Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 252 Sun Ce has something to say

Chapter 252 Sun Ce has something to say

Looking sideways at Mr. Li, he complained in his mind: Just - what?Did you tell the whole story?
Li's ears turned red, her head lowered, and she finally said: "It's just a little longer, please forgive me, Master."


Taking a steady look at Li's embarrassing expression, he suddenly realized that it would take almost half a year to weave the finished silk - the mulberry seedlings grew up, the mulberry leaves were picked, the silkworms were fed, and when the silkworms spun silk, finally Will it come in 20 days soon?
Then rely on related technologies, such as spinning and peeling cocoons, pounding out reeling silk, and then cooking the cocoons with a suitable water temperature to obtain silk, and using several silk threads to synthesize a raw silk, then weaving according to certain rules to make fabrics, and finally refining A series of processes such as bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc. can be woven into finished silk products... It's all zero and zero. Who would believe it without half a year?

The hand covering his chest was trembling slightly. It was only after he realized that he remembered that the textile light industry involved no less than thirty processes. It would take many days to complete it in one step... This was still purely manual work. Under the premise, it does not include that the mulberry tree has to grow to maturity - if the mulberry tree is allowed to grow to adulthood, there is no need to think about it for a few years, so don't mention it!
So, he borrowed [-] yuan, was it really just used to pay for tuition?

Is it impossible to make money back to your capital?
His face was paralyzed, and he couldn't figure out why he agreed to lend money to Mr. Li yesterday.

He didn't want to talk to Mr. Li.

However, Mrs. Li looked at him carefully and promised again and again: "Young master, please wait patiently. I promise that I will not let you suffer. What kind of person you are, how can I dare to lie to you?"


He understood what Li meant: Silk was highly profitable and the business was good, but before the finished product could be produced, it had to wait!

He sighed and couldn't help but remember the kiln he promoted in Bohai County - it is said that although making porcelain in the kiln is simpler than silk weaving, it also requires a lot of manpower and time... Okay!He can tolerate the slow but high-quality porcelain output rate, and he doesn't care about adding a tedious silk light industry?
Maybe he will have the opportunity to grow tea in the future - can he earn high income from selling tea? ...Developed tea culture decades in advance and made the habit of drinking tea popular in the north and even throughout the Han Dynasty?
Doesn’t growing tea also consume energy?
Without comparison, there would be no harm. He comforted himself for a long time and finally calmed down.

--Not urgent!What's the rush?Isn't it just that you have lost money recently and can't make money temporarily?Think about why you want to make money. You make money to govern and develop your fief Bohai County!now……

Now, he felt guilty.But he thought optimistically: We are really short of money... Maybe, maybe, maybe go back to Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others to express a few words, which should be able to solve the urgent need. What if Bohai County is short of funds again?
He was so depressed: I didn't expect to be the King of Bohai Sea for half a year, but he was still very poor!

There is never enough money to spend.

But, no problem!
Just think of it as a contribution to the inheritance of the three-suite culture of the Han Dynasty?Although nothing happened about the tea leaves at all.

Pulling himself together, he looked at Mrs. Li and said seriously: "I have the intention. But you should know that if you really want to achieve large-scale silk production, it might be inconvenient for you alone? - Do you have enough manpower?"

Li was stunned, she probably didn't expect that the other party would believe her... The circles around her eyes were slightly red, and Li confirmed: "Young master, there are some! There are many! In fact, I know many friends who are skilled in craftsmanship in Huang County. , everyone agrees with my plan and will help me——"

He understood, and once again lamented that Li's connections were so well-connected that she was truly a strange woman.

"Since you have already planned, I won't say much, just pay for it when the time comes." He smiled slightly, concluded happily, and approved Li's conditions.

Li's face was flushed and she tried her best to hold back her excitement.

He guessed that if no one was around, Li would most likely dance and be happy.

Next, while watching Sun Ce and others planting mulberry seedlings, he and Li took the opportunity to talk about how to weave and sell silk.

He was surprised to find that Li was quite insightful and really knew these things well.

It turns out that Li's ancestors made a living by weaving and selling silk. Unfortunately, in Li's generation, the family business declined and her parents died early. As a daughter, Li had no one to rely on, so she had no choice but to marry. Who knows? Unfortunately, her husband died... Seeing that Li Shi became more and more angry, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly:

"Song Huang! Song Huang...huh!"

He was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Song Huang was not the former magistrate of Huang County.It's a pity that this person is dead, otherwise Li would not have spared him lightly.

While sighing, he suddenly regretted that by the time Li called on his friends to weave, he would have returned to Bohai County.

So, he changed the topic and discussed the next plan with Li: Li cooperated with several partners and mastered the important links and key techniques of silk production!Li monitors the overall situation, is responsible for and inspects everything, and provides corresponding technology, while those partners contribute money, effort, and space——

Mrs. Li also said: "Young master, if you don't believe me, I will take you to see the place where silkworms are raised tomorrow. My friend specially set aside a large open space to raise silkworms. It's a pity that the weaving in the later period I'm afraid I won't be able to see the process..."

After saying this, Mrs. Li felt very disappointed.

He was funny and distressed, and moved, "Can you write? Write a letter when the time comes, and write to me?"

Li said happily: "That's fine, that's fine."

He smiled and asked again: "By the way, may I ask what your name is...?"

It was embarrassing to say that he only knew the other person's surname was Li, but he didn't know his first name.

Mrs. Li was startled for a moment and whispered: "My name is "Yun", so just call me "Li Yun"!" "Li Yun?" After a pause, he repeated, "Li Yun?"Li Yun? …”

A very common name?There doesn’t seem to be much that stands out... No, no, no!It should be: Isn’t it very rude to call the other party by his or her name?
But seeing Li's eyes crooked, he rarely showed a smile, and replied: "I am Li Yun, and I pay my respects to the young master."

After saying this, Mrs. Li saluted him seriously.

He quickly helped him up, not daring to strain Li.

"Third brother!" At this moment, a voice in the distance said, "What are you talking about?"

It was Sun Ce, his sworn brother.

He looked for fame, but before he could answer, Sun Ce said again: "Third brother, look, we have planted many mulberry seedlings!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Li laughed in a timely manner, and said with a smile: "There are so many, there are still half of them that have not been planted yet."

Sun Ce sighed heavily, "Then we can only plant it tomorrow? -Look, it's almost dark!"

He and Li looked up at the sky at the same time.

Isn't it?
Unknowingly, it was getting late and it was already dusk.

It's time to go back to the small town.

He looked at Mrs. Li and said, "Why don't you plant it tomorrow?"

Li didn't object and took advantage of the situation and said, "Just follow the Young Master."

After that, everyone tidied up and were about to return... "Third brother!" Sun Ce suddenly stopped him.

This provoked Li Xunxun to come over.

Ignoring the curious eyes around him, he looked at Sun Ce and asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Sun Ce got straight to the point and said, "I have something to say to you alone."

After hearing this, he ordered everyone to wait where they were, and then he and Sun Ce came to a remote corner.Then, he asked: "Brother, what's the matter?"

Sun Ce said: "Just now when I was sowing mulberry seeds with others, they told me some information about Mouping County. Do you want to know, third brother?"

"--you say."

Sun Ce said: "The magistrate of Muping County is Song Gambling. He knows Song Huang and is his uncle."

"Ah?" He opened his mouth wide. He really didn't expect that the Muping County Magistrate could be related to Song Huang.

"As for Song Gambling, he has not yet learned that Song Huang is dead, but he is still dominating Muping County," Sun Ce said.

Liu Bian didn't know how to react.

He tensed up his expression and asked, "Brother, do you want to...?"

Sun Ce looked natural and spoke calmly, saying straightforwardly: "If possible, I hope that you, Third Brother, will also drive away this stupid Muping County Magistrate and replace him with me!"

He was dumbfounded and stammered: "Brother, you...why do you have such an idea?"

When did you become willing to serve as a small county magistrate?

Scratching his head, Sun Ce said: "There are three purposes for this move: one is that I want to keep my second brother so that he can continue to study in "Beihai Academy". His identity?The second is that I want to use this to protect the silk industry in Mouping County and protect the safety of the Li family; the third is..."

Sun Ce suddenly stopped talking.

Sun Ce was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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