Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 220 Dare I Ask You Can Make Paper

Chapter 220 Dare I Ask You Can Make Paper
Liu Bian decided to go to the "Qifang" with Sun Zhu, Zhou Yu and twenty classmates. However, Zhou Yu said that it was strictly forbidden to go out during the school term... So, here is the question:

How should everyone get out of the academy?
Liu Bian, who came back to his senses, was empty-handed, and his sleeves were clean—Gein Sun Zhu patted his chest to promise that he would treat guests, so Liu Bian...he followed Sun Zhu and others to the gate of "Beihai Academy".

As soon as he arrived there, he saw Sun Zhu beckoning, and said with a smile: "Uncle Li——"

Oops, do you think Sun Zhu and the person guarding the gate of "Beihai Academy" actually know each other?

As expected, a middle-aged man with an evil expression was seen cursing and spitting: "You are so unkind! Every time you go out, you have to take people with you! This time it is even more exaggerated, there are so many people... You want to harm me?" Will I lose my job?"

After saying this, the middle-aged strong man looked around as if he was afraid of being caught by someone.

Sun Zhu blinked and said: "Uncle Li, we are going out in batches this time, so we won't embarrass you... If we are bumped into by gentlemen, that's okay - you just said that as students, we need to prepare more paper and pens! Everyone is going to buy paper!”

Without giving the middle-aged man time to interrupt, Sun Zhu skillfully divided the 23-person team into six groups, almost four people in each group... Then, Sun Zhu asked Zhou Yu, Liu Bian and Zhao Shuang. Liu Bian had The young boy who had just met once gave him a wink, signaling Zhou Yu and the others to follow quickly.

With a bang, Sun Zhu and others successfully ran out of "Beihai Academy" amid the middle-aged man's low voice of "Hey, wait a minute." As for the remaining classmates and students behind him, Sun Zhu ignored them for the time being... ..."Haha!" After running far away in one breath, Sun Zhu looked back and could no longer see the other classmates. He couldn't help but clapped his hands and said:
"Great! We're out!"

Liu Bian gasped for breath. Compared with Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu's physical strength, he could only hold a group with Zhao Shuang's young boy to keep warm—"Senior Brother Sun, what about the other senior brothers? You don't care?" Liu Bian asked.

Sun Zhu said: "Don't pay attention! We will meet at the "Qifang", that's enough! "

"So, Senior Brother Sun, are you really planning to buy paper?" Liu Bian joked.

From what Sun Zhu said, it seems that Sun Zhu didn't want to go to "Qifang" early?

"That's right!" Sun Zhu admitted without hesitation.

This surprised Liu Bian.

Sun Zhu said with a straight face: "What? You don't believe it?"

Liu Bian was speechless and asked: "...I thought you were joking, senior brother."

Sun Zhu sighed and said with a tired heart: "I hope so too, but it's not - so it's your fault!"

"Blame me?" Liu Bian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, it's your fault!" Sun Zhu said, "If you hadn't asked us to copy a copy of "Han Shu" and "Historical Records", would Brother Zhou and I have to buy paper? - Don't tell me, you don't remember "Han Shu" and "Historical Records" "Book" and "Historical Records" are so thick!"

Therefore, Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu, who originally had enough paper, ran out of paper due to copying "Hanshu" and "Historical Records"? ...Thinking about this, Liu Bian said cautiously:

"Two senior brothers, where did you copy it? - Or just, forget it..."

Liu Bian said the last sentence very softly.

Unfortunately, he couldn't avoid the ears of Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu.

Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu pouted their lips neatly.

Sun Zhu snorted: "I'm a bit of a quarrelsome person, and I hate giving up halfway... Brother Zhou and I copied so many pieces of paper, but you said there was no need to copy anymore - do you want to anger me?!"

Narrowing his eyes, Sun Zhu spoke with murderous intent.

Zhou Yu smiled and said nothing, and Zhao Shuang also took a step back silently.Liu Bian felt his scalp numb and laughed dryly: "No! I don't want to! Senior brother is very enthusiastic to help me, and I am not pretentious, so I won't refuse - thank you, senior brother!"
Great job, two senior brothers! "

Liu Bian bowed seriously to Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu.

Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu looked at each other and unanimously helped Liu Bian up.

Then, with Sun Zhu on the left and Zhou Yu on the right, they pinched Liu Bian one on the left and the other on the right.Sun Zhu said with a smile: "Time is running out, let's set off quickly? The "Paper Workshop" is a bit far from the "Utensil Workshop"... That's right!can you ride a horse "

Paper mill? —Learned a new word!But, compared to Zhifang... "Who are you looking down on?" Liu Bian and Zhao Shuang said in unison, squinting at Sun Zhu.

After that, Liu Bian and Zhao Shuang were stunned at the same time.

Involuntarily, Liu Bian and Zhao Shuang stared at each other, while Sun Zhu stroked his hands and said, "It's good if you can ride a horse! I thought I was going to prepare a carriage? - Let's go! Go to the "Horse House"!Let's buy some horses! "

Hey hey!Buy a horse?
Liu Bian's eyes widened and he pursed his lips. He wanted to say something, but nothing came out... He felt like "Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden - dazzled." He didn't have enough brain power!It is said that he is His Royal Highness, right?Right?Why does he live more like "Grandma Liu" compared to Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu?
Ah! He shook his head and quickly put aside his distracting thoughts... Now, his most important task is: riding a horse to the paper mill!

Zhao Shuang followed behind, while Liu Bian was dragged away by Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu... It's strange to say: Zhao Shuang is obviously not even ten years old, but he has good leg strength and can keep up with Sun Zhu. With Zhou Yu!
Afterwards, Sun Zhu and others came to "Mashi".

Sun Zhu paid and bought four horses for everyone to ride on.Finally, everyone got on their horses and rode away.

Sitting on the horseback after a long time, Liu Bian was in a messy mood and his expression was hard to describe.He carefully controlled the reins and steadied his body, fearing that he would be thrown off the horse...that would be too embarrassing.

Luckily he rode well.

However, compared with Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu, he just wants to hug Zhao Shuang and cry again!
Compared to Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu's riding skills, he was simply left behind by several blocks!
Fortunately, Sun Zhu and Zhou Yu took him and Zhao Shuang into consideration, so they didn't ride fast, so at least they didn't throw him and Zhao Shuang too far... Even so, he still felt that the experience of riding a horse was too bad!

After enduring for a while, he, Sun Zhu and others successfully arrived at the "paper workshop".

This "Paper Shop" is located on the outskirts of Yin City. It is similar to an ordinary grain shop or medicine shop. It is a place that sells paper and makes paper... Great!He was secretly happy: the problem of papermaking was finally solved!

——Forgot to mention: He is the King of Bohai, and also serves as the governor of Bohai, and his seat is Nanpi. Although Nanpi County is now developing well and has got rid of its previous poverty situation, it also lacks corresponding facilities, such as paper making and paper trading. !
There is no relevant paper mill in Nanpi.

The paper used by Nanpi is all purchased from other places, and the price is not cheap.

Originally, Liu Bian had never thought of building any paper mill.

After all, there was no academy in Nanpi County.

Now, not only does Nanpi County have an academy, but the world-famous wise man Zheng Xuan will also go to Nanpi County. If Nanpi County still cannot make paper, it is too crude... It really does not suit Liu Bian. He wants to build Nanpi County into a city comparable to the capital of Luoyang?
Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity to buy paper, Liu Bian planned to pry into the corner... Ahem, we know each other!I know a few people who make paper, and invite them to develop in Nanpi County—opening a "paper mill" branch will do!

At this time, in his ears, he heard Sun Zhu shouting boldly: "Buy paper, buy paper, tie up this stack of paper, I want them all!" Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a long tree not far away. On the table, there are thick papers, all pressed with clean stone inkstones to prevent the papers from falling apart.

Soon, two guys came over, took the stack of papers familiarly, and tied them with string.

Finally, the stack of paper was handed to Sun Zhu's eyes like a package.

Sun Zhu handed over the child with one hand and carried the goods with the other, and said to Liu Bian: "It's done!"

so fast!

Liu Bian sighed and asked casually, "What's the price?"

Sun Zhu didn't answer, but said, "It's cheaper than the academy's price."

"The academy sells paper?" Liu Bian was surprised.

"Isn't it always the case?" Sun Zhu asked back.

Liu Bian was ashamed.

Seeing that Sun Zhu, Zhou Yu, and Zhao Shuang were about to leave, Liu Bian said again: "Wait a minute, I have something I want to consult."

"Oh?" Sun Zhu raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

Sun Zhu handed the paper he bought to Zhou Yu. His movements were smooth and his expressions were natural, as if he had performed it countless times.Zhou Yu silently took the paper, wrapped it into a bundle, and hung it on the right side of the horse's belly.

Liu Bian: "..."

After regaining his composure, Liu Bian looked back and whispered, "I want to meet the papermaker of this paper mill."

Before Sun Zhu could speak, Liu Bian said to the two clerks, "Can I ask if you know how to make paper?"

Two guys: "..."

The two waiters looked fierce and shook their heads in unison: "No!"

"So, is there anyone here who knows how to make paper?" Liu Bian continued his efforts.

One of the waiters said: "Yes, yes, but please wait a moment, Mr. I have to ask!"

With his eyes curled up, Liu Bian was overjoyed and said happily: "Student is willing to wait, please brother, please make one more trip!"

The waiter said "you're welcome" and turned around to find someone.

(End of this chapter)

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