Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 45 Zeng Aniu is actually a doctor

Chapter 45 Zeng Aniu is actually a doctor

Faced with the murderous gaze of his big leader, Zeng Aniu would be lying if he said he was not afraid... Originally, Zeng Aniu thought that he was going to be killed by the big leader on the spot, and his heart went cold and he became desperate. !
Who would have thought that at the next moment, a turn of events would be miraculously staged!
When he first heard the noble man in front of him mention something about the old village chief...Zeng Aniu was so happy!Overjoyed, Zeng Aniu immediately said: "Sir——"

"Bah!" Zhang Fei yelled angrily, "Call Your Highness!!"

"...Huh?" Zeng Aniu was confused and quickly changed his words, "Your Highness, if the villain remembers correctly, then, that is the villain's grandfather!! I didn't expect that the villain's grandfather is still alive?! It's strange that the villain is People were too impulsive at first and had to leave the village——"

After saying this, Zeng Aniu's eyes were red, and he kowtowed quickly, and then said: "You are just a stupid person. He thought he was the best in the world after learning a few medical skills, so he just brought his brothers from the neighborhood to do it without permission." Run to Bohai County..."

His body started to tremble, and Zeng Aniu sobbed: "The villain is so sorry! The villain is so regretful! The villain lost his parents when he was young, and his grandfather brought them up all by himself! But the villain... the villain..."

Zeng Aniu burst into tears and barely managed to bury his head in the ground.

Zeng Aniu cried bitterly and was extremely ashamed.

After seeing him, Liu Bian looked at Zeng Aniu deeply, and felt inexplicably that Zeng Aniu was worthy of being Zhang Yan's dog-headed strategist? ——Look at this acting skill, this on-the-spot reaction... Not to mention top-notch, how much stronger are you than ordinary people?

is a talent.

And slow!

How many medical skills have you learned? ——Great Zeng Aniu, are you a doctor, not a military adviser? !
After blinking, Liu Bian didn't know how to react.

Zeng Aniu, an ordinary name, is not Hua Tuo, Hua Yuanhua, Zhang Ji, Zhang Zhongjing, nor is he a disciple of famous doctors such as Fan A, Wu Pu, Li Dangzhi -

I think Liu Bian's team consists of Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, plus Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei... Now I want to add someone named Zeng Aniu. This, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the luxurious standard equipment Liu Bian needs. ah? !
Liu Bian also thought about it: Call for doctors, call for miracle doctors, even if you can't find Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji, you should set up a line with Fan A, Wu Pu, and Li Dangzhi?Who knows...

Who knew, it would be... so outrageous.

The guy named Zeng Aniu in front of him happened to be a doctor, the doctor Liu Bian couldn't find after all his hard work.

Don’t you know how good this guy’s medical skills are? !
After all, Liu Bian wants to recruit several doctors, preferably several famous doctors, in order to build a complete and practical medical system, so that the common people of Bohai County will not suffer from illness, or they will not have money to see a doctor when they are sick. Embarrassing...but he really doesn't want to recruit a doctor like Zeng Aniu?

Who is Zeng Aniu?
——Zeng Aniu is an ordinary doctor who is not very prominent in Bohai County!
Imagine that Liu Bian already has Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu under his command, as well as two peerless generals, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, his uncles. When Liu Bian was asked if he had a doctor, he replied that he did, and his name was Zeng A Niu. …

This, this, this, this, etc., how many people did you say? !

Sighing, although he was extremely disgusted, there was no doctor in Guan Bohai County... Could Zeng Aniu be able to make up for it temporarily?When will the day come when he can recruit other outstanding doctors and then let Zeng Aniu resign and stay at home?
His thoughts turned around and turned several corners, and Liu Bian finally decided: No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and no matter how mediocre a talent is, it is still a talent!Bohai County has a lot of waste and is in need of talents, so we can’t miss them casually——

Furthermore, Zhang Yan asked for a title in exchange for tenant farmers, but the official appointment letter from the court was not issued...

In other words, Liu Bian only had the upper hand verbally today, and he did not achieve any of his substantive goals!
This was a huge disadvantage to him.

No matter what, he wants to poach Zeng Aniu and get his capital back!Maybe through Zeng Aniu, we can move the old village chief and the remaining villagers from that village to increase the population of Nanpi County!

Think more wonderfully: the person who looks like Zeng Aniu is actually a doctor, an old village chief... is he just an old village chief? !
Maybe the old man is some kind of clumsy hermit?

Adhering to the principle of not letting go of any talented person, Liu Bian grinned, looked at Zeng Aniu gently, and scolded: "Since you miss your grandfather so much, why don't you go back to your hometown to see your grandfather?" Grandpa? - Your grandpa should be a little older too? If you don't support the elderly, could it be that..."

He stopped abruptly at the right time, and his eyes looked at Zeng Aniu, full of disapproval without concealment.

Zeng Aniu kowtowed repeatedly, as if he had corrected his mistakes even though he knew they were wrong, and cried: "Your Highness is right to scold you! Your Highness is right to scold you! It's a villain who was deceived by false and beautiful promises of life..." Now, no matter how upset I am, I can’t leave the stronghold!”

Just this sentence, like poking a hornet's nest, made Zhang Yan change her face——

"Zeng Aniu! What's your intention?! Do you want to frame me?!" Zhang Yan's face was livid and furious, "That's right! It was you who led people to defect to me in the first place! But I haven't treated you badly, right? ! Whenever I get something good, don’t I send someone to share it with you?! It’s obvious that you live a good life in the village, but you..."

The more she spoke, the angrier she became. Without thinking, Zhang Yan quickly pulled out the sword from her waist, glared at Zeng Aniu fiercely, and cursed: "White-eyed wolf! Bastard! How dare you instigate a relationship between me and His Highness——"

After saying this, Zhang Yan swung his sword and struck down!
"Your Highness—"

Zeng Aniu's body went limp and he collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, Liu Bian shouted: "General Zhang Yan, stop it..."

However, Zhang Yan's sword was already swung down.

At the critical moment, Guan Yu was as fast as lightning, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand, and took action without saying a word, intercepting Zhang Yan's killing move.But there was a dull "thud" sound, and the two swords struck each other, which frightened Zeng Aniu so much that he did not dare to breathe...

Fortunately, Zeng Aniu saved a life.

Guan Yu looked at Zhang Yan with narrowed eyes and said solemnly: "This person's crime will not lead to death."

With blue veins protruding on his forehead, Zhang Yan said angrily: "This man is a traitor in my village! What are you doing with a traitor?!" Guan Yu remained silent, but Zhang Yan was not allowed to hurt Zeng Aniu.

Zhang Yan gritted her teeth and refused to admit defeat.

As a result, both Guan Yu and Zhang Yan became angry, glaring at each other and secretly competing with each other.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zeng Aniu crawled out of the battlefield.

"Your Highness!" Zeng Aniu opened his mouth, wanting to complain to Liu Bian.

However, Liu Bian made a "hush" gesture, indicating to Zeng Aniu to keep quiet.

Zeng Aniu then closed his mouth and hid aside in silence.

On the other side, the contest between Guan Yu and Zhang Yan was still going on. Guan Yu looked a little contented, while Zhang Yan had a thick neck and a blushing face. It was suspected that she was not as strong as Guan Yu——

Silently, Guan Yu and Zhang Yan continued to fight for a while, until Zhang Yan's strength was exhausted and she could no longer hold on.

Seeing Zhang Yan reluctantly admitting defeat, Guan Yu did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the victory. He sheathed his sword and returned to stand behind Liu Bian.

On the side, Zhang Fei looked at Guan Yu with burning eyes, as if he was praising: Second brother, you are so awesome!
Turning around, Zhang Fei stared at Zhang Yan with great interest, with an arrogant look like "Zhang Yan, please don't admit defeat, so you can replace me", which made Zhang Yan's heart tremble, knowing that she had met him. adversary.

Containing the anger in her heart, Zhang Yan pointed her hand at Shi Yue, who was silent, and said coldly: "Your Highness, do you know who this person is?!"

Liu Bian glanced at Shi Yue and asked Zhang Yan, "Who is it?"

Zhang Yan sneered and said: "This man comes from one of the largest families in Bohai County! The number of tenants hidden in his mansion is definitely no less than that of the powerful and aristocratic families that someone... knows! If you don't believe me, please ask!"

Liu Bian turned to Shi Yue and asked, "Is General Zhang Yan telling the truth?"

Shi Yue looked calm and did not deny it. He responded: "General Zhang Yan is right."

Huh? !

Zhang Yan was surprised, probably not expecting Shi Yue to admit it proactively.

Liu Bian said in surprise: "Mr. Shi, you..."

Shi Yue stood up slowly, saluted Liu Bian, and said loudly: "It's just that our Shi family is not like other powerful and aristocratic families, who use all means to squeeze as much as possible from the farmers who work day and night! In fact, the former Plague disasters have broken out in Nanpi County from time to time over the past few years, and most people have been unable to receive treatment——

If our Shifu hadn't sent people to help, I'm afraid most of the civilians in Nanpi County wouldn't have survived!
Nowadays, the tenant farmers work for our Shi Mansion just to have a full meal... If you mind, Your Highness, I can take the initiative to send out the tenant farmers on behalf of the entire Shi family and give all the tenant farmers in the mansion a piece of freedom. ! "

With squinted eyes, Liu Bian said: "Mr. Shi Yue is magnificent! Bohai County has developed rapidly because of talents like Mr. Shi Yue!"

After saying this, Liu Bian glanced at Zhang Yan, and his meaning was self-evident:

Compared to Shi Yue who took the initiative, Zhang Yan, you are still far behind!
Zhang Yan ignored him so that Liu Bian would not divert his attention.

Locking on Zeng Aniu, Zhang Yan said: "Your Highness, how do you plan to deal with this person?!"

"Is this it?" Liu Bian pondered for a moment: If he said he would pardon Zeng A-niu's behavior, I'm afraid Zhang Yan would disagree... If Zhang Yan is made anxious, no one will be able to forgive him!Thinking of this, he said lightly, "Zeng Aniu misses his family very much. Naturally, I want to reunite Zeng Aniu with his family, right?"

Liu Bian never mentioned sending Zeng Aniu back to his hometown.

Zhang Yan raised her eyebrows thoughtfully.

But seeing Zeng Aniu looking happy, he said loudly: "Thank you, Your Highness! Thank you, Your Highness!..."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank people, you are happy too soon." Liu Bian said meekly, "If you want to be reunited with your family, you have to write a letter. I will send someone to deliver the letter for you, and then invite your family to come. Are you going to reunite in Bohai County?"

After listening, Zeng Aniu still looked moved, nodded hurriedly, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Seeing this, Yuan Shao and others looked at Zeng Aniu sympathetically: Poor, poor!Is Zeng Aniu’s IQ worrying?Being fooled around by His Highness can be described as a typical example of "being betrayed and counting the money for me"!but……

However, His Highness's operation was as fierce as a tiger's, and he only lamented that Bohai County was going to be turned upside down.

That's exactly what happened.

Lowering his eyes, Liu Bian thought: It's okay if Zhang Yan can't hand over the tenants for the time being. Let's start with the powerful nobles on Shiyue's side and boil the frog in warm water, so as not to anger them?When……

(End of this chapter)

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