This dream is interesting

Chapter 50 Kill drop: [Shadow Bead]

Chapter 50 Kill drop: [Shadow Bead]

Without any accident, Black Dog and Black Cat decisively destroyed their lives, and Su Ye chopped off their heads with two random swords.

The black mist also slowly disappeared with the death of the two [Shadows], and finally returned to nothingness.

"This...seems a bit simple."

Su Ye curled his lips, a little surprised that he had been preparing for a long time and the result was like this.

But think about it.

[Shadow] Judging from the current situation, the biggest reliance is that the black mist can weaken extraordinary abilities and turn them into ordinary people, but they themselves remain unchanged and use their extraordinary bodies and abilities to harvest human heads wantonly.

But this ability was directly abolished on Su Ye's side.

Inner Qi, an ability that is not of the same system, directly and unreasonably ignores the weakening ability of Black Mist, making him an alien that cannot be weakened.

However, I don’t know whether it was because the realm gate had not been fully opened or for some other reason. The [Shadow] that appeared was not of a high level, and was directly crushed by Su Ye.

After killing two [Shadows], Su Ye stood up directly, used Qing Kung Fu to jump to the highest point of the tree crown, and looked around.

The death of the two [Shadows] did not trigger a clearance prompt, so there should be something else to this dream experience.

As Su Ye observed, he soon discovered that there were several similar groups of black mist appearing around him.

But it was a bit far away and not in the same direction as where he was, so he didn't notice it last time.

Su Ye didn't pause and rushed towards the nearest black mist.

Quickly solving the [Shadow] in the black fog can not only gain achievement points, but it is also the only way to clear the dream world. The less time it takes, the higher the evaluation.

Too much time was wasted the previous time, so this time Su Ye just did a speed pass, and didn't care about what happened to scare the snake, and just went all the way.

There are 4 groups of black mist in the distance. They are not close to each other, so you need to plan the route a little bit.

Su Ye knew everything well before rushing out, and quickly planned the most reasonable route, rushing all the way, almost without any pause.

Five minutes later, Su Ye stopped on a tree crown more than ten kilometers away.

The Abandoned Lin dagger in his hand flicked lightly to disperse the black mucus stained on it, turning it into mist and dissipating.

A prompt to clear the level rang in his ears, but Su Ye was looking down at a bead in his other hand.

This was obtained from the last [Shadow] just now.

The last [Shadow] was different from the others. It was a larger black panther with stronger abilities. Su Ye almost overturned the car.

Fortunately, he has rich combat experience and is used to seeing life and death, so he is not afraid of life and death. In the end, he turns defeat into victory and kills the opponent with a sword.

After killing the other party, Su Ye found this black bead on the other party.

After looking carefully, the system actually gave an item description.

[Shadow Pearl (level 1): It is condensed from the essence of the shadow body. After taking it, you can improve your cultivation level, but the strength attribute will be invaded by the shadow. If you take too much, there will be a risk of shadow transformation! 】

[You can consume 1000 achievement points to eliminate its negative effects. Do you want to eliminate them? 】

Shadow Transformation was not a good thing at first sight. Su Ye didn't even think about it and directly chose to eliminate the negative effects.

Anyway, the achievement points he has are enough.

【Ding!Eliminate negative effects! 】

[Shadow Pearl (Level 1): After taking it, you can improve your cultivation level without any side effects. (Can be stored in system space)]

The side effect disappeared and a new suffix appeared after it.

It can be stored in the system space, which means that this thing can be brought out of this dream world to experience the world, and directly administered to Su Ye's body.


Su Ye couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. "I actually found an item that can be taken out of the dream world. Is this really a dungeon? Can I still pick it up and drop it after killing it?"

After complaining, Su Ye happily put the beads into the system space.

It is unwise to administer such treasures to experience characters.

When you experience a character becoming stronger, you only become stronger in your own dream, and it has no impact on the real body.

Once the main body becomes stronger, all the dream characters will also become stronger. This is the most scientific and effective way to improve.

After discovering that there was something missing, Su Ye's heart became wild involuntarily.

There should be more than just these [Shadows] in Taicheng Mountain now. If they are all killed, I don’t know how many of these [Shadow Beads] will be exploded.

and also……

Su Ye suddenly thought of something.

This dream world can be experienced repeatedly!

Therefore, if I exit the dream world now and come back after refreshing, can I refresh the Black Panther again?

As for [Shadow Bead], I don’t know if it will only drop after the first kill, or if it will also drop afterward.

Su Ye made a prompt decision and exited the dream world, then chose to re-enter.

After that, he followed the route according to his memory and started to charge directly.

Five minutes later, Su Ye slashed the Black Panther's belly with a knife, cutting the opponent in half.

Later, Su Ye looked excited and found a new [Shadow Bead] in the panther's cut open belly.

Including the black cat and the black dog, there are a total of five black mists. Except for the black panther, the others are two [Shadows] acting together.

Every time a [Shadow] dies, it will provide Su Ye with 100 achievement points.

Black Panther is 500 points.

After eliminating the negative effects of [Shadow Beads], you can earn 400 more achievement points. This transaction is definitely not a loss.

Level 1 [Shadow Bead] does not know how the improvement effect will be, it needs Su Ye to go back to the real world to take it to know.

However, the effect of something that can be purified with 1000 achievement points will definitely not be worse than that of something redeemed with 1000 achievement points.

Maybe he can reach the level of 10000 points of elementary skills.

If that's the case, that's cool.

As long as 10 pieces are needed, a basic skill can be upgraded to an intermediate level, and 100 pieces can be used to upgrade an advanced skill.

With the advanced skills, Su Ye is a master who can reach the normal level three and the explosive level four.

By that time, even without the locking formation and black mist, he would be able to defeat Zhang Chi.

"Well, let's set a small goal first, get 100 [Shadow Beads], gain the ability to crush Zhang Chi, hang her up and stab her!"

Afterwards, it’s the boring and tedious time of spawning monsters.

At first, each session lasted about five minutes. As he became more proficient, Su Ye's speed became faster and faster.

One game every 4 minutes, one game every 3 minutes.

In the end, he didn't even need 2 minutes to finish a game.

The 100 [Shadow Beads] were successfully obtained, and more than two hours of dream experience time passed.

After Su Ye received all the [Shadow Beads] in the system space, it was time to settle things.

(End of this chapter)

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