This dream is interesting

Chapter 14 Speed ​​Run

Chapter 14 Speed ​​Run

Soon, a magazine was empty, and the bullets seemed to have eyes, accurately shooting into the killer's head or chest.

Su Ye has two P1911s and more than a dozen magazines on him. With his current advanced marksmanship, changing magazines basically takes one second. It can almost seamlessly connect the two pistols and keep firing. .

However, holding the killer's body in one hand, it was not so convenient for Su Ye to change the magazine.

So after emptying both pistols, he threw the killer's body forward, and then ducked into a nearby room.

The gunfire in the corridor stopped instantly.

Although the remaining two dozen killers were outnumbered, they moved forward slowly and cautiously.

Killer Ashan's title of silver medal may not mean much to them, people will die if they are killed, no matter how strong the silver medal is, it is still human.

But the dozens of corpses on the ground forced them to treat them with caution.

The killer is looking for profit, and replacing Ah Shan as the silver medal is also to improve his reputation and make more money.

But if you fall here, nothing will happen.

But just as everyone slowly stepped forward, a white shadow suddenly rushed out of the room.

The killers, who were already a bit nervous, started shooting reflexively in an instant, and the bullets immediately tore the shadow into pieces.

It wasn't until everyone's magazines were empty that they discovered that it was actually a quilt.


Everyone cursed secretly and then saw another shadow rushing out again.


The person who ran out of magazines hurriedly changed the magazine. Before, he was afraid that he would not fire the gun the first time, but now he pulled the trigger with a proud look on his face.

"The credit is mine!"

In the blink of an eye, the shadow of that thing was torn apart by bullets again.

But before their shooting ended, half of the room's body suddenly leaned out from the door close to the ground.

Biu! Biu! Biu!

Two P1911s turned into the god of death, and every shot never missed.

When the gunfire ended and Su Ye turned over and dodged into the opposite room, eight or nine killers in the corridor fell again.

Of the 32 killers who rushed out together, there are now less than 20, and nearly half of them have fallen.

Without giving the killers time to sigh, a white shadow rushed out of the opposite room again.

However, the remaining killer did not shoot this time, but kept his eyes on the door frame.

They saw just now that Su Ye was wearing black clothes and the white quilt was a cover to deceive everyone, so there was no need to care.

But this time they were wrong again.

The white thing on the bed was indeed a quilt, but after the quilt fell to the ground, Su Ye's figure was revealed.

Biu! Biu! Biu!

Another two rounds of bullets were fired directly. When the killer in the corridor reacted and was about to fight back, Su Ye was no longer in sight again.

But the number of remaining killers was less than ten.

"Group into groups, the three of us keep an eye on the door, and the five of you will fight when you see something coming out. Cover the top, bottom, left, and right with cross fire!"

The frightened few people had just divided into groups when they suddenly saw a small black object being thrown out of the room and landing just at their feet.


The grenade exploded, and the remaining eight killers were instantly blown away by air waves and fragments.

The three people in the front got their lunch boxes on the spot, while the injuries in the back were less serious, but their heads were still buzzing.

But just when they were shaking their heads and about to get up, Su Ye's figure had already appeared in front of them. Biu! Biu! Biu!

Gunshots rang out and someone fell.

After about 5 minutes, eight magazine clips and one grenade, Su Ye finally took down all the killers on this floor except Chloe without injury.

Compared with Thomson's direct and brainless sudden attack, this method of using wisdom to solve the opponent's sudden attack seems to be more exciting?
Anyway, that's what Su Ye thinks.

Clapping his hands, he dropped the two empty pistols and walked towards the stairs.

【Ding!Found the save point, do you want to save it? 】

[After archiving, the current archive will be overwritten, and the overwritten archive cannot be restored, please choose carefully. 】

Ignoring the system prompts, Su Ye directly chose to overwrite the archive.

If nothing unexpected happens, this archive will be the final archive of this level.

Slowly walking downstairs, Su Ye adjusted his breathing and calmed down as he walked.

Soon arriving at the second floor, Su Ye took out two dog-leg knives, one held in front and one held backwards, and converted into a standard close combat form.

Su Ye had already figured out the details of everyone on the second floor, and his understanding of them was deeper than those on the first floor.

So this time he walked very calmly.

Step forward, step aside, let the flying door panel pass, and then move your hand to the side at a 45-degree position.

The first bald man fell down.

Continue to move forward, cut directly in front of the Muay Thai fighter, block with the knife in one hand, and stab with the knife in the other hand.

Two people fell in front of him, one was a Muay Thai fighter and the other was also a Muay Thai fighter.

Move forward again, ignoring Xiaoben's movements and nonsense, and stab directly in front of you.

A knife with the left hand, a knife with the right hand, a knee to the egg, breaking the dog's legs, disembowelling, and finally, a free beheading.

There is no way, facing a small book, I can't stop feeling like making a heavy move.

From behind, a dozen armed killers rushed out and collided head-on with Su Ye.

But Su Ye seemed to always know their attack intentions in advance, pulling and moving to the extreme, dodging in various ways, making the movements as thrilling as possible, exciting as exciting as possible.

But when Su Ye passed through the crowd like a butterfly piercing flowers, a dozen people behind him had already clutched their throats or chests and fell to the ground.

Compared with the gunners on the first floor, the melee combat on this floor is actually simpler to operate.

After all, bullets don't have eyes, but swords are better.

When we came to the stairs, the rising sound sounded again.

【Ding!Found the save point, do you want to save it? 】

[After saving, the next time you enter the dream world, you can enter directly from the save point, and the save can be overwritten. 】

After choosing to save, Su Ye continued to go downstairs.

After working continuously for nearly 30 hours, the physical fatigue will be cleared every time he comes back, and Su Ye's spirit is also very high, and he can continue.

At the end of the stairs, there was a door. Su Ye opened the door and found that he was outside the building.

Outside the door is a huge square, larger than a football field. There are some not-so-high buildings nearby, making it feel very empty.

In the square, there were countless people walking around.

Tour guides, tourists, office workers, security guards, etc., there are all kinds of people, no less than hundreds of people.

In the middle of the square, there is a road paved with red tiles, about three meters wide, extending directly to the opposite side of the square.

At the end of the red brick road outside the square, a black car was parked. Inside the car window, a woman stretched out her hand and waved to Su Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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