Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 197 Rushing into Beihai County in advance

Chapter 197 Rushing into Beihai County in advance

As if he understood what Yuan Shao Wei said, Cao Cao squinted at Yuan Shao, half-smiling but not smiling, and said playfully: "What? You changed your mind? - When did you change your mind? I still remember that day you said..."

"Shut up, shut up!" Yuan Shao almost choked when he heard this, coughed again and again, flushed, and said anxiously, "Okay, I have changed my mind, but you don't have to say it specifically?...Don't I want to lose face? ?”

Yuan Shao said the last sentence very softly.

Cao Cao smiled.

After taking a breath, Yuan Shao said: "In short, if His Highness doesn't want us to know, we won't know. As long as we protect His Highness secretly, who will let Luoyang..."

Yuan Shao pursed his lips and stopped talking.

Cao Cao's eyes flashed slightly and he was noncommittal.

Picking up the wine cup, Cao Cao said: "Anyway, after toasting this cup of wine, it's time for us to set off!"

"That's right." Yuan Shao smiled and drank happily with Cao Cao. Then he said goodbye, each rode his horse, and led the deputies to go their separate ways... Yuan Shao turned around and saw Cao Cao's back and the people led by Cao Cao. Cao's military generals, such as Xiahou Yuan, Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren, Cao Chun, Cao Hong and Cao Xiu.

When Yuan Shao turned his head and walked away, Cao Cao quietly turned his head and saw Yuan Shao's figure and the deputies recruited by Yuan Shao, such as Xun Chen, Han Fu, Gao Gan, Pang Ji, Xu You and Zhang He. ——

Among them, Zhang He had already clasped his fists at Han Fu and Yuan Shao, said goodbye, and went elsewhere!

As for the remaining people, Cao Cao is not a stranger:
Xun Chen, courtesy name Youruo, was Xun Yu's brother, Xun Nui's son, and a scribe in Yingchuan.

Han Fu, Zi Wenjie, a native of Yingchuan County, originally served as Yushi Zhongcheng, but was a student of the Yuan family. Later, he was moved by a letter from Yuan Shao, so he took the initiative to write to resign. I am willing to search for a miracle doctor for your majesty." So he naturally went to the countryside... Now, Han Fu went to Yuan Shao in the name of searching for a doctor.

——What Lord Liu Bian probably doesn’t understand is: His Majesty is now very ill and has been dragged down!

Next, there is the Gaogan, named Yuancai, who was born in Chenliuyu. Although he was born in the famous Chenliu Gao family and enjoyed a good reputation among scholars, he married the Yuan family in Runan... Therefore, if Yuan Shao or Yuan Shu showed favor to the Gaogan, they would also is feasible.

Pang Ji, Zi Yuan Tu, was a scribe from Nanyang and was considered a fellow countryman of Yuan Shao.

Xu You, whose courtesy name is Ziyuan, became friends with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao when he was a student.Cao Cao thought: If he takes the lead in recruiting Xu Ziyuan, maybe Xu Ziyuan will agree?It's a pity that Yuan Benchu ​​got there first.

...Should we say that Yuan Benchu ​​deserves to be a child of a famous family?

He easily recruited a group of staff!

However, even a man as astute as Cao Cao never noticed that there was a slight change in this torrent of history.

Especially Han Fu.

Because Yuan Shao was transferred to Bohai County, Han Fu later appeared in Jizhou with another identity and method... In the final analysis, this was all due to Liu Bian's influence.

The horse's hooves clattered, and Liu Bian was sitting in the carriage. He was tossed around and dizzy, but he insisted not to ask He Shui, who was acting as the driver, to slow down... There was no way, who made this road so bumpy that it was inconvenient to drive?

However, although Liu Bian could persist, as the youngest Zhuge Liang, he couldn't bear it.

With his face pale, Zhuge Liang leaned listlessly in Zhuge Jin's arms, looking like he was motion sick and wanted to vomit but couldn't. Not to mention how uncomfortable it was.Zhuge Jin gently stroked Zhuge Liang's chest, deliberately trying to relieve Zhuge Liang's discomfort, but the effect was minimal.

Looking at Xun Yu and Xu Shu again, they were in good condition and could actually close their eyes and rest.

It's a pity that Liu Bian also wanted to rest, but he felt that the carriage was shaking so much that he couldn't close his eyes at all.

Seeing Zhuge Liang's discomfort, Liu Bian had no choice but to raise his voice and say: "He Shui, drive slower."

Sure enough, the carriage moved much slower, but its shaking was still unavoidable.

In the end, the carriage could only stop, and Zhuge Liang was hugged by Zhuge Jin, and with a swish, he jumped out of the car and ran to the woods to catch his breath. From a distance, Liu Bian could hear Zhuge Liang's continuous vomiting sound. Hearing Liu Bian sigh silently, he felt a little guilty: Isn't it really appropriate to take little Zhuge Liang to another place?

I should have waited a few years if I had known it, but...

However, he insisted on going his own way and did not bring Zhuge Liang along with him.

Now that people are here, would it be inappropriate to send Zhuge Liang back to Nanpi County?
As if reading his thoughts, he heard Xun Yu say: "Your Highness, if you want to regret it, why don't you ask Mr. Zhuge Liang?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Xun Yu, only to see that Xun Yu was still sleeping.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Bian said calmly: "You don't need to call me 'Your Highness' when you are away from home... How about calling me 'Mr. Bian'?"From now on, my name will be "He Bian". "

In fact, if conditions permit, he would rather use "words".It's a pity that he has not yet reached the crown and has not taken the title.

Xun Yu: "..."

Although Xun Yu didn't open his eyes, he changed his words and said, "How can I argue with you, young master?"

On the side, Xu Shu also said: "Master Bian, Master Bian... Master Bian, it is indeed easy to remember."

At this time, Zhuge Jin returned with Zhuge Liang and apologized: "Master Bian, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Obviously, Zhuge Jin also heard his request.

Looking at Zhuge Liang again, Zhuge Liang's face was slightly pale and he was still in low spirits.

Watching Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang sit down again, Liu Bian said coldly: "Zhuge... Mr. Liang, do you want to go back to Nanpi County?"

He was being cunning and didn't say, "Do you want to go back to Nanpi County or go to Beihai Academy with us?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Jin looked at Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang blinked and asked curiously: "Brother Bian also wants to return to Nanpi County?"

After hearing what Zhuge Liang called him, Liu Bian felt a little subtle.

He tried hard to ignore this inexplicable feeling, shook his head and said, "I won't reply."

Zhuge Liang immediately said: "Brother Bian won't come back, and Liang'er won't come back either!"

Liu Bian was touched and amused, and said with a smile: "But maybe you can't persist? - There are still dozens of days to arrive at Beihai Academy?"

Zhuge Liang said: "As long as Brother Bian doesn't dislike Liang'er, Liang'er can persevere!"

——Having said that, what else can Liu Bian do?
Anyway, Liu Bian really doesn’t want to send Zhuge Liang back to Nanpi County!

Therefore, Liu Bian should find a doctor now and get a prescription for preventing motion sickness.

However, before Liu Bian and his party could find a doctor, they were overtaken by Zhang He on horseback.

"Your Highness!" Zhang He shouted breathlessly.

Liu Bian opened the curtain and looked back, but saw that Zhang He was not alone.

The person traveling with Zhang He was actually He... He Miao!
"Second uncle?" Liu Bian blurted out, then covered his mouth consciously.

Zhang He and He Miao were skilled in equestrian skills and easily overtook Liu Bian and his party, rushing to the front of Liu Bian and his party.

Someone was blocking the road ahead, so Liu Bian had to order He Shui to stop the carriage.

Liu Bian and his party stopped, waiting for Zhang He and He Miao to come over.

Zhang He and He Miao jumped off their horses one after another, ran to the carriage in small steps, clasped their fists and said, "Your Highness!"

Liu Bian glanced sharply and saw that Zhang He and He Miao were not blushing, not panting, their breathing was balanced, and they seemed not to feel tired at all.Lifting the curtain, Liu Bian stuck his head out and said to Zhang He and He Miao, "Are you here?"

Before Zhang He could say anything, he heard He Miao snort, with an angry look on his face, but said respectfully:

"Your Highness——" "You don't need to call me "Your Highness" when you are out. Liu Bian sighed and repeated patiently, hoping this was the last time, "From now on, my name will be changed to "He Bian", so you can just call me "Master Bian"?" "

He Miao's face did not change, and he changed his words: "Master Bian, you don't even say a word to me when you go out, just to make me worry, how can you bear it?"

Liu Bian looked at the second uncle in front of him embarrassingly, but couldn't answer for a moment.After a long time, Liu Bian touched his nose and said in a low voice, "Second Uncle, I will take care of myself. Anyway, it will only take two months...less than."

Liu Bian felt quite guilty when he said this.

He Miao pursed her lips, with a look of blame on her face, but she could still maintain respect. She said warmly: "Master Bian, you think two months is very short, don't you?"

Liu Bian opened his mouth and then closed it again, looking like he knew he was wrong.

He Miao sighed: "Fortunately, Mr. Ben, you have my second uncle in your eyes. As long as I can follow you, Mr. Ben, I will feel relieved... I will protect you well and prevent you from being harmed."

Liu Bian laughed dryly and said with a dry smile: "Thank you, second uncle, thank you, second uncle."

After comforting He Miao, Liu Bian finally turned his attention to Zhang He and said, "Zhang He's righteous...?"

"Master... Mr. Bian!" Zhang He almost called Liu Bian by mistake, but luckily he corrected himself, "54 criminals have been sent to Nanpi County Magistrate Shi Yue.

As you said, Mr. Bian, Nanpi County Magistrate Shi Yue really knows how to do it!

The Nanpi County Magistrate did not put the gangsters in jail, but wanted them to honestly confess their past experiences, and the circumstances were not serious, so the Nanpi County Magistrate registered all the gangsters and punished them with hard labor!Work forever and ever to shine and heat the prosperity of Nanpi County! "

After saying that, Zhang He fell into a suspicious silence.

Liu Bian glanced at Zhang He with interest, and his ears turned red.

Eighty percent of the time I was embarrassed by a certain sentence.

Liu Bian said clearly: "Great! Those gangsters have been dealt with, which is good."

What's even better is: Zhang He's mobility is incredible, he can move back and forth, and his speed is not slow... This shows that this man is very skilled in martial arts - Liu Bian rolled his eyes and said deliberately:
"I dare to ask the righteous Zhang He, if you can help me?"

Zhang He asked: "How can I help?"

Liu Bian said: "I would like to ask Yiyi Zhang He to go back to Nanpi County again, find Zeng Mansion in Nanpi County, go see Mr. Zeng, and ask Mr. Zeng to prescribe a prescription for treating motion sickness. I wonder if you can do it?"

Zhang He was stunned for a moment and said blankly: "Master Bian, Zeng Mansion...?"

"The Zeng family is a family of doctors." Liu Bian said, "The only family of doctors in Nanpi County is very famous. If you go to the street and ask people to find out, you will know after asking! Mr. Zeng used to be a miracle doctor. He laments that Zeng has not spared him for years. People, Zeng Lao will eventually be in his twilight."

Zhang He twitched his mouth and responded: "Okay! I'll ask Mr. Zeng to prescribe some medicine to treat motion sickness?"

"That's right." Liu Bian nodded.

Afterwards, Zhang He bowed his hands towards Liu Bian, stepped down, turned around and ran towards his mount.

Turning over easily, Zhang He immediately rode away on horseback.

Seeing Zhang He riding away, Liu Bian said: "Shall we continue setting off?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but no one spoke up to object.

In this way, Liu Bian and his party set off again, never stopping even when night fell.

Driving the carriage all night, Liu Bian and his party rushed to Leling County, only to be overtaken by Zhang He for the second time.

At that time, it was only one night.

After stopping again, Liu Bian looked at Zhang He still saluting comfortably, and said with a smile:
"Young Master Ben, you are fortunate to have lived up to your destiny."

Zhang He took out a packet of prescriptions from his arms and handed them to Liu Bian.

Liu Bian took it and looked at the package of prescriptions curiously.

Zhang He said: "Master Bian, please soak this prescription in water, boil it, and then drink it."

Liu Bian thought for a moment and decided to borrow some water from a family and make a bowl of medicinal soup.

When Liu Bian and his party found a house, they not only borrowed water, but also cooked a bowl of medicinal soup and handed it to Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang frowned and turned away with great resistance, not wanting to touch this at all. Bowl of medicinal soup.

Liu Bian coaxed in a good-tempered way: "Liang'er, be good, take it and you won't get carsick."

Zhuge Liang refused angrily: "Brother Bian, Liang'er has adapted well and no longer gets motion sickness, so... so Liang'er doesn't need to take medicine!"

Liu Bian's smile froze.


No more medicine?

Then wouldn’t my hard work be in vain?
Staring at Zhuge Liang, Liu Bian said: "You didn't adapt well, that was your illusion! Anyway, you have to take the medicine obediently."

Zhuge Liang buried his head in the arms of his elder brother Zhuge Jin, leaving only the back of his head for Liu Bian.

Liu Bian couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhuge Jin also felt ashamed and advised: "Ah Liang, be obedient and take the medicinal soup."

Zhuge Liang refused to comply, so he acted coquettishly and shouted: "Brother, can you take it for my brother?"

Zhuge Jin said: "Brother, I don't have motion sickness."

Zhuge Liang said: "I don't get carsick either."

"But, you got carsick before."

"But I don't get carsick now."

Liu Bian's head was full of black lines and he complained: "Stop it! Stop it! Don't bring up the subject of motion sickness or not! I'm almost knocked out by you two brothers... Well, why don't you drink? If you don't drink, I will die. People, hurry up and speed up, we have to reach Beihai County as soon as possible!"

Zhuge Jin fell silent.

Zhuge Liang hugged his eldest brother's waist tightly and said firmly: "Speed ​​up! Don't get motion sick anymore!"

"...It's up to you." Liu Bian shrugged, but did not force Zhuge Liang.

To be honest, the smell of this medicinal soup is really pungent and unpleasant!If it were him, he wouldn't be willing to drink it.

He calmly poured out the bowl of medicinal soup and said goodbye to that family.

Liu Bian and his party rushed on the road frantically, encountering mountains and rivers and crossing rivers. The carriages were changed one after another, and the mounts were also changed one after another. Everyone rushed to Beihai County resolutely. It took eighteen days to arrive in advance. Rush into Beihai County!

During this period, everyone hardly stopped except for necessary eating, drinking and eating.After several days of running around and working hard, although everyone was tired and dusty, it also sharply improved everyone's physical strength, endurance and riding skills... At least Zhuge Liang was as he said, no longer motion sick.


As soon as he entered Duchang County, Beihai County, Liu Bian opened the curtain of his car with great interest and looked out curiously. He saw that the huge city was quite comfortable, and the people coming and going were in good spirits... By the way, was he? Should I go to the harbor early to find a boatman?
"Go to the port first? If there is one." Liu Bian said.

Everyone did not refute, and asked some people in Duchang County to inquire. They learned that Duchang County does not have a seaport. If you want to go to a seaport, you should go to Huang County, the seat of Donglai County!
Donglai County? !

His eyelids twitched, and Liu Bian thought to himself: Is this place name strangely familiar?
Could it be the hometown of Tai Shici?
(End of this chapter)

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