Global Waste King

Chapter 344 Have a drink before leaving

Chapter 344 Have a drink before leaving

After sending Liu Wenkai to the hospital, after all the arrangements were made, it was almost evening, so he went straight back to the villa in the suburbs without thinking too much.

Several women are waiting for him!

Are you going to meet Li Yueqing, or Fang Shurong, or the beautiful squad leader tonight?

Hey, I have a headache!
Of course, it's best to go together so you don't have to make a choice.


After returning home, I searched for a while, but couldn't see anyone.

At first, I thought they had not come back, but suddenly I heard a cry of "touch yourself".This... is the voice of my sister-in-law?
Was it coming from the chess and card room?
When I walked in, as expected, I saw four women sitting around a mahjong table.The sister-in-law named Zimo looked excited, stretched out her hands and shouted: "Give me money, give me money quickly, three hundred for each person!"

Look, be as excited as you want.After a while, have you learned how to play mahjong?
Counting the money, when she saw him, Gao Yan didn't even raise her head and said, "Zhongnan, we've already eaten out. If you want to eat, make it yourself!"

Li Zhongnan snorted and asked with a smile: "Sister-in-law, what are you doing? Are you not tired after shopping all day?"

"Yueqing, it's your turn, touch it here."

"In red!"


Several women ignored him and focused on playing cards.

Seeing this, Li Zhongnan felt helpless. He hesitated, moved a chair and sat next to Gao Yan. He leaned over and said, "Sister-in-law, let me touch a few for you and win all their money."

Mei smiled and stretched out a hand to touch the cards.

Gao Yan became impatient for a while and shouted: "Go, go, hurry up and don't disturb us." She stood up and pushed him out, and then slammed the door again with a bang.

Yes, you can eat by yourself.

I cooked a meal by myself, and after I finished eating, I took out my mobile phone and chatted with Zhao Yi on WeChat.Say goodnight to her, it's past eleven o'clock, but the door of the chess and card room has not been opened once.

I'm really speechless, what's so good about mahjong?I really don't understand what they are thinking!

Feeling helpless, he returned to his bedroom and went to bed.When I woke up, it was already past seven in the morning. I got dressed and walked out, went to the chess and card room and opened the door to take a look.

Yes, a few women are still playing mahjong.

Another moment of silence.

After washing, I cooked seafood porridge and planned to eat it alone.

At this time, Gao Yan led them and suddenly walked out. They all shouted "It smells so good", "I'm so hungry", "I want to eat three bowls" and so on. They followed them to the dining table and sat down.Everyone ignored him, and within a few minutes, he finished the pot of porridge.

I couldn't help but be stunned for a while. Did they calculate the time?
If you don’t bring something like this, he hasn’t even eaten a bite!
After eating, several women stretched their bodies. They all cried out that they were exhausted and sleepy, and then walked into a room hand in hand.

This is?

Want to sleep together?

Four people sleeping in one bed?

Is this the case? Li Zhongnan felt depressed again.It was originally planned to sneak into Fang Shurong's room first.As for Li Yueqing, let her rest more and talk about it in the evening.

Just, now?
With his fat courage, he would dare to sneak in no matter how many times they were together.However, with Mrs. Gao Yan inside, there is no need to consider this.

After going out, I visited the mobile phone store again and asked about the specific business and financial situation.Then I learned that during Han Xue's absence, the mobile phone store barely made much money.

There was another sigh, the beautiful monitor is just capable.

I have more expectations for this. She will return to him in the next year. By then, if a mobile phone brand is launched and she will be in charge, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

At noon, I had a meal with a group of employees and encouraged them.Then, after thinking about it for a while, he drove to the hospital again if he had nothing to do, intending to visit Liu Wenkai.

However, when they arrived at the end of the field, they learned that he was no longer there.

In the ward, Jiang Shikai and Duan Changle were waiting anxiously.Seeing his arrival, Jiang Shikai immediately explained: "Mr. Li, it's him who has to go through the discharge procedures. It's none of my business."

Li Zhongnan glanced at him and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's like this. After you left, he asked the doctor how much it would cost to treat his injuries. Then, the doctor told him that it would cost at least 2 yuan, so he asked me for [-] yuan, and then left. ”

Jiang Shikai explained.

Li Zhongnan glanced at him again when he heard the words, and asked, "Twenty thousand?"

Although Liu Wenkai's injury was not fatal, the trauma was very serious. How could he just give away 2 yuan?

Jiang Shikai was frightened when he saw this, and cried: "He insisted on only having this much. I gave him 20, but he didn't even want it. Mr. Li, it's really none of my business."

"Better so."

Li Zhongnan snorted coldly, turned around and walked out.

After leaving the hospital entrance, I had just arrived in front of the car and before I opened the door, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Zhongnan, wait a minute."

Looking back, I saw it was Duan Changle.The woman smiled slightly at him and asked, "My classmates have graduated and are planning to get together before or after the new year. Will you go to Zhongnan?"

This smile and this tone are just like those of good old friends?
This person named Duan and him have been rivals for ten years, but now she looks like she has never been enemies with the two of them.His surname is Li. Looking at and listening to it, he feels very awkward, but how can she be so open-minded?
He underestimated her!

"talk later!"

Li Zhongnan replied calmly, opened the car door and got in.

There were quite a few high school classmates who had good relationships with him in the past.If I want to get together, have a drink, brag, and pick up girls, I really want to go.However, he couldn't help but think of Fatty Yuan and became hesitant.

Now, all the students have just graduated, each earning a salary of several thousand yuan a month, or working as a small civil servant. If they knew about Li Zhongnan's achievements, would everyone still be able to get along happily?


I got in the car, went to the farmer's market, bought some fruit, and went straight to Liu Wenkai's home.

In a remote neighborhood in the urban area, a very old house.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel admiration again.It is conceivable that the young man named Liu was not in a good financial situation, but he was able to refuse Jiang Shikai's 20 yuan compensation and only took the [-] yuan he deserved.

It’s so valuable!If you can, give him a hand. When you help him, you are also helping Li Zhongnan.In this age where funds are used to judge heroes and achievements, as long as you can afford the money, you can find any kind of talent.

However, people like Liu Wenkai are rare!

He came to a door on the third floor and knocked on the door.After two or three minutes, the door opened. When I looked inside, I was suddenly stunned.Standing in front of him was a beautiful young woman in her early thirties.

Liu Zhen!

Li Zhongnan was shocked and asked: "Sister Zhen, why is it you?"

Liu Zhen was stunned when she saw him and asked: "Boss, why are you here?"

"I'm here to see Liu Wenkai."

Li Zhongnan smiled awkwardly and said, "Maybe I got the wrong door." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.In fact, he wanted to go in and sit for a while, but he was worried that her husband would be at home, so this would be a bit bad.

"That's right, Wen Kai is at home."

Liu Zhen smiled at him, then pulled him again and said, "Mr. Li, come in quickly."


Li Zhongnan followed her in.

Then, after taking a closer look, I couldn't help but feel doubtful again.This is a two-bedroom apartment with old decoration and furniture.In a second- and third-tier city like Nangang, with a monthly salary of [-] yuan, you live in such an environment?
Moreover, both of them have the surname Liu, so they should be siblings?

It’s so inconvenient to live together!
Liu Zhen took the fruit from his hand, took him to the door of a bedroom, and said, "Wen Kai is inside. If you have anything to say, Mr. Li, just go in and tell him."

"it is good!"

Li Zhongnan responded and walked in.

Liu Zhen closed the door. Although she didn't know why he came to Liu Wenkai, she knew it and didn't interfere.

In fact, he had nothing to do. He just came to see Liu Wenkai and ask Jiang Shikai if what he said was true.Seeing him, Liu Wenkai immediately sat up and said excitedly: "Mr. Li, you are here."

How could you not be excited that such a big boss came to see him in person?

"Xiao Liu, lie down quickly."

Li Zhongnan walked over quickly, pressed his shoulders, and asked him to lie down again.

Next, I asked him about his injury and felt relieved when he learned that it was not a big problem.Then, after confirming again, what Jiang Shikai said was true.

Finally, after hesitating for a moment, he asked: "Wen Kai, how long have you been married to Sister Zhen?"

Liu Wenkai was embarrassed when he heard this and said: "Mr. Li, she is my sister."

Li Zhongnan snorted and continued to ask casually, "Where is your brother-in-law? Why haven't you seen him?"

"He's just a bastard!"

Liu Wenkai's face suddenly darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said: "More than half a year ago, my sister gave birth to a boy. However, the child became seriously ill as soon as he was born. It took a period of treatment and a lot of money, but his life was finally saved. But , but owed more than 100 million. To make matters worse, the man secretly sold the house and disappeared alone."

"In the end, my sister can only come and live with me!"

Finally, Liu Wenkai gritted his teeth and said, "Don't let me find him, or I will cut him to pieces."

"You scum deserve to be killed!"

Li Zhongnan cursed.

His surname is Li, no matter how scumbag he is, he is just a little bit slutty.

However, faced with such a huge debt, he secretly sold the house, abandoned his wife and son, took the money and ran away alone, leaving them orphaned and widowed without a final place to stay.

Such a thing is definitely impossible!

There are probably not many people in this world who are so irresponsible, so ruthless and unjust.

Of course, he also scolded that he couldn't control so much.After all, this is not his business, Liu Zhen is just an employee of his, and it is within his power to increase her salary.

As for helping her pay off her debt, it is impossible.

He comforted Liu Wenkai a few words, told him to take good care of his injuries, and promised to arrange a better job for him after the year.

Then, walked out.

I didn't see Liu Zhen in the hall, so I looked at her bedroom again, and saw her holding a baby with her back to him.

It seems like you are feeding a child?

Then, she quickly turned her eyes away. Fortunately, her back was to him, otherwise she would have been extremely embarrassed.

He hesitated for a moment and turned around to leave without telling her.However, Liu Zhen heard the noise, put down the child in her hands, pulled down her clothes, walked out and called: "Zhongnan, can you have a meal before leaving?"

Li Zhongnan turned around and said, "No need."

Liu Zhen smiled charmingly at him and said, "Why don't you drink a cup of hot tea first to warm yourself up in the winter?" After saying that, before he could agree, she walked to a tea table on the sofa in the hall and took some After taking off the tea set, I started washing it.

"Okay, I'll try Sister Zhen's craftsmanship." Li Zhongnan saw that it was not easy to shirk anymore, so he could only go back and sit on the sofa to wait.I'm looking forward to having tea with a beautiful woman.

However, Liu Zhen washed the tea set, boiled water, opened the teapot, and found that there was no tea left.

After a moment of embarrassment, the beautiful young woman could only force a smile and said: "Zhongnan, sit down for a while, I'll go down and buy it."

Li Zhongnan stood up and said, "No need, Sister Zhen, look after the child."

"How is this possible!"

Liu Zhen hesitated for a moment and asked, "How about you drink a glass of hot milk before leaving?"

Not to mention taking care of her in the company, but now he has saved her brother. I am really grateful to him.However, there was nothing I could do in return. I originally wanted to help him make a bowl of tea.However, after letting him wait for half an hour, he suddenly found that there was no tea left.

Just let him go like this?It’s too much!
Li Zhongnan said: "Okay!"

Milk is milk!

(End of this chapter)

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