Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 1 Entering the game

Chapter 1 Entering the game
Liu Xuanmiao clearly remembered that she was hit by a speeding car. When her body was floating in the air, she thought she was definitely dead this time. But in the blink of an eye, she appeared in a splendid place with twelve Inside the zodiac exhibition hall.

Faced with all this, Liu Xuanmiao was shocked. She didn't know what was going on. If there was no problem with her memory, she should be dead at this time. After all, she was hit by such a fast-moving car. It's impossible to survive a collision. This is really unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Liu Xuanmiao began to doubt whether she was a human or a ghost at this time. Liu Xuanmiao didn't believe it when she said she was a human. But if she said she was a ghost, then why didn't Black and White Wuchang come to pick her up? Could it be that there was a traffic jam on the road? ?
Just when Liu Xuanmiao couldn't figure out what was going on, the door to the exhibition hall, which had always been closed, was pulled open from the outside.

Seeing someone in the exhibition hall, the other person was a little surprised, "Hey, I thought I was the first one, but I didn't expect it! You were earlier than me."

The person who came was a young man in his 1.8s who was about 20 meters tall and looked sunny.

Hearing what the other party said, Liu Xuanmiao asked the other party with some confusion, "Excuse me, where is this place?"

Liu Xuanmiao's words made the other party stunned. After a while, the other party asked uncertainly, "Newcomer?"

Although he didn’t know what the “newcomer” in the other party’s words meant, considering how blinded he was now, Liu Xuanmiao decided to tell the truth, “I don’t know what you mean by the newcomer, but I am the first This is the first time you come here, so you should be considered a newcomer!"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Lin Qing muttered in a low voice in disbelief, "Is the quality of newcomers so high now? When I came to a completely unfamiliar place, I didn't panic at all. It was completely different from me back then! I was so different from others. A comparison, I really didn’t see it at the beginning! It’s really embarrassing when I think about it.”

Seeing the beautiful woman opposite looking at him with confusion, Lin Qing said, "You are now in the zodiac survival game. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lin Qing. Nice to meet you. This is My second zodiac survival game.”

Hearing what the young man opposite said, Liu Xuanmiao hesitated for a moment and then said, "My name is Liu Xuanmiao, this should be my first zodiac survival game."

Speaking of this, Liu Xuanmiao paused and then continued, "Can you tell me more about this zodiac survival game?"

Lin Qing was still happy to meet the beauty's request, but just as he was about to speak, the door was opened again.

A total of five people walked in, including two women and three men. They were very calm about everything in front of them. At a glance, they knew that these five people were veterans of the game.

One of them attracted Liu Xuanmiao's attention as soon as he came in. The reason why he was noticed was because the other person was good-looking. That's right, Liu Xuanmiao was a face controler.

Very few people know about this habit of hers, and basically only those close to her know about her beauty control. People who are not familiar with her will think that she is a arrogant and cool lady.

I have to say that Liu Xuanmiao's face control problem really ruins her character.

After entering, these five people did not talk to Liu Xuanmiao and the others, but stood not far from Liu Xuanmiao and the others.

Although these five people came in together, it can be seen that they should be in two groups, of which two men and two women are in one group, and the remaining good-looking man is in one group.

After understanding the current situation, Liu Xuanmiao wanted to continue asking Lin Qing about this so-called zodiac survival game, but when she turned around, she saw that Lin Qing's expression was wrong.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao wanted to ask, but before she could speak, someone came in crying. Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao swallowed the words that were on her lips.There were a total of five people who came in. The guy standing at the front was a middle-aged man wearing glasses. He was the calmest among the five. Not surprisingly, he should also be a veteran.

As for the other people, except for the crying little girl, the remaining two men and one woman had panic-stricken faces. Through their performance, Liu Xuanmiao had basically figured out who were the veterans and who were the novices. .

"Yinyin, please stop crying. Who can tell me what is going on?"

The person who said this was one of the four newcomers who appeared at the end. He didn't look very old, but maybe it was because he was in puberty that he had a lot of acne on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man wearing glasses who appeared with them said, "Since no other old man has come forward, it will be up to me, an old man, to take over and introduce the rules of the twelve zodiac games to the newcomers. , before introducing the zodiac survival game, let me introduce myself first, my name is Li Dekai, this is my third zodiac survival game."

Having said this, Li Dekai paused for a moment before continuing, "Presumably all the newcomers have experienced various "accidents" before coming here."

Hearing what Li Dekai said, the boy with acne from before immediately said, "How do you know?"

Seeing the boy with acne asking this, Li Dekai glanced at him and said with some pride, "Not only do I know that you have experienced an accident, but I also know that normally, you guys shouldn't be standing here. At this time, You should be the dead ones."

Li Dekai's words shocked the four men and two women who came in later, "How come you even know this?"

Li Dekai was very satisfied with the performance of the four newcomers. He smiled and said, "Because everyone here has experienced the same thing as you. Do you know why we are still alive?"

Hearing Li Dekai ask this question, the girl who just cried and called Yinyin said weakly, "Is it because of this zodiac survival game?"

Seeing what this innocent-looking little girl said, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Smart, it is true. As long as you clear this game, you can live again in real life."

The four newcomers became excited as soon as Li Dekai finished speaking. After all, who wants to die if they can live!

Compared to the excitement of the four people, Liu Xuanmiao was very calm, because she knew that there was no such thing as pie in the sky in this world.

If this game really allows people to come alive in reality, then it must be very difficult to pass.

Facts have proved that Liu Xuanmiao's understanding is very accurate.

Because of what Li Dekai said next, the newcomers felt as if a bottle of cold water had been poured on them, and their whole bodies felt cold.

"Everyone knows the benefits of clearing the game, so I will tell you some basic rules of the Chinese Zodiac game."

 I have opened a new book, I hope everyone can support me, I bow and thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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