Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 13 Will wake up hungry

Chapter 13 Will wake up hungry
Hearing what Qian Cheng said, Kang Xueyi smiled and said, "I also think I am very lucky, maybe it is the blessing of my ancestors!"

Seeing what Kang Xueyi said, Qian Cheng murmured in a low voice, "I hope my ancestors can be more supportive. I really don't want to die here! I also want to go home to see my parents."

Hearing what Qian Cheng said, Zhao Yinyin, who was standing with her, comforted her and said, "Yes, we will all be able to go back to see our parents."

Seeing Zhao Yinyin say this, Sun Zhe, who was standing not far from her, sneered.

"What do you mean by laughing like that?"

In response to Zhao Yinyin's question, Sun Zhe said angrily, "Why is it that laughing is not allowed? Which law stipulates that people are not allowed to laugh? Please tell me. Besides, how do you know that I am laughing at you? Unless you yourself feel that what you just said is very retarded."

Hearing what Sun Zhe said, Li Dekai, who had been silent all this time, stood up and said, "Okay, what time has it been? We are still arguing and talking about business. One thing that is clear now is that last night Kang Xueyi and Wang Zixuan were supposed to be together because of He broke a taboo and turned into French fries, but Kang Xueyi escaped because he had the chosen zodiac sign. In other words, Wang Zixuan did not become French fries because he violated a personal taboo, but because he violated a personal taboo. What do you think the taboos of this game are?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, someone immediately said, "After resting at night, you cannot open the door to others at will. Opening the door is a taboo in the game."

Hearing what Zhao Yinyin said, Li Dekai nodded and said, "Well, this taboo is possible. Does anyone else have any other opinions?"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then said, "Snacks that belong to your own room cannot be "distributed" to others. If you do, it will violate the taboo."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai thought for a while and then said, "Can you tell me why you think this is a taboo?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Intuition, my intuition tells me that this is the taboo that Wang Zixuan and Kang Xueyi violated."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Zhao Yinyin said slowly, "Intuition is a mysterious and mysterious thing. How can you be sure that your intuition is right?"

Seeing what the other party said, Liu Xuanmiao glanced at her and then said, "I didn't say that my intuition was right. I just stated my guess."

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said these words, Sun Zhe said, "If you don't believe what they say, then why don't you try it tonight? Then you will naturally know whether what they say is true. Of course, the premise is that you are lucky enough. After all, if you are unlucky, you will end up with the same fate as Wang Zixuan and Jiang Yinghan. Speaking of which, I am really curious about what you will become in the end."

Hearing what Sun Zhe said, Zhao Yinyin was so angry that she wanted to confront him, but was stopped by Kang Xueyi, who was standing not far from her.

Although she didn't know why Kang Xueyi stopped her from confronting Sun Zhe, Zhao Yinyin finally decided to listen to Kang Xueyi and let Sun Zhe go.

"Do you have any other opinions on the taboo that Zixuan violated?"

In response to Li Dekai's inquiry, others present shook their heads subconsciously. Seeing this, Li Dekai continued, "Since everyone has no other ideas about Wang Zixuan's violation of taboos, let's talk about what taboos Jiang Yinghan violated! What taboos do you think he violated?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Sun Zhe thought for a moment and then said, "I still think the taboo he violated was because he stole other people's snacks."

After hearing what Sun Zhe said, Li Dekai thought for a while and then said, "This is possible. What do other people think about this matter?" Seeing Li Dekai looking at everyone present one by one, Lin Qing, who had not spoken a word, Then he said, "I think the taboo Jiang Yinghan violated may be that he ate too much."

Hearing what He Ge said, everyone present was a little surprised. The first person to react was Li Dekai, "Why do you say that?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Lin Qing said, "Everyone present here at midnight last night must have been woken up by hunger without exception. I think that's right!"

Hearing what He Ge said, Zhao Yinyin immediately said, "Yes, it is indeed the case, but there is one thing that puzzles me! It is normal for two people to wake up hungry in the middle of the night, but why are everyone hungry at the same time? Wake up! What is going on!"

Seeing Zhao Yinyin ask this, Sun Zhe said angrily, "You are so confused and you are still thinking about clearing the game. I think you are dreaming. Everyone will wake up hungry in the middle of the night. Of course, it is because everyone did the same thing before going to bed." thing."

Being reminded by Sun Zhe, Zhao Yinyin immediately remembered the strange dinner last night, "Did the food at that dinner cause us all to wake up hungry at the same time?"

Seeing what Zhao Yinyin said, Sun Zhe said mockingly, "Hey, that's good! My IQ is finally online."

Hearing what Sun Zhe said, Zhao Yinyin rolled her eyes at him and then continued, "They knew that we would definitely wake up hungry in the middle of the night, so they put a lot of snacks in the room. If this was the case, then the game would be very taboo. Maybe it’s like what Lin Qing said, you can’t eat too much.”

Seeing that Zhao Yinyin's double standard was so obvious, Liu Xuanmiao didn't want to say anything. Sure enough, it makes sense that the same sex repels and the opposite sex attracts.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao was complaining secretly, he heard Zhao Yinyin continue to say, "If that's the case, wouldn't we be woken up by hunger tonight?"

Seeing what Zhao Yinyin said, Li Dekai said, "It's hard to say yet, but it's best for everyone to be mentally prepared. What taboos did Wang Zixuan and Jiang Yinghan violate? Everyone just expressed their opinions. If you want to prevent yourself from getting into trouble, It’s best for everyone not to do the things I just mentioned tonight. Is there anything else? If not, just disband where you are!”

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Zhao Yinyin asked a little puzzled, "Is this the place where fried chicken nuggets are left?"

Seeing Zhao Yinyin asking this, Li Dekai said, "When the time comes, he will disappear naturally."

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Zhao Yinyin suddenly realized, "It turns out it will disappear automatically!"

"Do you still have any questions? If not, everyone should go find your own zodiac signs, and try to figure out what your zodiac taboos are earlier, so as not to lose your life easily."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, everyone nodded and then went back to their homes to find their mothers.

After coming down from the second floor, Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge did not go back to their rooms, but began to wander around.

It's just a pity that the two searched for a long time but found nothing. Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was very disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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