Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 40 Bohai County is in urgent need of supplies

Chapter 40 Bohai County is in urgent need of supplies
Watching Cao Cao silently, Liu Bian was full of thoughts: At that time, Cao Cao still had an innocent face, not knowing why, as if he insisted that he would not notice.

This made him a little angry for no reason.

In fact, he didn't have to worry about it, he just made the big thing into a trivial matter!However... However, since he is the governor of Bohai, he cannot do anything to disturb the people!
Don’t forget that his current goal is to govern a county without excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes, so that the people can avoid unspeakable misery——

Even if Cao Cao helped him "seize" [-] loads of rice and other supplies, he could not forget his true intentions!
Without beating around the bush, he asked directly: "Master Cao, what's your mission? - It's not like you need food to buy farm tools, etc., how can you...?"

Once or twice, how come there are still [-] dans of rice? !

Although it is indeed a good thing to have too much rice, but...

However, the food was not exchanged for farm tools and other items. Isn't this clear... isn't it clear what method was used to rob?
——I asked you to use grain to buy farm tools and other items, but you robbed them... Be honest!Did you really rob him? !
Anyway, I don’t believe that there are really wealthy businessmen, even righteous businessmen, who would give a large amount of materials for no reason, and this material is so big that it can bankrupt the righteous businessmen!

Donating money appropriately is a righteous act; risking the loss of money and ruining your family... is not advisable!

What is this picture? !
He expressed his incomprehension.

Then Cao Cao cupped his hands and said, "My lord, can you allow me to say a few words?"

"——You say." He listened attentively.

Cao Cao said: "My lord, do you think that I robbed a group of innocent businessmen by force to obtain a large amount of supplies?"


He was stunned for a moment: To be honest, he hadn't thought about it——

His scalp went numb, and he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"My lord, what I have seized are the supplies of the original rice merchants." Cao Cao looked at his nose and his nose, and he was as calm as he wanted. "My lord, you should have heard what I said before. Those rice merchants are probably outlaws." Not to mention raising domestic slaves in private, but also wantonly buying all the food in the market!"



He was speechless.

Sure enough, Cao Cao said again: "I followed the instructions of my lord and was ordered to investigate these rice merchants! As a result, when I searched the residences of these rice merchants, I unexpectedly found out: On the surface, these guys are engaged in buying and selling rice grains, but in fact they are engaged in buying and selling rice grains. Secretly hoarding supplies, recruiting troops, and trying to subvert this Bohai County!"


Opening his mouth unconsciously, Liu Bian was filled with wonder and sighed: "Isn't this...impossible?"

Rice merchant?

It's powerful!
A living and powerful person!

And plotting something wrong?

It was a pity that Cao Cao led his men to kill the powerful men before they started to stir up trouble.

It’s like playing, it’s incredible!
Without changing his expression, Cao Cao said: "My lord, that's exactly what happened! These rice merchants colluded with each other in private to replace you, my lord. This is an unforgivable crime! Please order their execution, my lord!"


He was confused and couldn't answer the question for a moment.

The main reason is that this happened too suddenly. Before it happened, it was just... over!As a result, he was so confused that he couldn't even feel a trace of disgust towards the rice merchants.

Therefore, if he really wanted to order the execution of the rice merchants... but he thought it was a bit too extreme?

After calming down, he thought seriously, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Where are the rice merchants? Are they locked up by you?" - Is it really strange?Prince Bohai's there a dungeon?Why hasn't he heard of it?
With his expression unchanged, Cao Cao said: "My lord, I will not bring you to my lord at such a young age, so as not to stain my lord's eyes. In fact, as long as my lord agrees, I can directly sentence him to death."


What's going on? ——Cao Cao, why do you always want to kill people?
Being bloodthirsty is not a good hobby!Besides, you don’t have a dead father, so why are you trying to avenge your father... ahem~
Embarrassed, he asked: "Can I have a reprieve from death?"

"Huh?" Cao Cao was startled.

He plausibly said: "The other party is regarded as an attempt to "make trouble", so let's sentence him to "the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped"? ——Nowadays, Bohai County is full of waste and needs to be revitalized, and it is the time to employ people!Since the rice merchants don’t want to be human beings, then I will help the rice merchants, let them be animals, and punish the rice merchants to do hard labor and work day after day! "

A few more labors without paying wages!
What a deal? ——He is so smart!
"It's up to my lord." Cao Cao bowed his hand and did not refute this time.

Feeling that the problem had been properly resolved, he waved his hand and announced: "It's okay! Just step back."

Cao Cao then bowed and respectfully resigned.

Stretching, he took a look at the account books compiled by Cao Cao and Yuan Shu.

By the time he finished looking over it, it was already late at night. ...The second day of officially taking office as Bohai Governor finally came to an end.

Rubbing his forehead, he lay back on the couch where he lived, and kept thinking about it: There are a total of 550 registered refugees. Excluding the old and weak, women and children, there are 820 young and strong men... Among them, there are 420 craftsmen, such as cooks, carpenters, stonemasons, blacksmiths, cobblers and painters - these are all talents and must not be neglected!
It is a pity that there are no doctors among these refugees.What if some plague breaks out in Bo County...

No, no!
He shook his head vigorously: Liu Bian, Liu Bian, don't curse Bohai County!
The current Bohae County is still in its infancy and cannot withstand the hardships for the time being.

Although there are no doctors among the refugees, does it mean that there is no doctor in Nanpi County or even the entire Bohai County? ——We will always find a doctor, don’t worry!

Starting from tomorrow, everyone should be able to farm well without worrying about food and grass, right?
With this expectation, he finally fell asleep.

The next day, the refugees really gave him a big surprise.

When Cao Cao and others left the house early to carry out a new round of missions, he was doing the same as usual. After slowly eating breakfast, he took five guards and got on the carriage, planning to look for the mine again.

However, the carriage rattled, and when he passed through the streets, fields, and houses near the fields, he found that everything seemed to be a little different:
In just one night, the barren fields seem to be no longer so deserted... At least the weeds have been removed, and the fields have become bare, as if to welcome the farmers to sow, plant and work hard in the near future?

It only lasted one night, and the houses near the field no longer locked their doors... Occasionally, people came in and out, repairing the inside and outside of the house. Looking from a distance, it looked quite unique and comfortable?
It's only been one night, but the road on the street has improved a lot?Anyway, yesterday Liu Bian was sitting in the carriage and he could still feel the bumps, but today he felt that the carriage was going very smoothly... Is there anyone who can repair the road?

Opening the curtain, he looked outside quietly.

I saw the refugees in twos and threes still dressed in tatters, but their faces were full of smiles. Even though they were full of dust, they couldn't stop the refugees from talking about life and gossip enthusiastically:

"This road is so well built! My feet don't hurt when I walk on it!"

"Isn't it? - It's so fast! Yesterday it was a muddy trail, today it's a clean trail!"

"Hey~ Lao Li and A Tu were embarrassed, weren't they? - Lao Li and A Tu agreed last night, but then regretted it. They didn't want to grow vegetables by the pond, because they thought the pond was too small... but they rejected us. He immediately went to fawn over Xiaoming and Sanhua, and guess what? Xiaoming rejected Lao Li and Atu for Sanhua! Haha! Don’t you think it’s embarrassing?”

"Shame! If I were Ah Tu, I would break off friendship with Lao Li! Who doesn't know that Sanhua is beautiful and married to Xiaoming. They were already a couple, but Lao Li dared to pester Sanhua with a shy face. Hua! You deserve to be scolded! Bah! Ah Tu is also blind, and he doesn’t even know what kind of virtue Lao Li is!”

"Forget it! Forget it! Don't be angry! Lao Li is hateful, and Atu is miserable. It's purely because of Lao Li... Do you think we should find Atu again and start a relationship together?"

"This?...I don't care! As long as Ah Tu ignores Lao Li!"

"Me too!"

"Okay, let's go find Ah Tu?"

"Let's go! Find Ah Tu!"

A group of refugees stopped, turned around and ran towards the opposite route.

Raising his eyebrows, Liu Bian watched the group of refugees leave in a hurry, feeling that they looked familiar: Not bad?The quality of life of the refugees has also been improved to some extent!

Previously, the refugees were hungry and confused and despairing about their future. Unexpectedly, after one night, the refugees became more leisurely and acted out the drama of "the family is long and the family is short".

Putting down the car curtain, he sat quietly in the car and made up his mind to find the mine!
However, after a lot of effort, he still couldn't find it.

In this way, Liu Bian took time to take the car every day to find the mine, but failed for several days in a row.

What's interesting is that Liu Bian was thinking about it, and he hadn't found the mine yet, but he waited for Liu Bei's notification——

On the evening of the fifth day, after everyone reported on the progress of the work, Liu Bei came to him privately and said abruptly: "Your Highness, Zhongshan merchants Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang have brought a large amount of supplies, including ore, and look forward to meeting with you, Your Highness."

After hearing this, he did not refuse and agreed to Liu Bei's request.

As a result, two big businessmen from Zhongshan, Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang, came to pay their respects and said:
"Zhang Shiping, a common man, has met His Highness!"

"Caomin Su Shuang, I have met His Highness!"

"Please stand up, both of you!" Liu Bian pretended to be supportive.

Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang straightened up.

He started chatting with Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang.

He pretended not to know and asked Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang how they came to Bohai County.

I heard Zhang Shiping say: "Your Highness, ordinary people are Liu... Liu Sheren's friends, and they often write to Liu Sheren! Last time, I heard from Liu Sheren that a prefect came from Bohai County and was in urgent need of supplies, so I and I Brother Su discussed and agreed to jointly donate 50 yuan, [-] kilograms of ore, [-] shi of grain and grass, [-] horses, and [-] pieces of silk and satin as a token of respect! His Highness, who has traveled thousands of miles away, is willing to come to this remote place in Bohai County to benefit the people. It is truly a blessing to the people!”

Chi, Chi Liu!
Liu Bian tried his best to pretend to be calm, but he laughed heartily: Hahahahahaha!Well done Liu Bei!These two businessmen are really generous!I gave so much at once... Bohae County - Oh no!It’s Nanpi County, and it can finally straighten its back!

At least three months!I won’t have to worry about food for at least three months!

Sure enough, if you have food, don’t panic! !

(End of this chapter)

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