Coincidentally!My name is Liu Bian

Chapter 87 After Jian Yong inquired about the news

Chapter 87 After Jian Yong inquired about the news
"Here! Here!" He Xian said as he took out three letters from his arms and handed them to Liu Bian respectfully.

Subconsciously, Liu Bian almost opened the letter.

But he quickly realized: Is this a letter written by Shi Yue to Cui Yan, Guoyuan and Sun Qian?What is he looking at?
Patting his chest, he placed the three letters on the desk and focused on the writing on the envelopes——

It's funny to say: Ever since he saw Liu Bei's handwriting neatly and neatly, like his own handwriting last time, he has become interested in everyone's handwriting!

He originally thought that with Shi Yue's temperament, his handwriting should be elegant, but who knew...

Unexpectedly, Shi Yue's handwriting turned out to be quite sloppy: the names of the three people were written in three styles by Shi Yue, which caught Liu Bian off guard. He felt inexplicably that Shi Yue was indeed Shi Yue. His thoughts were unpredictable and difficult to figure out.

Shaking his head, Liu argued: "Is there anyone left?"

Three letters must be delivered to three trustworthy messengers, right? ——If the inn is really going to be built, it cannot be built overnight... He still has to send this letter out and discuss with everyone tomorrow evening to consider how to build the inn.

He Xian said: "Your Highness, we have the manpower, but... we have to ask Colonel He."

"Captain He?" Liu Bian raised his eyebrows: Is it Uncle He Miao?
He Xian's expression became serious, and he quickly changed his words: "It's He Xialu!"

After pondering, Liu Bian said: "Second uncle... I mean, did He Xia take a rest?"

He Xian said: "Not yet! Does Your Highness want to find He Xian?"

Liu Bian said: "He sent me here."

"Here." He Xian took the order.

He Xian resigned and turned to find He Miao.

After a while, He Miao came and saluted, "I have met Your Highness."

Liu Bian pointed to three letters and said quickly: "Hey, can you spare some manpower to deliver the letters?"

He Miao didn't change his expression, he cupped his hands and said, "Yes!"

"That's good." Liu Bian handed the three letters to He Miao, "You send the letters as soon as possible according to the address."

Holding three letters in hand, He Miao bowed and left.

This... is it over?
Tilting his head, Liu Bian watched He Miao's leaving figure, and then added consciously: "He Xian, please tell He Xiapu so that the sender does not have to come back in a hurry. If possible, escort the recipients by the way. Come to Bohai County."

"Here." He stepped forward first and then informed He Miao.

After a while, He Xian returned and reported: "Your Highness, Your Majesty He sent the letter and promised to escort the three gentlemen to Bohai County."

"Great." Liu Bian stroked his palms and smiled with satisfaction: There is an escort. I think the three people will be here soon? ... The premise is: if everything goes well.

What to do next? ——Liu Bian carefully browsed the account books until he felt sleepy... As a last resort, Liu Bian returned to his dormitory and went to sleep.

It is a pity that Liu Bian could not wait until Liu Bei and his party returned tonight.

Just as Liu Bian fell asleep, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also led [-] infantrymen and rushed to the wooden house area, and...

Bohai County, wooden house area.

A middle-aged scribe with a cloth turban on his head, wearing a khaki Confucian uniform, walking in a rather informal style, and who could not be identified as a tenant farmer at all, but pretended to be a tenant farmer, came to the wooden house area first and saw what should have been before him. The prosperous scene was suddenly replaced by angry scoldings and fights, and my heart ached... After calming down, the middle-aged scribe hurriedly blended into the crowd, grabbed a tenant farmer, and pulled him to a safe corner, away from the war zone. He said urgently:
"What's wrong? What happened?"

The tenant farmer gasped for air. When he saw the middle-aged scribe, his eyes were filled with hesitation and he said cautiously:

"Who are you? How come I've never seen you before?"

"It's a coincidence that I just registered and came here, and I only stayed for half a day!" Pointing his hand, the middle-aged scribe said, "Did you see that wooden house? That is my new home... I saw that someone is living in my new house. That’s why I asked someone to ask.”

The tenant farmer sighed and said with emotion: "Is it someone who has just arrived? - I don't know what happened today, but he inexplicably broke into countless stranger tenant farmers, and threatened to drive us away... Tsk! Isn’t this where we live? Why should we leave?!”

After saying this, the tenant farmer gritted his teeth, full of anger, and wanted to participate in the fight again.

It's a pity that the conflict in the wooden house area only happened in the evening, and there are no soldiers patrolling... The middle-aged scribe also sighed, but said: "Brother, calm down, calm down! My house has also been occupied, and I am particularly disgusted by the group of outsiders. . But if the fight continues like this, everyone will be injured! Why don’t you sit down and ask what the reason is?”

"What other reason could it be?!" the tenant farmer exclaimed, "The other party is jealous when they see that our lives are getting better?!"

"This..." The middle-aged scribe was dumbfounded and disagreed.

Perhaps this tenant's voice was a little louder, and soon another tenant shouted:

"Nonsense! It's obvious that you have occupied our house and made us homeless! Can't we ask you for a house?! If there is a reason, you can give me my house back!!"

Huh? !

The middle-aged scribe was startled and couldn't help shouting: "What do you mean by this?!"

Another tenant farmer said: "Many of us are from Nanpi County! Because of the war, we had to flee to neighboring cities to avoid the war! Who knew when we came back, our hometown had been occupied! Shouldn’t we be impatient?!”

The middle-aged scribe blinked and immediately understood the reason for the other party's trouble: Bohai County was not under the jurisdiction of His Highness before, so when His Highness came, he saw many abandoned fields and abandoned houses, so he took the decision without authorization, and then destroyed the fields and houses. To the first refugees who followed His Highness to Bohai County...

It's good now, the original owners of the abandoned houses are all back, and when they see that their hometown has been divided up, they are impatient and angry for a while, why don't they make trouble?
But, are there many abandoned houses?A hundred thousand tenant farmers came to the wooden house area to fight?
His eyes flashed slightly, and the middle-aged scribe said: "If you are dissatisfied, why don't you seek justice from the Bohai Prefect?..."

"What kind of justice are you asking for?!" Another tenant farmer shouted angrily, "Don't think we don't know that it was the Bohai Prefect who occupied our house!! How can we find him? ?! Is it possible for us to let ourselves be put in danger?!"

"But it's useless for you to make trouble here?" the middle-aged scribe argued, "not to mention whether it will trigger a siege by the Bohai Prefect, if you just drive away the heads of households in the wooden house area, what will the other party do? What to do?

Doesn't this bring in a new group of enemies?

Furthermore, if you are stuck here and don’t make peace with each other, how can you rest?

I don’t think the other party will tolerate you sleeping well? "

The middle-aged scribe looked up at the sky and saw that it was already late.

Withdrawing his gaze, the middle-aged scribe looked around at the tenant farmers and said sincerely: "It is indeed infuriating that my hometown was robbed, but I guarantee that the Bohai Prefect did not do it intentionally... What I want to do most now is: let's sit down , live in the same room and have a good sleep calmly, okay? If you have anything to do, ask Bohai Prefect tomorrow! I believe Bohai Prefect will definitely make a satisfactory arrangement for you."

"With you?" Countless tenant farmers looked at the middle-aged scribe up and down, completely untrustworthy, "Who are you? You said that the Bohai Prefect is enlightened, so the Bohai Prefect must be enlightened? - It was the Bohai Prefect who took away our house. Yes, this is an undeniable fact, right?! How to explain this?!"

The middle-aged scribe said patiently: "When the Bohai Prefect first came to Nanpi County, he saw that many houses and fields were abandoned, so he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​rationally utilizing these houses and fields. At the beginning, the Bohai Prefect had not thought about it. Your original owner will come back, but now that you are here, the Bohai Prefect will never ignore it——"

The tenant farmers were slightly moved.There were still a few people who still didn't believe it and asked, "What you mean does make some sense! But, can you guarantee that the Bohai Prefect will not hurt us?!" The middle-aged scribe frowned and wanted to say something, but couldn't Nothing was said.

The reason is simple: the middle-aged scribe... has never officially met His Highness.

However, the middle-aged scribe can be sure: if he really wants to meet His Highness, His Highness will definitely follow his advice - no, no, no!Maybe His Highness will take the initiative to arrange for tenant farmers without waiting for anyone to speak up, just like the refugees and tenant farmers His Highness took in before!
It is precisely because of this that the middle-aged scribe has a favorable impression of His Highness.

Therefore, as soon as the middle-aged scribe heard about the troubles of his fellow villagers, he took the initiative to recommend himself, hoping to inquire about the news from his fellow villagers and ease the situation, so as to prevent the fellow villagers from being unable to use their hands and feet.

...After calming down, the middle-aged scribe said: "I can!!"

"Really?" The man squinted at the middle-aged scribe, "Looking at your clothes, you are just a commoner. No matter how good you say, I will never believe it—"

"You can't listen to Xianhe's words, but can you listen to what I, Liu Xuande, say?!"

Suddenly, a deep shout sounded.

Quickly, like a flowing stream of infantrymen, all armed with weapons, they surrounded the wooden house area, making it impossible for anyone present to escape.

It is a pity that no matter how fierce and ruthless the tenant farmers are, they are not as good as the infantry!

Who left the tenant farmers without discipline and weapons?

Seeing the infantrymen thrust in forcefully from outside the sky, the tenant farmers were so shocked that they were speechless.

Consciously, the tenant farmers on both sides stopped fighting.

Looking at the middle-aged scribe again, the middle-aged scribe was overjoyed and went out without hesitation to seek fame. Filled with joy, he saluted decisively and said: "Xianhe has met Liu Sheren!!"

"Sheren?!" All the tenant farmers were softly surprised: Although everyone didn't know what the position of Sheren was... but seeing the aura and grandeur of the other person, they could tell at a glance that the other person was an official, which showed that he had a lot of background!
Seeing the confusion and fear among the tenant farmers, the middle-aged scribe loudly said: "Although I have no position, I can't convince everyone, but looking at Liu Sheren, I can definitely do it!! Liu Sheren is the most trusted official of the Bohai Prefecture." One, he is very close to the Bohai prefect!!"

Listening to the middle-aged scribe's praise, Liu Bei humbly replied: "I don't dare to take it, I don't take it. Bei, like His Highness, just wants to dedicate his heart to the governance of Bohai County!
Everyone, although you don’t recognize this person, he is my fellow countryman, Liu Bei!
This person’s surname is Jian, his given name is Yong, and his given name is Xianhe. Please call him “Sir”!

To be honest, I have little talent and little knowledge, so I often ask Mr. Jian Yong for advice. "

As soon as he finished speaking, all the tenant farmers understood: Although the middle-aged scribe was white, he was backed by Liu Bei and Liu Sheren, so he should not be underestimated.

At this time, everyone looked at the middle-aged scribe Jian Yong, their eyes were full of respect, and they no longer looked down upon him as before.

Everyone looked at Liu Bei, and the two fierce generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei beside Liu Bei... The tenant farmers quickly divided into two camps: one side knew the abilities of Liu, Guan, and Zhang, and responded without thinking:

"Liu Sheren! Just say what you say! I will listen to you!!"

On the other side were the new tenant farmers.

The faces of these new tenant farmers were tainted. Although they reluctantly trusted Liu Bei, they still said:

"We want to listen to what you want to say."

Zhang Fei glared at the new batch of tenant farmers. Regardless of whether there were really 10 people there, Zhang Fei was not afraid anyway and said angrily: "You are so rude! Believe it or not, I, Zhang Fei from Yan, will kill you directly!" "

Guan Yu was silent, but Liu Bei warned: "——Third brother!"

Zhang Fei blew his beard and stared, but didn't speak.

Liu Bei calmly turned his head and said to the tenant farmers: "If you believe me, why don't you share the wooden house? Recharge your batteries for the night. After dawn, we will go to the Bohai Prefect. I guarantee that you will not be harmed." Any harm.”

The new tenants were silent, while the tenants on the other side cheered: "Just follow Liu Shiren!!"

His words and deeds are particularly consistent.

This made the new tenant farmers look askance frequently.

Next, Liu Bei commanded three thousand infantrymen to patrol the wooden house area back and forth, making sure to prevent the old and new tenant farmers from arguing.

In order to allow a few more tenant farmers to rest, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, plus Jian Yong, worked overtime, divided an open space outside the house, set up a bonfire, and hugged each other - at that time, countless wooden houses were filled with people , but there are still a small number of people who have no place to rest...and this small number of people get along with Liu Bei and his party.

At this time, the bonfire is bright and the surrounding area is very warm. Even if you lie down to sleep with your clothes on, you don't have to worry about catching cold or fever.What's more, Liu Bei and his party personally took care of everyone, and they were as considerate as a dream.

"Is this... is this true?" The small group of tenant farmers who were lying down always felt unbelievable: "You are sacrificing yourself!"The dignified Sheren, the right-hand man of the prefect, does not live in a luxurious mansion, but specializes in guarding a group of poor tenant farmers who are comparable to refugees. He is completely different from ordinary officials!
This, this, this... If you tell me, who will believe it? !
What's even more frightening is that in the past, the officials who only sucked people's blood and fat would also kindly cover people with warm quilts.

Even if the quilt is not new, it is clean.

But it effectively blocks mosquito bites.

Far better than the previous situation of wandering and begging.

In a low voice, a tenant farmer said: "Thank you, Liu Sheren..."

The sound was so small that it was almost inaudible.

Therefore, it is normal for Liu Bei not to hear clearly?

Faintly, the corners of Liu Bei's mouth curved.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei didn't say a word.

So did the rest of the tenant farmers.

Crackling, the only sound was the bonfire.

A night without words, a night of peace.

Good morning...

The next day.

"Your Highness! Your Highness—" He Xian's rare loud voice suddenly came from outside the house, "Liu Sheren is back!!"

Liu Bian: "..."

Suddenly, he was awakened.

(End of this chapter)

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