Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 267 Remotely eradicate the regular servants

Chapter 267 Remote Eradication of the Ten Attendants

When Liu Bian said this, he couldn't tell whether his mood was wonderful or subtle.

After all, his cheap father hasn't died yet, he's just in a coma, and there's no guarantee he'll wake up one day... Okay!He could not help but guess, vaguely thinking that this was human intervention——

but!He still doesn't know who the murderer is!
Could it be his grandmother, Empress Dowager Dong? --Not too possible!
Could it be his mother, Queen He? ——It’s hard to say!
Could it be his uncle, the current general He Jin? --How can it be!

Could it be...the ten eunuchs and attendants?

He couldn't answer either.

In short, his cheap father is lying here and will not wake up, and the country cannot be without a king for a day, and the Han Dynasty cannot be without a master forever - therefore, even if he delays it for a long time, he will probably still be able to survive on the [-]th day of April in the summer On the day of noon (May [-]th), he ascended the throne!

Don't ask him why and why, if you have to give a reason, that is... recorded in history books!
# coincidentally!My name is also Liu Bian#
Since he took on Liu Bian's name and assumed Liu Bian's status as the eldest son of the emperor, then it doesn't matter if he ascended the throne on the same day as the historical Liu Bian?
He really wanted to know whether "Wuwu Day, April [-]th in the summer" was the nearest auspicious day of the zodiac.

There is still half a month left before this auspicious day.

Is half a month considered a long time?

He thought about it carefully: Should it be enough?
Anyway, he wanted to do something remotely before ascending the throne.

Thinking of this, he stared at He Miao, who was uncharacteristically urging him to ascend the throne as soon as possible recently, and said word by word: "Second uncle, let me ask you, who do you choose? Me or your eldest uncle?"

He Miao was startled.

Without waiting for He Miao to say anything, Liu Bian announced in one breath: "Second uncle, I want to ascend the throne in Nanpi County. I need all the civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty to be present. Please help me!"
Second uncle, do you think my choice to ascend the throne in Nanpi County is too unruly?All the civil and military officials are in Luoyang. Do you think the other party will come to Nanpi County specially?

Second uncle, you should also know that your eldest uncle is very disgusted with the eunuchs and servants, and even dreams of killing them.This time, can we take advantage of the opportunity of ascending the throne to eradicate the ten permanent servants in one fell swoop?
--correct!Now that is no longer the Ten Constant Attendants, but the Eight Constant Attendants?Six permanent attendants?
Second uncle, do you remember how many relatives of the eunuchs I killed? "

He Miao: "..."

How do you say something? ——If you don't make a song, you're done, it's a blockbuster!
I am talking about you, His Highness Liu Bian.

He Miao stared intently at Liu Bian's "whimsical" joking, a storm suddenly arose in his heart, and he quickly understood what Liu Bian meant.He Miao's face was as calm as water, and he promised in a deep voice:

"Your Highness is your Majesty in the near future. You can do whatever your Majesty wants to do! Even if you are an offshore balancer, disintegrating the eunuchs of the Ten Constants, or anything else, He Miao will accompany you and will definitely follow him to the end!!"

Liu Bian's eyes were crooked, he raised his hands and said: "Thank you, second uncle, for believing in me wholeheartedly. I will never let my second uncle be wronged! Now, should I write a letter to my uncle and tell him about the enthronement?" ?”

After hearing this, He Miao's eyelids twitched sharply, and he felt something was wrong, so he decisively shut up without saying a word.

Liu Bian held his chin in his hand, thought for a moment, and then did what he thought of: he took a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote a letter seriously to his uncle He Miao, confessing in an understatement that he wanted to ascend the throne, but if the ceremony was held in Nanpi , it is necessary for civil and military people, including the eunuchs of the Ten Changs, to go to Nanpi County together to participate.

Therefore, he gave numerous instructions and instructions in the letter that all civil servants and generals in the capital city of Luoyang, as well as powerful families and eunuchs, must go to Nanpi County to attend his enthronement ceremony.

If someone is not willing to go, he is very willing to receive the other party's official document.

However, eunuchs are excluded.

Regardless of whether the officials went to Nanpi County or not, Liu Bian asked his uncle He Jin to find a way to kill all the ten permanent servants - if they wanted to go to Nanpi County, let the general send people to assassinate them; otherwise, he would kill them all. The crime of disrespect, take it down!
In addition, Liu Bian also asked his uncle He Jin not to tell his mother Queen He about this matter.

Liu Bian didn't shy away from it, saying bluntly that his mother trusted the eunuch.Since they planned to eliminate the eunuchs, they should not let Queen He know about it, lest Queen He become soft-hearted or reveal the news to the eunuchs.

——Liu Bian He has not forgotten that in history, his uncle He Jin was assassinated by the eunuchs!

He didn't want to make the same mistake again.

He carefully checked the long letter over and over again, and suddenly felt that there were thousands of words to remind him. He wished he could fly to Luoyang City and discuss the secrets face to face with his uncle He Jin.

He split the letter into several parts and prepared to send them to the other party in batches.

He called Xu Shu over and carefully confessed his thoughts.

The picture is for Xu Shu to act prudently, rather than being careless, such as accidentally making a mistake while sending a letter.

Just as he thought: after he had a heart-to-heart relationship with Xu Shu, Xu Shu was extremely cautious. Not only did he help him "fly pigeons to deliver messages" calmly, but he also ensured that the pigeons would not be intercepted by outsiders.

In the end, the long letter fell into the hands of Luoyang General He Jin in its entirety, and Liu Bian also received a reply from He Jin: "I will never betray His Highness's trust!" 』

It seemed that He Jin also understood his intention.Sure enough, in the following days, he was calmly preparing for his enthronement in Nanpi County, such as contacting the Li family who had planted a mulberry field to form a team called "Dragon Robe Customization" to be responsible for his new dragon robe. Notices were also issued and posted all over Bohai County, including the entire Jizhou, announcing that Liu Bian, the eldest son of the Han Dynasty, would hold an enthronement ceremony on April [-]th in Nanpi County, Bohai County, Jizhou. All knowledgeable people were welcome to come. Come and visit…

And He Jin regularly communicated with him by "flying pigeons to send letters", talking about world affairs, and briefly mentioned the current situation in Luoyang, so that he could grasp the latest information about the capital of Luoyang at the first time.

In short: Luoyang was bustling and bustling, and the dignitaries were all shocked by the series of operations he made when he ascended the throne. They were either dumbfounded, or stunned, or lamented the misfortune of the Han Dynasty, or had expressions on their faces. Confused...

Perhaps the stimulation was too great, and many veterans of the imperial court scolded Liu Bian for his willfulness and insistence on going his own way, and even cried. If His Majesty was still awake, he would definitely not allow His Highness the Crown Prince to make such a fuss.

Liu Bian, who was far away in Nanpi County, looked at the paper full of complaints and dissatisfaction, and didn't feel guilty at all - he was outside Luoyang, and he didn't face the scoldings of the court veterans, so he felt very calm!
What's interesting is that no matter how loudly the veterans of the imperial court clamored, no one came forward to serve.

very good!

Liu Bian was so pleased that he ignored the jumps of the court veterans.

In fact, Liu Bian was still thinking that if time had not been too short, he would have posted the notice all over the world.

But it's not a priority.

The top priority is the ten permanent servants in Luoyang.

As he expected, the attitudes of the ten permanent attendants were also wavering: some expressed that they wanted to go to Nanpi County to serve the new emperor, while others wanted to stay in Luoyang to take care of the Supreme Emperor... If Liu Bian successfully ascended the throne, the Han Emperor would naturally become the Supreme Emperor. .

Unfortunately, no matter what the attitude of the Shichangshi is, it can't change the outcome of death.

As the auspicious day of his enthronement approached day by day, the civil and military officials in Luoyang finally couldn't sit still - Liu Bian received a letter from his uncle He Jin as usual, saying that Empress Dowager Dong and Empress He would stay in the palace to take care of His Majesty. Many ministers have already set off and are heading towards Nanpi County. I believe that everyone will catch up and attend on time!

His uncle He Jin also reminded Liu Bian to ensure that there are enough charity houses in Nanpi County for people to stay temporarily.

——It seems that no one thought that he would live in Nanpi County for a long time, instead of returning to the Luoyang Palace after he ascended the throne?

That's right, no matter how prosperous Nanpi is, how can it compare with Luoyang and its heritage?
Liu Bian lowered his eyes and updated the latest news about Shi Changshi. As usual, he dealt with paperwork when he needed to do it, and patrolled Nanpi County when he needed to. His life was really the same as before.

Compared with his peaceful life in Nanpi County, the city of Luoyang was full of wind and rain, with lightning and thunder: General He Jin did not disappoint him - he skillfully appeased the Queen Mother Dong, Queen He and other royal relatives, making sure that the other party would not After interfering with the situation, He Jin set out to deal with the Shi Changshi, eradicating them quickly and efficiently!

The specific performance is as follows: when the eunuchs rush to Nanpi County, they will always be assassinated, or they will be seriously ill, and they will die; while the remaining eunuchs plan to live in the palace, either hugging the Queen Mother Dong or hugging the thigh of Queen He. At that time, He Jinhui showed no emotion and led a large number of soldiers to kill him. On the grounds of "disrespect to the new emperor", he directly grabbed the opponent and killed him on the spot!

The Queen Mother Dong or Queen He was so frightened that they screamed repeatedly.

Afterwards, He Jin not only apologized to Empress Dowager Dong or Empress He, but also ransacked the residences of the ten permanent servants without stopping, and obtained tens of thousands of boxes of gold, silver and jade, which was as much as the national treasury, and was enough to build more than three palaces.

He Jin also remembered to control the information and make sure that the death of Shi Changshi was insignificant.

In this way, the ten permanent servants who were one of the main culprits of the Han Dynasty were dealt with lightly and completely.

General He Jin's reputation was unparalleled.

He Jin also spread the word, threatening to bring tens of millions of money to fully support the emperor's eldest son Liu Bian's ascension to the throne.

As a result, all the ministers worked hard and rushed to Nanpi County...

Bohai County, Nanpi County.

Liu Bian, who knew that Shi Chang's death was so indifferent, was still grateful: while he was busy processing documents, it was Shi Yue, the magistrate of Nanpi County, who personally received the paper mill owner and utensil mill owner of Beihai County and provided them with appropriate and reasonable services. The workshop facilitates the other party to quickly establish a foothold in Nanpi County.

After Liu Bian learned of these things, his conscience finally prickled slightly—he really forgot to settle down with the other party by accident!As a result, his annoyance was met with Shi Yue's rare roll of eyes.

Shi Yue said: "If you have to come forward for everything, then what is the meaning of our existence? Your Highness can rest assured and just prepare for the enthronement. Just leave these small things to us."

After hearing this, Liu Bian was very moved and asked all the officials to do their own thing.

And all the officials, such as Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and others, also enjoyed it.

There is no need for him to explain to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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