This dream is interesting

Chapter 41 Shadow Realm

Chapter 41 Shadow Realm
At this moment, Su Ye suddenly collapsed.

If it was the first time he entered the dream world, he wouldn't feel much. At that time, he thought that the dream experience was all fake.

Since it is fake, anything is possible.

But now, he knows that the dream world is a projection of the real world, and his experiences will appear in the real world after being archived.

Then if such a scene appears before us, doesn't it mean...

Is there really such a rabbit that can talk and do kung fu in the real world?
Combined with the previous story, Ah Shui's plot became his subsequent experience. In other words, he will also encounter this rabbit in the future?
What's more, the reason why the Supervision Bureau went into the mountain in such a hurry and fully armed was because of this rabbit, right?

Judging from the appearance of the entire Super Management Bureau, it is very likely that this rabbit is even more powerful than it currently appears.

It is said that the fourth-level director and more than a dozen third-level squad leaders were all dispatched, so it is very possible that this rabbit is stronger than the fourth-level director?
With the techniques currently mastered by Su Ye, his combat effectiveness is at the level of transition from first-level transcendence to second-level transcendence.

What could he do that even a fourth-level super might not be able to handle?

I guess I can't beat him, so why don't we just... run away?
Run away!

Su Ye cursed secretly, he couldn't die anyway, let's try this rabbit with strength exceeding level [-] to see what he was capable of.

Thinking of this, Su Ye simply threw away the dogleg saber in his hand and replaced it with the Abandoned Lin short saber, and then activated his inner strength, a heat flow instantly started from the dantian, and continued to spread towards the whole body.

"Crack Kacha!"

The rabbit stood on the stone, eating the leopard's head with its mouth bulging, and didn't take Su Ye seriously at all.

"I advise you not to waste your efforts. Your abilities are not enough in front of me. Save your energy and run away, otherwise you will have no chance."

"But even if you want to run away, you can't. You have to pay the price for the sneak attack on me just now!"

The rabbit said while eating, his face was full of disdain.

However, Su Ye snorted softly, used Qing Kung Fu and moved his feet. His body suddenly rushed towards the rabbit like the wind.

"You're really not proud of yourself... huh?"

Rabbit's disdainful expression suddenly paused, and he looked at Su Ye who rushed over with some surprise.

"How can you be so fast? You...are not human?"

Qilin's short sword belt cut through the air and wiped it towards the rabbit's neck. It was very fast and made a sound of breaking the air.

But the rabbit raised its front paws and blocked the blade directly.

There was a sound of metal colliding, and Su Ye's Qilin dagger felt strong resistance, but he did not give up. He directly increased the output and pressed the knife fiercely.

One of the rabbit's black paws flew up, and from the broken part of the front leg, wisps of black smoke slowly spread outward.

" actually hurt me?"

The rabbit looked at the fracture of his front leg in shock, his scarlet eyes almost popping out of his head.

"You have no energy at all, and you cut off one of my hands with your ungraded strength?"

"What kind of monster are you, and what kind of knife is that knife in your hand?"

Su Ye curled his lips.

"You are the monster, okay? A rabbit that eats snakes, leopards and tigers dares to call others monsters, what a joke!"

Before taking action, Su Ye still had some doubts. After all, the speed and strength the rabbit showed just now were beyond his expectations.And according to speculation, this rabbit has the strength to crush level four extraordinary beings. He is probably going up to deliver food.

But he didn't expect that he succeeded with one blow and cut off one of the opponent's claws.

Is this really... the monster will die when it is killed?
After a successful attack, Su Ye couldn't tolerate the black rabbit anymore, and took advantage of its surprise to attack again.

Seeing Su Ye rushing towards him again, Black Rabbit was also angry.

"You were lucky enough to hurt me once, and you still feel good about it?"

Black Rabbit suddenly opened his mouth, his chest surged like a housewife, took a deep breath, and then fiercely exhaled a large cloud of black mist forward.

The fog spread instantly, covering an entire area the size of a football field, and Su Ye was directly covered in it.

"Hmph! If you entered my Shadow Realm, just wait for your death obediently, trash!"

The figure of the black rabbit disappeared directly into the black mist. The black figure completely merged with the black mist. With the help of the black mist, the sound spread in all directions, making it difficult to determine its location simply by relying on the sound. position.

Su Ye stopped charging, held the knife in one hand, and looked around cautiously.

This black mist gave people a strong feeling of depression and discomfort, and his energy and blood were surging. He used his internal energy to suppress it, and finally calmed down.

But the black rabbit was like a fish in water, moving freely in the black mist, and the driver launched a counterattack against Su Ye.

Su Ye's back was directly concentrated, and he fell forward involuntarily.

Su Ye rolled over and swung the Qilin dagger back, interrupting Black Rabbit's follow-up attack. However, his back was also in burning pain, and his bones seemed to be broken.

"Huh? You can actually launch a counterattack?"

Black Rabbit's confused voice sounded in the black mist.

"You obviously don't have any energy fluctuations in your body, but you can exert powerful attack capabilities. Moreover, you are not affected by my shadow domain, and your strength has not changed at all. What kind of monster are you!"

In the first half of the sentence, Su Ye understood that Luo Su didn't feel the existence of internal strength before, and A Shui who saw Su Ye thought he was an ordinary person.

But what does the second half of the sentence mean?
Could this shadow realm not only affect people's vision and perception, but also suppress people's strength?

Thinking of the energy-locking formation that Russell led, Su Ye probably guessed what was going on.

"This shadow domain can suppress extraordinary strength, right? It's a pity that you met me. The biggest effect of this thing is, what the hell!"

After Su Ye finished speaking, he simply closed his eyes.

Since you can't see it, then don't look at it. The internal strength runs to the ears and skin, and you can perceive all the sounds in the black mist with your heart, and feel any slight change in the black mist.

Su Ye guessed right, Shadow Domain's greatest ability is to suppress extraordinary abilities like the energy-locking array.

So for Chaofan, this black rabbit who can release the shadow domain is their natural enemy.

Even if Black Rabbit's physical combat power is only level one to level two, he can still completely defeat Wang Hu, who is level four in the Shadow Realm.

But internal strength, an ability that does not belong to the extraordinary system, is not suppressed at all.

Therefore, the moment Su Ye closed his eyes and started serious about his inner luck, Black Rabbit's ending was already doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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