Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 130 Her Purpose

Chapter 130 Her Purpose
Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao was a little confused.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao thought that the lady was a fool, the lady leaning on the bed finally reacted.

"Here it is!"

Seeing what the other party said, Liu Xuanmiao said in disbelief, "Can you see us?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Madam smiled and said, "Of course it's impossible, but if you've seen this kind of situation too many times, you'll naturally know what's going on."

The other party's words made Liu Xuanmiao suddenly realize.

After locking the door of the yurt, Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge appeared.

"Can you tell us why you have been so young and beautiful for ten years?"

When Liu Xuanmiao asked, the other party did not hide it, but said directly, "Because I made a deal with the evil god."

Seeing that the other party was so direct, Liu Xuanmiao was also very surprised. After the surprise, Liu Xuanmiao asked, "I heard from other people that you sacrificed your eldest son to keep yourself young forever. Is that so?"

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said these words, the other party immediately admitted, "That's right."

"As the saying goes, a tiger's poison will not eat its seeds. Why do you do this?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao looking at her, the ranch owner's wife sneered and said, "Because if I don't sacrifice him, others will sacrifice him. Since they are all sacrificed to the evil god in the end, why not let me My mother is here."

"You said the others were referring to your husband, right?"

Liu Xuanmiao's words made the other party nod, "Yes, it's that thing that's worse than a beast."

"Why did your husband do this?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao ask this, the other party said, "Because for the prosperity of their family, the eldest son of every generation must be sacrificed to the evil god."

The other party's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge. After a while, Liu Xuanmiao said, "You sacrificed your eldest son to the evil god, and your husband sacrificed his eldest son to the evil god. Is there any difference?"

"Normally, there is no such thing, but what if the eldest son is not related by blood to my husband."

Liu Xuanmiao was stunned by the words of the ranch owner's wife. After digesting the news, Liu Xuanmiao asked, "You mean that the father of your child is not your husband?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao ask this, the other party nodded, "Yes, but don't think that it was me, Hongxing, who cheated on her. To be precise, this cuckold was put on his head by my husband himself."

"Why did he do this!"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao looking at her with a puzzled expression, the ranch owner's wife said calmly, "Because he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. He thought he could deceive the evil god in this way, but how could the evil god be deceived so easily? The moment they handed the child over to the evil god, the evil god already knew that the child was not their biological child, so the evil god came to me and asked me if I wanted to make a deal with him. To be honest, I would like to thank the evil god, if it weren't for the evil god. "I may still think that my husband is a good man. It was the evil god who made me see clearly what kind of beast my husband is." "Now that you know the truth of the matter, why didn't you run away? ?”

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, the ranch owner's wife smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think I haven't thought about leaving here? The problem is that those who made a deal with the evil god cannot escape, and can only stay here forever to serve the evil god until The end of life.”

"What happened next?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, the ranch owner's wife continued, "Because my husband broke his oath, the evil god cast a curse. Except for the possibility of having a son with me, all the children he has with me will be daughters. Until he Only by sacrificing the healthy firstborn son of this generation to him will this curse cease.”

"At the beginning, my husband didn't believe in evil. He didn't accept his fate until he had six children with other women who were all daughters. Of course, he kept letting me have children. I don't know if it was because of the evil spirit's anger or not. It’s still the same thing if it doesn’t go away. Anyway, most of the children I gave birth to in the past ten years have been deformed.”

The other party's words made Liu Xuanmiao silent. After a while, she said, "The evil god's curse should be more than just these!"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this question, the other party smiled and said, "You are right, the evil god's curse is indeed not limited to this. At that time, due to the evil god's rage, all the grass in the entire pasture withered overnight. Because there was no food, the livestock Many of them starved to death, and there was no other way. My husband had no choice but to beg the evil god again. In the end, the evil god agreed to restore the ranch to its original state, but he had one requirement, which was that he must sacrifice human beings to the evil god on time every quarter. Now you understand! You people are the sacrifices chosen by my husband to be sacrificed to the evil god."

Liu Xuanmiao was not surprised by this answer. Now she was most curious about what role she played in that dark cloud.

Liu Xuanmiao's words made the ranch owner's wife sneer, "She is the woman who gave birth to six children with my husband, and all six children were daughters. I have to say, she is pathetic! They are all going to die, and her six daughters are not Knowing that she is their biological mother, this may be retribution! Who asked her to help others back then?"

Seeing what the ranch owner's wife said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then said, "Does she know everything that happened back then?"

"Yes, she knows everything that should be known, and she also knows what she doesn't know. In fact, she wanted to give birth to her eldest son before I got married, but because she didn't want her child to be sacrificed, she never gave birth. , but she thought she would give birth to her eldest son after I came, but she didn’t expect that she would give birth to daughters later.”

At this point, the ranch owner's wife paused for a moment before continuing, "She was also the one who made my husband take the initiative to commit cuckoldry back then."

Liu Xuanmiao suddenly understood what the ranch owner's wife said. At this time, she finally understood why Wuyun knew everything but told them that she didn't know. She must be ashamed to say it. After all, what she did back then was too much. It's wicked.

"Wait a minute, there's one thing I still can't figure out. In fact, the dark clouds asked us to come to you today. So what is her purpose in doing this?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this, the ranch owner's wife said coldly, "It should be for her six daughters!"

"For her six daughters? What do you mean? Are her six daughters also in danger?"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, the ranch owner's wife nodded, "Yes, my husband is ready to sacrifice his six daughters."

"Aren't there already sacrifices like ours? Why do you still need to sacrifice your own daughter?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, the ranch owner's wife said, "The purpose of sacrificing you is to ensure that the pasture is abundant, and as for the sacrifice of my daughter, it is to give birth to a healthy son."

(End of this chapter)

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