This dream is interesting

Chapter 36 Extraordinary is not born

Chapter 36 Extraordinary is not born

"Chloe, please tell the elders again what happened at that time in every detail!"

As the only survivor of the Ah Shan incident, Chloe has been questioned countless times from yesterday to now, and everyone asked her to recall what happened at that time.

For Chloe, it was a nightmare that she didn't want to remember.

Every time she recalled it, it felt like she was experiencing the nightmare again, each time tearing her wounds open and adding a layer of salt on top.

She felt that her wound had been torn hundreds of times. This feeling made her sad and even wanted to die.

However, facing the elder's inquiry, she could only choose to open the wound with her own hands again.

Elders are the most powerful people in the organization, second only to the leader. There are not many in number, and each of them can decide the life or death of an organization member with just one word.

"I pretended to meet him at the bar, and then we went to the hotel together, and then..."

Chloe mechanically recounted her experience, just like the times she had been asked before.

But when she reached the second half of her sentence, the elder opposite suddenly interrupted him.

"You said just now that he attacked and 'assassinate' you from behind, but in our previous inquiry records, you said that he chose the front and 'assassinate' you with a single-handed approach."

"Why, you have contradictory statements. Are you lying? Are you hiding something for that Ah Shan!"

"It's impossible to remember the experience of being assassinated and having your bayonet see red!"

Chloe was stunned by the shout.

"Did I say something different? Oh, I'm sorry. I've been having nightmares last night, including just now. The guy in the dream 'assassinated' me countless times. He used all kinds of tricks. I don't know. I might have changed the dream Confused with reality!”


The elder stopped talking.

Chloe's situation is similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. In her dreams, she repeatedly dreamed of being persecuted, and countless versions were derived, which confused her cognition.

This situation was possible, and there was no way he could insist that Chloe was lying.

But he brought foreign aid today.

A little old man with gold-rimmed glasses, a smart suit, and meticulously combed hair sat next to the elder.

After listening to Chloe's words, the little old man nodded to the elder.

The little old man is extraordinary and can tell whether others are lying or telling the truth. With his endorsement, the elder can safely believe Chloe's words.

Leaving from the elders and on the way back to her room, Chloe looked at the person who led her.

"John, have you found the trace of Ah Shan?"

John is also a young member of the organization, the kind who wants to step on the shoulders of the boss and become famous.

After Ah Shan made a big noise in the square of Brapais, these young members' desire to replace him became even stronger.

They will be very concerned about any issues related to Ah Shan, so it is not wrong to ask them for news.

"No," John shook his head regretfully, and then hummed disdainfully.

"More. I just heard someone say that Ah Shan appeared in the Dragon Kingdom last night, but the specific process is unknown. You know how difficult the intelligence work in the Dragon Kingdom is. It is difficult to get exact first-hand information."

"However, I tend to think that this is a false news. Brapes is more than 1 kilometers away from Longguo. Ah Shan just made a fuss here in the morning. How could he go to Longguo to make big moves at night?"

"People nowadays spread rumors without thinking at all. They dare to say anything. They really don't have any shame!"

John didn't take it seriously, but Chloe did. "Did you go to Dragon Kingdom?"

"The more impossible something is, the more likely it is to be the truth. We call it a miracle!"

"Ah Shan is the one who can create miracles again and again!"

A thought suddenly appeared in Chloe's mind.

She is going to the Dragon Kingdom to visit the place where Ah Shan fought.

After Su Ye returned to school, everything seemed to be back to the way it was before. The news of the smoke explosion in the classroom that night was suppressed and no one discussed it, and the monitor and Lin Mo who had dropped out of school for no reason were gradually forgotten by everyone.

Even the empty bed in Su Ye's dormitory was quickly occupied by students.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Xi. From now on, we will be brothers in the same dormitory. Please take good care of me!"

The man who moved in was the motorcycle man who overturned his car in front of Su Ye that day, Zhang Chi's biological brother.

Su Ye thought that this guy broke his leg that day and would spend a long time in the hospital, but he didn't expect that in less than three days, he would live in his dormitory alive and well.

Sure enough, in the Supervision and Supervision Bureau, broken ribs and legs are not a big problem, right?

It's been three days since I hurt my muscles and bones. At this speed, I took off directly. 6.

Zhang Ye not only became Su Ye's roommate, but also an action team member sent by the Supervision Bureau to contact him.

Only then did Su Ye realize that this idiot was also a supernatural being, with the ability to increase strength, just like Director Wang Hu, but only at the first level.

After studying in the evening, Su Ye originally planned to go back to sleep.

The time left between him and Chloe in the dream world was getting shorter and shorter, and he didn't want to waste a second.

But Zhang La took Su Ye and walked along the dark path of the school, saying that he wanted to familiarize himself with the environment and see if there was anything unusual.

"Lao Su, from now on we will not only be colleagues, but also classmates. We will have a good relationship. Although you are just a mortal, but with the relationship between me and my sister, your future will be more than just this!"

"By the way, I'll tell you a top secret. Just remember it yourself and don't tell anyone else!"

Zhang Ye looked around mysteriously, then leaned into Su Ye's ear and whispered.

"Not all extraordinary people are born. Joining the Super Supervision Bureau means you have the opportunity to become extraordinary, so you have to perform well. Only then can you seize the opportunity when it comes."

"That's all I can say, the rest is up to you, do you understand?"

"Are you not born extraordinary?"

This is news that every civil servant in the Supervision Bureau cannot ignore.

Although becoming a combatant requires going out in the field, fighting, and possibly making sacrifices, after being exposed to the extraordinary world, who would be willing to remain mediocre.

However, the materials and technology for this extraordinary reagent are several times scarcer than energy-locking equipment, so the quantity of the reagent is pitifully small, and the conditions for obtaining it are also very demanding.

"Yes! To tell you the truth, I am an acquired extraordinary. Although the reagents are expensive, who made my sister the squad leader? With the merits she has accumulated, it is not a piece of cake to redeem a reagent for me."

"But you don't have to be discouraged, as long as you work hard, there will be that day sooner or later!"

Zhang Ye didn't say this casually, nor was he really out of his mind. His meaning was actually very simple.

My sister is the team leader, and she can get rare and high-end extraordinary reagents, and she has really thick legs.

You, a young newcomer with no background, why don’t you kneel down and call me big brother!
(End of this chapter)

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