Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 82: Drive away Meng Mansion and Ma Mansion

Chapter 82: Drive away Meng Mansion and Ma Mansion

"Let my child go! My child is still young and doesn't know anything!"

"Let me go! Do you know who I am?! Let me tell you, if you don't let me go, don't regret it!"

"There is no county magistrate in Dongguang, so you are not qualified to arrest us!"

"My Meng family has always been a good citizen and never committed any crimes... What do you gangsters and scoundrels want, what do you want?!"

... Bah bah bah, all the men, women, old and young were crying loudly, and their shouting became more and more outrageous. He Xian clicked his tongue and Guan Yu fell silent.Looking at the other party calmly, Cao Cao remained unmoved and said:

"You did not commit any crime, but..."

"But what?!" someone asked.

Cao Cao took out a stack of land deeds from his arms, shook it, and said loudly: "This is the land deed of your Meng Mansion... Strictly speaking, it is about all the fields in the Meng Mansion——"

The same middle-aged man took a breath, looked at Cao Cao in surprise, and interrupted without thinking:
"This... this is impossible!"

"How is it impossible?" Cao Cao said with a smile on his face, "Are you not clear? When you drove one hundred thousand tenant farmers out of Nanpi County, did you really make them homeless? - No, for To settle [-] tenant farmers, our Lord had to order the tenant farmers to hand over their land deeds and temporarily hold them as leases, so as to obtain corresponding rewards...

What a coincidence!As the proud master of the lord, I, Cao, happened to see a lot of land deeds belonging to your Meng Mansion? ——But I am happy to come to Dongguang County, but I am angry to see that you clearly do not have land deeds, but you are still using those fields willfully... What?Do you know the law and break it?Look down on the role of the title deed? !

So, do you still have the nerve to say you didn't commit any crime? ! "

He moved his lips, but the middle-aged man was speechless.

With no expression on his face, Cao Cao said: "I am here to inform you that all the fields in your Meng Mansion belong to my master, Gong Cao! Even the mansion you live in - Cao feels that your mansion is old and there is no need for it. Many places are dilapidated and old, and it really should be demolished and a new mansion built!"

The middle-aged man's face turned green and he cursed: "You! You are shameless!"

Cao Cao continued to shake the land deed in his hand and said rudely: "It's written in black and white, it's clear evidence. Do you want to deny it?!"

The middle-aged man said: "Unless I show it to the old man, the old man will never believe it."

Cao Cao said: "I just show it to you, so what's the harm? Do you think I will be afraid that you will destroy the land deed?"

Seeing that the middle-aged man was tied up and unable to move at all, Cao Cao walked up to the middle-aged man with the land deeds, spread them out one by one, and showed them to the middle-aged man to take a look——

Of course, it was getting very late now, and it was impossible to see clearly in the darkness... Therefore, He Xian thoughtfully brought candles to provide lighting for everyone.

At this time, all the men, women, old and children had no choice but to default on their debts... Cao Cao calmly saw Meng Mansion stretching his neck up and down, staring at the land deeds with a look of disbelief, as if he had just seen it.

The place fell into a dead silence.

Except for the middle-aged man, everyone in the Meng family stopped making noise.

"You!" The middle-aged man glared at Cao Cao and the others, his eyes full of resentment.

Cao Cao was too lazy to pay attention to the middle-aged man, even if he was the patriarch of the Meng family.

Expressionlessly, Cao Cao collected the land deed and announced: "Understood? - All the fields in your house belong to me, even your mansion! Now, you are not the owners of this mansion, so hurry up and leave. Go, do you really want to eat in prison?!"

Everyone: "..."

Hong Hong was in a daze. Everyone in the Meng Mansion probably didn't expect that she would be driven away, and they couldn't accept it for a while... No, no, no!How could the clan leader return the land deeds to the tenants? ——No wonder a few days ago, everyone inexplicably felt that the number of tenant farmers was much smaller!

At the same time, everyone in the Meng Mansion turned to the middle-aged man and said one after another: "Patriarch, what is going on? Why is the land deed in the hands of an outsider?" "Patriarch, why did you let the tenants go? And gave the land deed to them?" Leave it to the tenants? This is great. The tenants are gone, the land title is gone, and we will be homeless!"...

"——Come here, drive these guys out of the house. It's best to drive them out of Dongguang County!" Just as everyone in Meng's house was yelling at them, Cao Cao spoke up and ordered them to be driven out.

Cao Cao said: I am busy with work and have no interest in listening to your chatter!
Before the infantrymen took action, they looked at Guan Yu.

Guan Yu nodded gently.

The infantrymen then obeyed the order and carried away the men of the Meng Mansion without any gentleness at all, and really threw them all out of the house!
At that time, everyone in the Meng Mansion had nothing!
Apart from the single clothes on my body, I don’t even have any decent jewelry!
Not to mention any food, materials or money.How can this be done?
How can everyone in the Meng Mansion survive with nothing?

However, no matter how much people in the Meng Mansion want to make trouble unreasonably, they must pay attention to the fact that the swords of the infantry are not sharp... What should they do if they anger the soldiers?
As a result, even though everyone in the Meng Mansion was miserable and cursed the master's merits a thousand or ten thousand times in their hearts, they did not dare to challenge him... As a last resort, everyone in the Meng Mansion had to leave sadly.

Cao Cao, He Xian and Guan Yu stood in Meng Mansion for a long time.

Until another infantryman stepped forward and reported: "General Guan, everyone in the Meng family has left."

After stroking his palms, Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and said with satisfaction: "Very good, very good. Next, let's take a closer look at the Meng Mansion. Or should we just knock it down?"

He Xian and Guan Yu remained silent.

All the infantry were also agile, and quickly moved out the valuables of the Meng Mansion, such as various ceramics, screens, antiques, money and silk, etc.What made Cao Cao and others overjoyed was:

There is a lot of food in the Meng Mansion!

Very good!
Cao Cao grinned excitedly and said without thinking: "Move away, move away, move them all away!"

Okay, a thousand infantrymen began to move the Meng Mansion: everything valuable or worthless was moved!

Everyone worked very efficiently, and the huge Meng Mansion was completely evacuated in the middle of the night!
Come to think of it, if the Meng Mansion is valuable now, probably the remaining green bricks used to build the houses will be left behind?
Cao Cao narrowed his eyes, and based on the principle that green bricks were also property, he decisively had Meng's mansion demolished and moved the green bricks back to the kiln!

After working for most of the night, Cao Cao and others finally demolished the Meng Mansion, and they really didn't even leave a intact wall mansion.

At this time, even if everyone in the Meng Mansion returned secretly, they would not want to live in the ruins in the open air.

After piling all the supplies around the kiln, Cao Cao still didn't give everyone a chance to breathe and rest, and rushed to Ma's Mansion without stopping. He used the same trick - the land deed, to easily drive away everyone in Ma's Mansion and obtain all the property in Ma's Mansion. , including Ma Mansion’s... blue bricks!
At dawn, Cao Cao counted the properties of Meng Mansion and Ma Mansion: All the fields in Dongguang County, at least several thousand acres? More than 200 million five-baht coins, enough blue bricks to expand two Bohai Prince's residences, antiques, calligraphy and paintings piled as high as a hill, 30 stone of grain... Miraculously, Cao Cao also got a complete set of Go.

Cao Cao left the set of Go without permission, and gave all the remaining supplies to He Xian and Guan Yu, asking He Xian and Guan Yu to transport them back to Nanpi County, and He Xian and Guan Yu agreed.

Naturally, the land deeds had to be returned to the lord so that they would not be discovered by the tenant farmers.

In a mighty way, He Xian, Guan Yu and a thousand infantrymen returned with a full load.

As for Cao Cao, he still has to supervise the kiln and cannot do without it for the time being.

Bohai County, Nanpi County.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!" He Xian almost danced and tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart. He saluted Liu Bian and quickly reported, "Great harvest! Great harvest! Master Cao has fulfilled his mission and successfully completed the task!"

He Xian reported all Cao Cao's every move to Liu Bian.

Liu Bian was stunned for a moment.

Then, He Xian clapped his hands, spread them out, and said respectfully: "——Your Highness, please take a look!"

Taking advantage of the situation, Liu Bian took a look and saw batch after batch of materials being transported to the warehouse one after another.

bark, bark~
Liu Bian wiped away the non-existent saliva and couldn't close his mouth: This, this, this... is this happening? !

Very good!
With these supplies, Nanpi County no longer has to worry about food!

This is really a huge achievement!
Nodding reservedly, Liu Bian said: "Reward! I will reward you heavily! Guan Cao, if it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid Master Cao's actions would not go so smoothly."

But Guan Yu cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, you underestimate Master Cao! If it weren't for Master Cao, I'm afraid Guan Yu wouldn't be able to transport these supplies!"

"It's a pity that Master Cao's person is in Dongguang County, so I can't see him and reward him in person..."

Hearing this, Liu Bian was also troubled.

(End of this chapter)

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