Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 108 Real Life (6)

Chapter 108 Real Life ([-])

Liu Xuanmiao was a little surprised by Wang Yilong's words. She thought for a while and then asked, "Since you are the current leader, where have the other previous leaders gone?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Wang Yilong said sadly, "They are all dead."

Liu Xuanmiao was a little shocked by the other party's words, "All dead?"

She thought for a while and then asked, "Is there no one in your organization who has passed the game?"

"You're right, no one has passed the game."

Seeing what Wang Yilong said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while before looking at Li Dekai, "Didn't you say that the senior you met had seen someone clear all the games?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai said, "Yes, but that senior is not from our organization, and didn't I tell you that at the time? I only met him once."

Li Dekai's words made Liu Xuanmiao deep in thought, "Your organization has been in existence for so many years, but there is not even a single player who has cleared the game. If this is really the case, then the game's clearance rate seems to be a bit too low!"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Wang Yilong said, "Well, the clearance rate of this game is indeed very low. Anyway, the most we organized to clear the game was only ten games."

"Then how many games do you need to clear to pass all games?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Wang Yilong shook his head, "I don't know, anyway, according to the information collected so far, you have to clear at least eleven games before you can clear all games. I asked, how are you doing, are you interested in joining our organization?”

Seeing Wang Yilong and Li Dekai both looking at him, Liu Xuanmiao hesitated and then said, "I want to go back and think about it again before writing to you. Do you think that's okay?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao talking, Wang Yilong said briskly, "Of course."

After coming out of Xingchun Tea House, Liu Xuanmiao was not in the mood to go to school to study anymore, so she went directly back home.

After arriving home, Liu Xuanmiao told He Ge the whole story.

"Now that we know Li Dekai's purpose for finding me, how should I get back to him next!"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge on the opposite side immediately replied to her, "If you reject them, just say that you have found a new organization."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao did not ask the reason, but just listened to He Ge and rejected Li Dekai.

To be honest, Liu Xuanmiao was also a little surprised that he would listen to He Ge's words like this.

Li Dekai was a little surprised by Liu Xuanmiao's rejection, "Big sister! Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

Seeing Li Dekai's question, Liu Xuanmiao replied, "I really don't think about it anymore, I forgot to tell you, before you came looking for me, someone else has already looked for me."

Liu Xuanmiao's words surprised Li Dekai, "Someone has been looking for you before me? Who is it? How come you are faster than me."

Li Dekai's words made Liu Xuanmiao smile, "Don't worry about who it is. Anyway, the other party did come to me before you."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai stopped asking further questions.

After taking care of Li Dekai, Liu Xuanmiao went to bed and lay down.

Maybe it was because he didn't sleep well last night, so Liu Xuanmiao fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

When I woke up, it was dark outside.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was also shocked and jumped up from the bed.Not long after I went to turn on the lights in the living room, Ms. Li Mingli came back.

Seeing her daughter at home, Li Mingli quickly asked, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Hearing his mother's question, Liu Xuanmiao smiled and said, "No, I just didn't sleep well last night, so I caught up on my sleep at home in the afternoon."

Seeing that this was the case, Li Mingli was relieved.

The following days were no different from usual. If there was any difference, it would be that Jun Yize would send some notes from time to time to familiarize Liu Xuanmiao.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao thought that the game would come in two months like before, he didn't expect that it had been four months and the game hadn't come yet.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao hurriedly asked He Ge why.

After asking He Ge, Liu Xuanmiao began to know that when he first cleared the game, it was indeed once every two months, but as the number of clearances increased, the time between clearing the game continued to become longer.

With He Ge's words, Liu Xuanmiao had nothing to worry about.

After happily spending the New Year with his mother, Liu Xuanmiao devoted all his energy to studying again.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao thought that she just had to wait for the game to come, Lin Qing, whom she hadn't seen for several months, appeared in front of her again.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was a little surprised, "Do you have a problem with me?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Lin Qing nodded, "Well, can I take a step to talk?"

Seeing what Lin Qing said, Lu Li next to Liu Xuanmiao said with a look, "I'll wait for you over there."

After Lu Li left, Liu Xuanmiao asked Lin Qing, "What do you mean by looking for me?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Lin Qing said, "Not long ago, I got food poisoning. I should have died, but strangely, I miraculously survived. Do you know why?"

Seeing Lin Qing ask this, Liu Xuanmiao hesitated for a moment and then said, "How could I possibly know why? After all, I'm not a god."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Lin Qing smile, "No, you know, I also entered the zodiac survival game, and now I understand why my brother said that his later days were stolen."

Although Liu Xuanmiao was mentally prepared before Lin Qing said it, she was still a little surprised when she learned the exact answer. After a while, she said, "Why did you get into this game?" Well, if something happens to you then, what will your parents do?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Lin Qing smiled wryly and said, "It's too late to say that now, I've already entered, and if you want me to quit, it's basically impossible. If you want I live longer, tell me more about Zodiac survival games!"

After hearing what Lin Qing said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Add us on WeChat! In the evening, I will tell you some things to note in the game."

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao say this, Lin Qing smiled and said, "Thank you."

After sending Lin Qing away, Lu Li, who was pretending to be taking a walk, rushed back immediately, "What's going on! Are you here to confess to you?"

Hearing Lu Li's question, Liu Xuanmiao said angrily, "I'm not that cruel to attack a child so much younger than me. People just come to me and ask me something."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Lu Li was a little disappointed, "Hey, I thought your iron tree was blooming."

(End of this chapter)

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