Liu Bian finally wrote the first appointment document.

For the remaining four copies, he planned to do the same thing and just change his name and position.

Raising his head, he opened the document and saw dense handwriting. He only scanned the first page, but he saw that the content of the document divided the six courses in detail, such as:
"Six Arts", "Zhuzi", "Poetry", "Military Strategy" and "Shu Shu" are required subjects, while "Fang Skills" contains too many subjects and is designated as an elective course.

Another example is that the schoolwork of male students and female students is different: male students should learn everything, while female students only need to learn a "poetry and poetry summary", so as not to be blinded...

Bah bah bah, after a rough glance, Liu Bian could only sigh with emotion: What a big deal!

Yuan Shu, have you changed your temper and become extra reliable?

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yuan Shu, only to see that Yuan Shu had dark circles under his eyes. Was he really busy all night?
"Mr. Highway, did you sleep well last night?" Liu Bian asked with concern and commented with satisfaction, "Not bad, not bad."

In his eyes, education is a slow process, and it takes a long time to see the results.

Therefore, even though this thick document made his scalp numb, he was very pleased: the more detailed the better... Although the current education system in Nanpi County is definitely not perfect, but how about one step at a time?

You have to eat your food one bite at a time, otherwise what should you do if you take too long a step and get injured, not to mention...

What's more, Yuan Shu actually said: "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness!
If His Highness is satisfied, let's implement this method first, how about it? "

——Yuan Shu has changed a lot?After not seeing each other for a whole night, I concentrated on Nanpi Academy without even a single complaint!
"Okay." Liu Bian said, "This is the first set of plans. If something goes wrong after practice, we will correct it."

Yuan Shu said: "Just follow your highness, just follow your highness."

"So, do you have any questions?" Liu Bian was preoccupied with two things and began to write the second appointment document.

Cui Yan said: "Your Highness, regarding the books needed for teaching..."

Cui Yan stopped abruptly at the right time.

Liu Bian remained silent.

Liu Bian quickly wrote the second appointment document and said with a headache: "Mr. Cui is right to remind you, I almost forgot... Regarding books, Nanpi County has insufficient information and there are not many classic works that have been handed down from ancient times. I decided to go big Want to buy? May I ask if Beihai Academy has any for sale?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Cui Yan stroked his beard, and sighed: "Your Highness, Beihai Academy is an academy, how can you sell books? Moreover, all of those books are treasures passed down from generation to generation by noble families... Not to mention selling, even borrowing them difficulty."

"Then... what should we do?" Liu Bian was worried and asked casually, "Isn't Mr. Cui born in the Cui family of Qinghe and a famous scholar?"

Do you have any at home?
Liu Bian swallowed the words with difficulty.

Cui Yan said: "Yes, there are, but not many. It may be difficult to prepare them all."

Liu Bian's eyes lit up and he said anxiously: "Can I borrow a copy? Can I ask someone to copy the book?"

"Copy books?!" Cui Yan glared, "Your Highness, I'm afraid you don't know how many books there are in my family! Although it is not enough for the academy, it is not something that only 200 or [-] people can copy if they want to!

Not to mention the quantity required for each copy of the book, has Your Highness ever calculated it? "

"...No." Liu Bian's head was full of black lines: No need to calculate, he knew that a large amount was needed!
Teachers can’t be the only ones with books, right?
Students need it too!

If this continues, won't this book become necessary? ——Unless it is stipulated that there should be no more than 50 students in each class, then fifty books will be used to teach students, and these books belong to the college and students are not allowed to take them away... In this way, the books can be reused!
Liu Bian: "..." Hiss~ It's so difficult!He is so difficult!
He had a feeling that he was poor again. Why did he have to save everything and use it sparingly?

Holding his forehead, he murmured: "Do you think this is good? - I will take people to Beihai Academy to study for three months, and achieve success as soon as possible. During this period, I will copy books..."

Isn’t it okay to copy hard-core books?It's time to learn - although the Han Dynasty had "Cai Lun Paper", it did not have "engraving printing technology"?If you really want to make a book, you have to copy it seriously.

...Wait a minute!
Liu Bian suddenly remembered: stone rubbing technology!
Yes!Yes!That was the masterpiece of the cheap father, Emperor Han, and one of the few achievements of Emperor Han!
It was precisely because of the improvement of the "stele rubbing technology" that the Han emperor came up with the "Xiping Stone Classic". The official Confucian classic stone carving, also known as "Tai Xue Stone Classic" or "Yi Zi Stone Classic", mainly used The Seven Classics of Confucianism ("Lu Shi", "Shang Shu", "Book of Changes", "Spring and Autumn", "Gongyang Zhuan", "Ritual" and "The Analects of Confucius") were copied and carved into stone scripts. It took a total of eight years to carve them into 46 stone tablets.Each stone tablet is more than three meters high and one meter wide. It is said that it caused a sensation in Luoyang, the capital, and even the whole country... No, no, no!None of this matters!What's important is:

The Stone Scripture was erected in front of the Imperial College, where you can look at it and copy it!

This means that as long as he reasonably uses the two methods of "rubbing" or "printing and dyeing", which are comparable to "block printing technology", he can easily and quickly obtain a large amount of documents!

This is much more convenient than copying by hand.

"His Royal Highness is going to Beihai study for three months?!"

In his ears, six gentlemen's questions rang in unison.

When Liu Bian came back to his senses, he saw six gentlemen with expressions that were hard to describe.

Dryly, Liu argued: "It's inconvenient for me to go to Beihai Academy, right?"

Sun Qian said: "What's the point? - Your Highness, you are the governor of Bohai! How could..."

Sun Qian was slightly disturbed by the wind, as if he couldn't accept that the dignified Bohai Prefect had to go to school!

This, this, this... this is too inappropriate!
Touching his nose, Liu Bian also felt sad.

Deliberately, he thought about it for a long time, then suddenly his eyes sparkled, and he opened his mouth and said: "Everyone! I have changed my mind! I will not go to Beihai Academy! I want to write a letter to my uncle...cough! I have changed my mind! The king said, write to the general, I believe the general will be able to help!

Therefore, you don’t have to worry about books. Let’s first pay attention to see if any students have signed up. "

The six people present looked at each other.

Only Yuan Shu's eyes flashed and he said loudly: "Wonderful! With the general here, it's no problem to send people to copy dozens of stone scriptures... Now that the books are in place, we don't have to worry anymore! Your Highness is wise! Your Highness is so smart!”

Liu Bian smiled and said nothing, thinking: Who wants to copy?Wouldn’t it be better to use rubbings or printing and dyeing?

But he didn't say it.

He waved his hand and said: "Let's settle this matter for now. Please step aside! After a while, we will be worshiping our ancestors. You should take a break and there is no need to report to the king about today's work."

The six people finally remembered that the day of ancestor worship was coming soon, and their faces finally showed some joy.

After that, the six people resigned to Liu Bian.

Liu Bian watched the six people leave, lowered his head, stared at the blank document, and exclaimed "Wow!" He was annoyed that the appointment document had not been finished yet... Hurry up!Write quickly!

With a bang, Liu Bian wrote the appointment documents and handed the five appointment documents to He Xian. He Xian would promote the five gentlemen, with or without salary increases, depending on the situation...

From then on, Cui Yan, Guoyuan, Bing Yuan, Guan Ning and Sun Qian all had positions: County Literature, County Literature History, County Literature Death History, Confucian Classics Master and Grand Master——


After temporarily solving the difficulties related to the academy, Liu Bian then wrote down the detailed usage methods of "rubbing" and "printing and dyeing", two unique but familiar technologies, on a piece of cloth.

Then, Liu Bian handed the letter to Xun You and signaled Xun You to pass the letter on a flying pigeon and send it to the general's palace.Liu Bian also said: "I won't write to my father this time. This is written to my uncle. Mr. Xun, do you have any idea?"

"Don't worry! Leave this matter to me." Xun You vowed.

As a result, Liu Bian smiled and waited for He Jin's gift. Should it be for ancestor worship? ——How can we move quickly? Even if we have backup, we still have to travel for a long time to send it to Nanpi County.
Clearing away distracting thoughts, Liu Bian focused on the documents and devoted himself to reviewing the documents again.

Liu Bian's life seemed to remain unchanged.

However, as the day of ancestor worship is approaching, the entire Nanpi County has undergone great changes: First of all, all the officials in Bohai County have taken a long holiday, so that the people of Nanpi County can see these officials every day. Scenes of people rushing around, such as Cao Cao running to the palace of King Bohai to find a young guard, saying that the guard's mother was coming, and asking the guard to quickly go back to the house to take a look.

Another example is that Yuan Shao's mansion was also lively: like Cao Cao, Yuan Shao also moved his family and sent all his wives and many servants from his hometown... When Mrs. Yuan came to Nanpi County, Yuan Shao also followed Cao Cao's example and ran in. Prince Bohai brought out two young boys from his residence and told them that the boy's mother was here, and asked them to go back to the house and take a look.

Another example is that although Yuan Shu did not marry a wife, his subordinate Zhuge Xuan had a wife and children, not to mention that he also took over his cousin's children.It is said that the governor of Bohai was so happy that he sent Yuan Shu over to arrange accommodation for Zhuge Xuan's family. Zhuge Xuan was frightened and made several jokes.

Secondly, winter is not completely over yet, the weather is still cold, but every household is smiling, cleaning the house, decorating the house with lights and putting up big red words of joy, making sure every household is happy.It is said that a patrol cavalry once randomly visited a dozen households and saw that the other person's home was simple but very clean. A brazier, a fire barrel, and a fire pit were all necessary furniture. Even if there was no food in the house, it was still warm enough...

Then, looking at the streets and alleys, the excess snowdrifts were pushed to the corner, clearing a flat avenue for everyone to walk without slipping and falling.Moreover, all the walls, large and small, have been washed and cleaned without any stains.Everywhere you look, everything is new——

Even the neat and spectacular scenes of daily winter long-distance running are so eye-catching!
Liu Bian was very satisfied.

Not only are everyone preparing to celebrate the festival, but so is the Bohai Prince's residence.

When Liu Bian returned to the mansion, he saw hundreds of guards dispatched: those who swept the snow, those who swept the floor, those who cleaned the cabinets and tables, and they were also slightly repairing the mansion. They could be seen everywhere... "Your Highness!" Someone clasped their fists at him, "The food and snacks in the kitchen have been stored and can be consumed by His Highness for two months!"

Liu Bian waved his hand to show his understanding.

Without squinting, Liu Bian walked forward again.

"Your Highness, your bedroom is also in good order. All the sheets and clothes have been changed and replaced with new ones!" Another person added hurriedly.

Liu Bian came to the dormitory and saw that the dormitory was spotless, the sheets and clothes were brand new, and it really had the smell of the New Year.

"Your Highness, the sacrificial etiquette includes offering incense, reading blessings, offering rice soup, offering silk, offering wine, offering blessing words, burning blessings, etc., all have been prepared. Do you want to take a look?" The third person said softly. .

With his heart trembling, Liu Bian nodded gently.

Then, he went to check all the props needed for ancestor worship to prevent any accidents.

After all, this will be his first time hosting an ancestor worship ceremony?

(End of this chapter)

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