This dream is interesting

Chapter 39: Highest alert, the whole army attacks!

Chapter 39: Highest alert, the whole army attacks!

Zhang Chi's office door was kicked open, and she didn't even want to waste time opening the door.

"Notice down, highest alert! Anyone in the Operations Department who can breathe must go to the No. [-] apron to gather immediately, notify the Technical Department to bring shadow energy equipment, and board the plane as quickly as possible!"

The underground base suddenly became busy.

According to the regulations of the Supervision Bureau, once the highest alert is issued, the entire base will enter the highest combat readiness state. All base personnel will enter the state of combat readiness. On-duty personnel will perform their duties, and those who are out will cancel their vacation and return to combat order.

All personnel in the operations office, including civilian personnel without extraordinary abilities, all picked up their equipment and ran towards the No. [-] apron.

But Zhang Chi took the elevator directly to the eighteenth floor underground and entered Russell's detention room.

"Captain Zhang, don't waste your efforts. I won't say..."

Before Russell could finish his sentence, Zhang Chi stepped forward, grabbed his collar with one hand, made a fist with the other hand, and hit him hard on the bridge of the nose.

As a superpower, Zhang Chi's physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people. Even if he is an element control type, one punch can weigh hundreds of kilograms.

With the continuous bombardment of fists, everything from the bridge of Russell's nose to the eye sockets to the entire skull was severely deformed by her hammer.

By the time Zhang Chi let go, Russell's facial features were basically unrecognizable.

When Lu Zhishen attacked Guanxi, he didn't hit him so hard.

After finishing the hammering, Zhang Chi turned around and left without saying a word.

Behind him, Russell was also a superpower, and one level higher than Zhang Chi. His face was beaten to a bloody pulp and was disfigured, but he suddenly laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! Seeing how angry you are, our plan must have succeeded. Hahaha, idiots from the Supervision Bureau, welcome the arrival of [Shadow] together with your Blue Star!"

The word 'ying' in Yinglin's name is the [shadow] in Bai Da and Zhang Chi's mouth.

Soon, the roar of J-200A could be heard on the No. [-] tarmac.

From Wang Hu down to the Operations Office, 200 teams with more than [-] people were mobilized and flew towards the depths of Taicheng Mountain.

As for those who were out in the field, except for those who performed special tasks, all others were called back to the team and would take the next plane to the depths of Taicheng Mountain.

On the campus of National Taiwan University, the engine of the black motorcycle was roaring. Su Ye was sitting behind Zhang Shu, and suddenly felt that something was different.

The last time he saw this heavy motorcycle running on campus, he kicked it over with a rock because he was unhappy.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, he would sit on this motorcycle and roar around the campus.

"Lao Zhang, slow down!"

Su Ye couldn't help but remind him behind Zhang La.

Zhang Ca's speed never slowed down and he never looked back.

"Don't worry, my license plate is registered with the police and there will be no points deducted!"

Su Ye suddenly had a black line on his forehead.

Am I telling you about points deductions on your driver’s license?I said safe!If you ride like this, the two of us will die in an ugly way!
"This is campus! Safety first!"

"I know, but the bureau has issued the highest alert order. We must rush back as quickly as possible. This is a military order! It is more important than safety!"


Well, Su Ye chose to shut up.

The car is in the opponent's hands, and he can't stop the car unless he strangles Zhang Shu.A normal drive would take more than half an hour, but it took Zhang Chi less than 10 minutes to reach the superintendence bureau station. After entering, he rushed to the apron without losing speed.

On the tarmac, the J-200A has completed a delivery mission and is waiting for the second batch of inspectors to arrive.

Next to him, a heavily armed inspector saw the two coming, and quickly handed over a backpack and a black assault rifle. Zhang Ye also had a black long sword.

Then he urged the two of them to register without any further ado.

The tense atmosphere made Su Ye couldn't help but become nervous. He even had a sense of mission to carry a gun and go to the battlefield to fight against Japanese devils, foreign devils and alien devils to protect his family and country.

After getting on the plane and sitting down, the tense atmosphere finally eased a little.

Zhang Ye pointed to the assault rifle and backpack in Su Ye's hand and explained.

"TJB-191, the latest assault rifle independently developed by our country, looks cool. Have you never seen it?"

"This bag also contains TJB-193 pistols and various types of grenades, which are equipped for ordinary inspectors and first-level extraordinary people like us."

"You guys don't have much combat effectiveness. We have just started to use extraordinary weapons. The combat effectiveness of cold weapons is not as good as hot weapons, so firearms are a necessity."

As he said that, he took out the long sword again, which looked like the Eight-faced Han Sword.

"This, the standard Longquan Sword, is the weapon I need to be familiar with and use in the future. When my extraordinary power reaches a high level, I can swing the sword and slash the nineteen continents with one sword. That will be called a powerful and domineering one!"

"In the future, you will also have the opportunity to use this."

After showing off the long sword, Zhang Ye pointed at the assault rifle in Su Ye's hand and continued.

"The use of this rifle is also very simple. It doesn't matter if you haven't practiced it before. I'll introduce it to you. You can learn it if you have hands..."

Su Ye is a strong man with [Marksmanship (Advanced)]. Although he has never used this new assault rifle TJB-191 before, it is almost not difficult to get started.

The pistols and tactical daggers in the backpack are also things he has played with. If the timing is not right, he can show off his face.

"By the way, do you know what we are going to do?"

Looking at the busy inspectors, Su Ye frowned and asked.

Zhang Ye shook his head.

"I asked Brother Wang just now. He didn't know about the one who distributed the equipment. Anyway, it's not a good thing. You should have a good rest first. When we get there, we may not have time to rest."

Su Ye looked around. Perhaps because he had to wait for the people coming from behind, the plane was not in a hurry to take off, and everyone on the plane was closing their eyes to rest and recharge their batteries.

Seeing this, Su Ye simply closed his eyes.

Since Zhang Ye couldn't ask, he would just figure it out on his own.

If it involves something related to yourself, new characters or events may appear in the dream space.

After entering the dream world, just as Su Ye thought, prompts rang in his ears and new writing appeared on the light screen.

【Ding!The system triggers a temporary dream character experience, and the host can use the semi-dream mode to enter the dream world experience. 】

[Currently available characters: Ah Shan, Ah Shui (0:0:59:59)]

It is another temporary experience character that only lasts for one hour, but the difference from before is that this time the character directly designated Ah Shui instead of '? ? ? '.

This saves Su Ye time to pinch people.

(End of this chapter)

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