Hogwarts: I really don't want to be a wizard

Chapter 62 Mudblood Get Out of Hogwarts

Chapter 62 Mudblood Get Out of Hogwarts

Gretel didn't expect that he would have no chance to talk to Luna.

Before dawn, Professor Flitwick walked into the tower with a sad look on his face.

With him was the caretaker whom everyone loathed, Filch.

"Mike Gretel, you are suspected of murdering a Hogwarts student. According to the order of Headmaster Dumbledore, you are required to come with us for investigation now."

Filch's voice was hoarse, with a look of gloating on his face.

Gretel ignored him and turned his attention to his dean.

"Grete, I believe you are innocent, but in order to prove your innocence, you may need to be kept in solitary confinement for a period of time."

Gretel looked confused. The matter in the secret room had been solved, and Tom Riddle was also locked up in the Room of Requirement.

It is said that things have settled down this school year. How could someone still be killed?

If Filch was the only one here, Gretel would probably just throw him out without even bothering to give him a look.

But Professor Flitwick also came here, looking worried.

"Okay, Professor, let me clean it up."

Flitwick nodded and found a stool to sit on.

"McGarrett, you are now a suspect. In case anyone else is killed, leave your wand behind."

The sound of Filch adding insult to injury resounded throughout the dormitory.

Flitwick wanted to stop him, but after a long sigh, he nodded silently.

Grete took out the wand from his pocket, passed around the gloating Filch, and handed it into the hands of the dean.

Terry also got up from the bed, "Professor, it's impossible. Gretel just won the Order of Merlin yesterday."

Flitwick waved his hand, "It's okay. You can continue to sleep. Gretel will be fine. I believe in him as much as you do."

How could it be possible to fall asleep in this situation, Terry and the others all got up and moved closer to Gretel.

"Don't worry, the professor said it will be fine."

When this happened, Gretel felt more doubts than resentment at being wronged.

He was really curious as to which guy caused the incident and even blamed him.

It didn't take long, and under the worried eyes of Terry and others, Gretel followed Professor Flitwick out of the Ravenclaw lounge.

The murder occurred on the fourth floor of the castle, in the corridor where the Sorcerer's Stone was hidden last school year.

On the way to the murder scene, Professor Flitwick ignored Filch's nagging dissuasion.

Introduced the current situation to Gretel.

An hour ago, Night Watchman Filch finished his last patrol.

The body of a young wizard was found on the fourth floor.

After identification, it was confirmed that he was a first-year student from the Muggle world in Slytherin College.

Because of his origin, he had been bullied many times in the past two weeks by purebloods who considered themselves noble.

Last night, under the intensification of others' efforts, he escaped from the common room, but he never thought that he would lose his life just like that.

When Gretel arrived at the scene, he saw Dumbledore and the heads of the other three houses.

In front of everyone, a body with a dry body and gray hair, almost shriveled into a mummy shape, and wearing a silver-green ribbon, leaned against the wall.

On the wall behind him, a row of large words was daubed in blood: Mudbloods get out of Hogwarts.

Grete's full name is clearly marked in the lower right corner.

After seeing Gretel coming, Dumbledore nodded to Filch, "Okay, Mr. Filch, you must be tired after patrolling all night, go back and rest first, leave the rest to the professors That’s good.”

Filch's expression was startled, and then he responded awkwardly.Before leaving, he looked at Gretel regretfully.

After looking at the mummy leaning against the wall, he dragged his tired steps downstairs.

Of course Gretel knew that this old ghoul was regretting that he couldn't see his excitement.

"Mr. Gretel, calling you here does not mean that we regard you as the murderer. We just want to find out about the situation from you."

Facing Dumbledore's gaze, Gretel looked at the blue under his glasses without any guilt.

"Where were you after curfew last night?"

"I left the Room of Requirement around eleven o'clock and arrived at the tower before 11:30, as anyone who was awake in the common room can attest to."

"We will verify this later. Now we need you to confirm. Do you know this person?"

Dumbledore sprayed a beam of silver light from his wand, and what appeared was a short boy with a watermelon head and sparse teeth that looked extremely sharp.

Of course Gretel didn't know him. Among the four houses, Slytherin had the least contact with him.

Those guys were so pure that their brains were almost clogged, and it was very difficult to talk to them.

If the deceased hadn't been wearing a Slytherin uniform, he wouldn't have been able to identify the house.

"Carian Cyre, a freshman in our academy."

Snape's words sounded calm, but everyone could hear the anger hidden beneath the calm.

"Severus, calm down, we will definitely find the murderer."

After asking a few questions, the professors confirmed that Gretel did not understand the situation.

But just sending him back would not wash away the grievances on him.

Dumbledore thought about it and said, "Well, Gretel, you go with Professor Sprout first and stay with her for a while. We will find the murderer as soon as possible to clear your name."

Of course Gretel knew that, whether he was imprisoned or not, this basin of dirty water would be on his head for the time being.

Solitary confinement is the best way at present. The murderer will definitely strike again. As long as he takes action, Grete, who is in solitary confinement, will automatically escape from this matter.

Gretel was helpless. He knew that this matter had something to do with Tom Riddle.

The look of her life force being sucked out was exactly the same as Ginny Weasley's.

But he had no way to prove his innocence.

If Tom Riddle's notebook is revealed, he will confess that he has something to do with the attack on Ginny Weasley.

But if you don't say it, you can only wait for the professors to catch the murderer before you can set yourself free.

Grete couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. If he had known it earlier, he would have been better off not participating in the notebook matter. Now he didn't get any benefits and even made a mess.

He thought about the Room of Requirement to test his idea, but there was no reason to leave.


"Gretel, don't worry. Trust us, we will definitely restore your innocence."

Professor Sprout didn't know what Gretel was worried about, but he thought he was angry about the wrong he had suffered.

"Professor, I was wondering if someone else would be killed if the murderer is not caught next time."

Sprout pondered for a moment, "Indeed, but Dumbledore said that he will activate all the magic circles in the school. As long as the murderer takes action, he will definitely be caught.

Don't worry, just help me take care of the magical plants in the greenhouse in the past few days.

As for the courses you missed during your confinement, Filius will apply for a time turner to make up for it. "

Until he settled in Sprout's office, Gretel didn't understand how Tom Riddle came out of the Room of Requirement.

He is a notebook remnant with no body, and without the help of others, he is absolutely incapable of doing such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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