This dream is interesting

Chapter 112: After this moment, you will feel very comfortable later on

Chapter 112: After this moment, it will feel very comfortable later on

As Heifengli flew, he waved his wings to greet the shadows below.

"Hello everyone!"

The shadows below did not get the order of the three-eyed demon, and they would not act rashly. They all chose to ignore Hei Fengli's enthusiasm.

However, Hei Fengli didn't feel embarrassed and flew towards the three-eyed devil happily.

"Boss Jin, if you ask me, your mind control technique is the most powerful. There are hundreds of thousands of demons and humans. If you want them to do S, they have to do S. If you want them to do B, they have to do B."

"Unlike me, commanding a hundred flying species to besiege others is already the limit."

As he talked, he got closer, but on its back, Su Ye held his breath and concentrated, trying to reduce his sense of presence.

The three-eyed devil on the other side asked anxiously.

"Li, what is going on with those humans? What is the strength of those you saw?"

Hei Fengli's attitude was very casual.

"Although there are many people, it won't be enough for the time being. According to their human classification, they are only level three."

"Level three!"

The voice of the three-eyed demon suddenly rose several degrees.

"In three days, your strength quickly reached level three, and you still can't say it's a climate?"

"Does it have to be level 9 in one day?"

The three-eyed demon was furious, but Hei Fengli looked innocent.

"The foundation of instant success is not stable. Even if I level 9 in a day, I can still fight ten..."

It said so, but its voice became lower and lower, obviously knowing that it was wrong.

But then a fierce expression appeared on its face.

"How about I go out and attack first and massacre those in Taicheng?"

"Taicheng is in the middle anyway, and Jack Ma can't sense what's going on inside."

The three-eyed demon sighed helplessly.

It's the third day, what's the use of massacring the city now.

When the shadow comes to the human world, it is somewhat acclimatized. Especially after possessing an animal, its behavior and consciousness will be restricted by the host.

Hei Fengli didn't seem to be like this when he was in the film world.

It's a pity that this guy's ability is limited and there is no way to control these people below. Otherwise, I would let him guard here and go out to take a look myself.

Or let it try first and just watch it for a few minutes. It shouldn't be a big problem.

"Li, you first use your ability to control these people, and I will see what level you are at."

Hei Fengli quickly refused.

"This is not good, Boss Jin. My abilities are limited, so don't cause any more trouble."

"It's okay, just come and I'll tell you everything."

"Stop, I'm scared!"

"Execute immediately, this is an order!"

The more Hei Fengli refused, the more the Three-Eyed Moyan wanted him to try, and finally even used an orderly tone.

What could Hei Fengli do? He had no choice but to agree aggrievedly.

"Okay, okay, then I'll try first, don't blame me if I don't do well."

As it spoke, its mental power slowly released, and began to envelope the surrounding shadows and humans.

Soon some shadows and humans nearby were taken over by Hei Fengli's mind control.

On the other hand, the Three-Eyed Demon Liang let go of his original control while still cheering for Hei Fengli.

"Yes, that's it. It may be a little uncomfortable at first, and you will feel uncomfortable if I give it too much, but gradually you get used to this feeling, and you can bear more!"

"That's right. If you hold on a little longer, you'll be given more and more. If you hold on for a while, you'll feel very comfortable later on!"

"Come! Come again!" In the demonic cry of the three-eyed demon, the number of shadows and humans under the control of Hei Fengli's mind is also increasing.

And seeing Hei Fengli's brave performance, the Three-Eyed Demon Ni felt extremely satisfied.

Sure enough, what kind of soldiers you want to have depends on what kind of generals you have.

Under his own guidance, Hei Fengli changed from a weakling who couldn't be used much to a powerful Phoenix clan who could mind control hundreds of thousands of shadows and humans. It was simply...

Hundreds of thousands?
When did this Hei Fengli become so strong?
Did something happen to it that it didn't know about after it came to the human world?

The three-eyed demon was full of doubts, but more importantly, he was surprised.

Yes, surprise!
It is definitely a good thing for the three-eyed demon to become stronger.

In this way, it can be completely liberated, whether it is to go to other cities to massacre, or to confront Jack Ma.

There are more chips.

"Li! You did a good job. After I go back this time, I will definitely give it a great credit!"

The three-eyed demon looked up to the sky and laughed happily.

On the opposite side, Hei Fengli also danced happily in the air.

"Thank you, Boss Jin! Long live Jin Ba Ba!"

Hei Fengli seemed to be crazy on his own. He was complimented that he didn't know his last name, and his dance was so fancy, with all kinds of spins and jumps.

In the end, in order to create a better stage effect, he even sprayed out all the black feathers on his body, making it look like snow was falling in the sky.

And in the black feathers all over the sky, the smile on the face of the three-eyed demon was also very bright, and he didn't notice the black cold light quietly appearing behind the black feathers.

The green shadow sword made by Su Ye using shadow bones is very close to black in color. It is hidden among the black feathers in the sky and is not easy to be found.

It wasn't until Su Ye started to speed up the flying sword and hit it directly between the eyebrows of the three-eyed demon that it suddenly realized something was wrong.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Su Ye's flying swords no longer only had the tearing sword and the speed sword before. For this sneak attack, he directly mobilized all the true energy in his body and began to frantically create the true sword energy.

The black true sword energy hit the three-eyed demon's eyebrows and shattered into fragments all over the sky.


Although the three-eyed demon was not injured, he was very angry.

It didn't understand why this happened and where this sudden attack came from.

Who is this attacker?
Why didn't I find him just now?

Also, why did that Hun Dan, who shouldn't be rebellious and was licking himself just now, cooperate with the other party?

Could it be that something that would never happen happened?
Hei Fengli, betrayed!
The three-eyed demon was so angry that he wished he could just cut the attacker and Hei Fengli into pieces.

Fortunately, although the flying sword is fast enough, its attack power is a bit weak, otherwise I'm afraid I'll fall down.

"Hmph! There is no way to break through my defense without more than a hundred flying swords like this!"

"No matter who you are, you are dead today!"

The three-eyed demon turned his head to face the direction of the flying sword, shouted angrily, lowered his head and began to charge.

At the same time, the flying swords on the opposite side no longer concealed their appearance, and dozens or hundreds of flying swords flew out in one fell swoop.

boom!boom!boom! ...

The sounds of flying swords colliding and breaking continued to sound, and hundreds of flying swords were quickly smashed into debris.

But the charge of the three-eyed demon was also interrupted.

A smile finally appeared on Su Ye's face.

"I thought it was completely untouchable."

 Thank you to the boss of 'Canglan Destiny' for the [-] reward!

  Come on!
  Come on! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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