Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 73 The situation of the diners is normal

Chapter 73 The situation of the diners is normal

This...these people are Yuan Shu's—cough~strictly speaking, they are disciples of the Yuan family!
In short, the saying "Yuan family in Runan, the fourth generation and the three princes" is not for nothing: even at that time, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao were appointed by the emperor and were unexpectedly transferred to Liu Bian's command, and accompanied Liu Bian to Bohai County. , there was no time to prepare luggage or anything. After all, the Yuan family has a strong foundation, how could it really be that nothing was prepared?

It was just that Liu Bian was not informed.

In fact, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao... The point is Yuan Shu - Yuan Shao is the concubine of the Yuan family. He doesn't need any retainers, but he is not as noble as Yuan Shu, the legitimate son!Anyway, when Yuan Shu travels on weekdays, he will arrange a group of disciples with high martial arts skills to follow him secretly!
Of course, without Yuan Shu's instructions, these disciples would never show up without permission.

In short, Yuan Shu followed Liu Bian all the way to Bohai County, and there were only four or five disciples left... This is not the most terrifying thing.The most terrifying thing is: as Yuan Shu's time in Bohai County grows longer, Yuan Shu suddenly realizes: the money is not enough!

Even if Yuan Shu serves as the "county's treasurer of wine", he can hardly afford to support these four or five retainers.

——To be honest, Yuan Shu... and others did not dare to complain that His Highness was too poor!

Although everyone can eat enough on weekdays, who wouldn’t be greedy?After a meal…after-dinner snacks are a must!

If you see something fun or easy to wear, why don’t you buy it?

Occasionally spreading money to diners as a blessing is indispensable, right?Just counting on... counting on His Highness's monotonous reward of rice and grain, as well as the salary that has yet to be received. Without some self-care money, who can live a prosperous life? !

In other words: everyone... is actually temporarily using their own money to live a slightly decent life as an official.

If you really want money, you have to squeeze those tenant farmers, or the refugees, or the businessmen.

But will His Highness agree?

In addition, His Highness leads by example and works hard on the front line, so...?
Therefore, everyone was very aware of the current situation and did not dare to make a fuss. They could only argue silently and look forward to the arrival of their salary...

It's a pity that others, Yuan Shu, don't know much about it. Yuan Shu's personal money is... almost spent.

This is how to do?
Helplessly, Yuan Shu simply ordered the remaining disciples to come over. He wanted these disciples to return to Luoyang and ask the family elders... for money——

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shu had not chosen the right time. As soon as Yuan Shu summoned these disciples, and before he could disguise them as ordinary guards, he encountered the mistake of "Master Yuan Yi's surname is Shi, not Yuan". In the end, there was another mistake. Let Liu Bian notice...

But, can Yuan Shu argue with Liu about this matter?

Why? ——What a shame!
Yuan Shu can't afford to lose it!
Therefore, Yuan Shu said vaguely: "Your Highness, these...these people are originally tenant farmers. I saw a few tenant farmers who were young and strong, so I selected a few of them to serve as my guards."

Hearing this, Liu Bian felt ashamed and said: "That's it! It's my fault that I owe too much..."

Before the word "consider" could be heard, Yuan Shu quickly answered the words and said quickly: "Your Highness! Your Highness is busy with everything, solving problems for the common people, and there are some slight negligences. Don't blame yourself! You have to ask for advice when it comes to skills! Your Highness, I apologize, but I secretly recruited the guards."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Liu Bian waved his hand and didn't care at all. He looked at these strong men carefully, but the more he looked at them, the more he felt... that they didn't look like the tenant farmers Yuan Shu said.

Because the tenant farmers have always seen him, either respectfully, or coweringly, and dare not raise their heads... But seeing these strong men, they are respectful, but they all maintain a slightly bowing posture, no matter how you look at it, how do you know Proportion - Is Yuan Shu very good at teaching talents?Can tenant farmers be taught to become guards?He is worthy of being an academic master!
The more he looked at them, the more satisfied he became. Liu Bian nodded repeatedly and said, "Yuan Jijiu, you have such a good sense! From what I can see, these people are all good and tall, and they do have the demeanor of a guard."

He just said casually, but he saw Yuan Shu's feet weakened and he almost fell down.

Fortunately, He Bai had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly took a step forward to support Yuan Shu.

"What's wrong?" He was surprised and asked with concern.

Yuan Shu stood up cautiously, waved his hand and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern. Shu is fine."

"It's fine."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help admiring those strong men. The more he looked at them, the more he noticed: It is said that since he came to Bohai County, he has been busy recruiting tenant farmers and refugees, instructing them to build wooden houses, He was cultivating land and had no chance to train an army... At this moment, he saw that these strong men were really good, and he couldn't help but love their talents, and said casually:
"Yuan Jijiu, can I part ways with you?"

Pointing his hand, he pointed at a few strong men.

"Ah?" Yuan Shu was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the strong men and then at Liu Bian. "So Yuan Jijiu is not happy?" Looking at Yuan Shu's expression, Liu Bian could see Yuan Shu's thoughts... Therefore, Liu Bian did not force others to do anything, "In fact, I think these people are not as strong as I'm a tenant farmer, thinking of Yuan Jijiu, you are good at training people, and you plan to let Yuan Jijiu take time to help me train tenants?
I don’t dare to ask too much, I just hope that a few tenant farmers can have half the strength of these five people..."

Just as he was talking, Shi Yue suddenly heard a "puff" and laughed out loud.

"What?" He turned to look at Shi Yue, "What's wrong with my question?"

"—Your Highness!" Shi Yue suppressed a smile, and pointed out with cupped hands, "Your Highness can also see that these five people are of extraordinary strength, so why don't you consider whether these five people are real tenant farmers?"

He blinked, thoughtfully.

On the side, Yuan Shu glared at Shi Yue, his face turning green and red.

"What do you mean by asking?" Liu Bian asked humbly.

Shi Yue was about to open his mouth when he glanced at Yuan Shu again, then lowered his eyes and said to Liu Bian: "It's nothing, it's just Qing Chang's emotion! Bohai County is located in the north, and the people have always been strong... Your Highness, Qing Chang Suddenly I remembered that I still have something urgent to do, so please excuse me and excuse me!"

After saying this, Shi Yue cupped his hands and took the initiative to step away.

At a glance, it was clear that Shi Yue knew the ins and outs of those strong men, but for some reason, he deliberately left the question to Yuan Shu.

With a raised brow, Liu Bian said bluntly: "Who are these people?"

Yuan Shu pursed his lips and was speechless.

Looking askance at Yuan Shu, Liu Bian waited patiently for Yuan Shu's answer.

Moreover, he was extremely confident: Yuan Shu did not dare to lie!
If Yuan Shu dared to lie, he would ask Shi Yue to verify it. In the end... Ha!

With an uncertain expression, Yuan Shu finally bowed and said: "Your Highness, these five people are all disciples of Shu."

At the right time, the five disciples also bowed to Liu Bian and said, "I have met His Highness!"

"——Minister?" He shouted softly: Yes, yes, you should have thought of it a long time ago, right?

Who among the famous disciples would go to a remote and unfamiliar place like Bohai County alone?
Even if you travel, you only need to take one or two bookboys with you?

Even if Liu Bian decided to go it alone and set off alone, wasn't he still managed and taken care of by Queen He and the General?What's more, what about Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao? ...It's because he is too slow and unwilling to think about this aspect!
Just when I was thinking about it, I heard Yuan Shu say:

"Your Highness! This situation is normal! Your Highness shouldn't mind, right? - After all, who has no retainers? I should have sent these retainers back to Luoyang, but I lament that the other party is so loyal. Very, unwilling to leave, so... made His Highness laugh! In fact, not only Shu, but also Yuan Biejia and Chief Cao! If Your Highness asks Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi will not deny it!"

Yuan Shu was like pouring beans, mentioning Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and Shi Yue's situation all over again, for fear that Liu Bian would not be able to make connections, and he said, "I fell into the water, and I will drag my fellow Taoist to help me even if I die." The "back-up" posture was so awkward that Liu Bian didn't know how to deal with it.

"So you're a retainer?" He said with a smile, "—I thought you, Yuan Jijiu, were good at military training? ... What a pity!"

Liu Bian said the last sentence very softly.

Yuan Shuze's eyes flashed slightly, and he understood Liu Bian's plan: At present, His Highness has a noble status, but he has no strength and lacks an army loyal to him... Looking at His Highness's attitude, could it be that he wants to test himself again?
With a thought in his heart, Yuan Shu continued to pretend to admit his mistake and said sadly: "I disappoint His Highness."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." He said, "At worst, we will train troops later! I suddenly felt that the common people of Bohai County can practice their skills in their free time and strive to make all the people soldiers. How about it?"

Is this a good idea?
Yuan Shu turned his head and looked at Liu Bian in surprise. He was about to flatter His Highness a few words, but he heard a rush of footsteps in the distance and heard someone shouting urgently:

"Your Highness! It's bad! Another hundred thousand tenant farmers have arrived in Nanpi City!"

It's He Xian!
His feet went weak, and Liu Bian almost fell down: What?Another hundred thousand tenant farmers are here? !
 Now available!Please make your first order!One more update...

(End of this chapter)

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